El Correcto

god is dead
You got an article refuting evolution I’ll read it, but last book suggestion I got in here from someone I disagreed with was a waste of ten bucks. Couldn’t even make it through the first chapter without highlighting everything that was wrong with it.

El Correcto

god is dead
No sillier than goo to you believing but we’ve covered that
It absolutely is. You can take evolution to the edge of our understanding and place you feet demanding more evidence while throwing away the entire thing because it doesn’t prove it all down to the initial spark, or you can grow up and recognize facts are facts even if they don’t have the entire picture.

It’s like looking at half the Mono Lisa and saying you believe it is a goat woman because the other half has horns.


Well-Known Member
You got an article refuting evolution I’ll read it, but last book suggestion I got in here from someone I disagreed with was a waste of ten bucks. Couldn’t even make it through the first chapter without highlighting everything that was wrong with it.
I imagine you’ll have issues with this one to. But it’s not pseudoscience. It’s the exact same data that scientists you agree with. Only getting different conclusions. There is also a Refuting Evolution 2. It’s probably a better read and more to the point.

El Correcto

god is dead
I imagine you’ll have issues with this one to. But it’s not pseudoscience. It’s the exact same data that scientists you agree with. Only getting different conclusions. There is also a Refuting Evolution 2. It’s probably a better read and more to the point.
I’m not reading a 143 pages of junk. Post an article you find compelling I’ll read it. But I’m not spending money because you think the mono Lisa is a goat woman.


Well-Known Member
It absolutely is. You can take evolution to the edge of our understanding and place you feet demanding more evidence while throwing away the entire thing because it doesn’t prove it all down to the initial spark, or you can grow up and recognize facts are facts even if they don’t have the entire picture.
It’s not factual if you can’t prove it. Just like expecting me to believe that humankind came from goo yet can’t show me how it occurred.

El Correcto

god is dead
It’s not factual if you can’t prove it. Just like expecting me to believe that humankind came from goo yet can’t show me how it occurred.
Post an article friend, I’ll hear out your science. But every other professional in the field disagrees with you. I can’t find a single scientific journal proposing anything pushing creationism.

El Correcto

god is dead
It’s not factual if you can’t prove it. Just like expecting me to believe that humankind came from goo yet can’t show me how it occurred.
Like I said you jump to the theoretical side ignoring the factual, then plant your feet demanding evidence for the theoretical and tossing out the factual side along with it. Then you ignorantly place god there saying your feelings tell you it’s the truth.


Well-Known Member
Post an article friend, I’ll hear out your science. But every other professional in the field disagrees with you. I can’t find a single scientific journal proposing anything pushing creationism.

You don’t wanna read it, then don’t. But here’s a scientist. He’s not the only one. Any journal you want wouldn’t be good enough either

El Correcto

god is dead
I mean I’d be thrilled to bits to go to Hell if that meant my family got to go to heaven for their belief in god. I just don’t see any evidence for it and strongly disagree with it.


Well-Known Member
My mind isn’t closed about it at all. I’ve had a long standing challenge for someone to show me where humans come from using evolutionary theory all the way back to said goo. No one has ever been specific. A lot of million year gaps with generic answers.
Can’t even say what that exact common ancestor with monkeys are.
You can say scientists piece the
parts together and give their best guess, but that’s all it is. A guess. And to choose to believe it requires faith

It’s been exhaustively presented, the gaps aren’t as important as is the genetic drift. The connections are all there, and the Theory of Evolution is as rock-solid as the Theory of Gravity.

It’s ok if you don’t want to believe in science, that’s your choice.

If you’re unwilling or unable to do your own research into the research that’s already been done, that’s on you.

Let me ask you a question:

What if what the extensive evidence that has been shown to be true is true, but the explanation is that we’re just now uncovering the details of how God ‘did it’.

Would you buy it then?

God and science don’t need to be incompatible, but you’re railing against something that you don’t fully understand (the Science, with extensive real-world evidence) and throwing your weight behind something that you don’t fully understand (God, evidence comes from a book).


El Correcto

god is dead
It’s been exhaustively presented, the gaps aren’t as important as is the genetic drift. The connections are all there, and the Theory of Evolution is as rock-solid as the Theory of Gravity.

It’s ok if you don’t want to believe in science, that’s your choice.

If you’re unwilling or unable to do your own research into the research that’s already been done, that’s on you.

Let me ask you a question:

What if what the extensive evidence that has been shown to be true is true, but the explanation is that we’re just now uncovering the details of how God ‘did it’.

Would you buy it then?

God and science don’t need to be incompatible, but you’re railing against something that you don’t fully understand (the Science, with extensive real-world evidence) and throwing your weight behind something that you don’t fully understand (God, evidence comes from a book).

It actually isnt incompatible because the Bible sets a timeline and explains how it was done. Their silly book is false and so is their god.
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Well-Known Member
It’s been exhaustively presented, the gaps aren’t as important as is the genetic drift. The connections are all there, and the Theory of Evolution is as rock-solid as the Theory of Gravity.

It’s ok if you don’t want to believe in science, that’s your choice.

If you’re unwilling or unable to do your own research into the research that’s already been done, that’s on you.

Let me ask you a question:

What if what the extensive evidence that has been shown to be true is true, but the explanation is that we’re just now uncovering the details of how God ‘did it’.

Would you buy it then?

God and science don’t need to be incompatible, but you’re railing against something that you don’t fully understand (the Science, with extensive real-world evidence) and throwing your weight behind something that you don’t fully understand (God, evidence comes from a book).

Yes the gaps are important. How can it be rock solid if you can’t prove it? It’s not on me to prove my challenge because I’ve tried and can’t find it. Nor can anyone else because I do want to see the connections from goo to you. Just from one example: humans. You can’t skip millions of years, make another connection and claim it to be fact

El Correcto

god is dead
Yes the gaps are important. How can it be rock solid if you can’t prove it? It’s not on me to prove my challenge because I’ve tried and can’t find it. Nor can anyone else because I do want to see the connections from goo to you. Just from one example: humans. You can’t skip millions of years, make another connection and claim it to be fact
No one is claiming it to be fact, that’s the theoretical side of RNA world. You are the one claiming evolution isn’t fact.

El Correcto

god is dead
Not at all. Evolution itself does occur (read the book lol), just not in the way it’s presented i.e.- goo to you
Yeah no one thinks that’s fact and it’s easy to push pseudoscience in with theoretical or not commonly understood things such as quantum mechanics. That doesn’t mean God is the creator.