El Correcto

god is dead
Not addressing the animal and you know it ( giving you the benefit of doubt) addressing the human engaged in beastiality .. he has feelings and inclinations to do so .. same reasons gave for engaging in homosexual behavior.. if the reasons you give justify homosexual behavior.. the same would hold true for someone engaged in beastiality.. if not, why not?
I find bestiality repugnant and I’d never condone it for that reason alone. Someone sexually exploiting animals is gross. The legal reason given is that it is animal abuse because an animal cannot consent to sex like a child. You’re raping the animal.

You do realize the B in LGBT doesn’t stand for bestiality right?

Now what is wrong with being gay? Why won’t you answer the question?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Don’t want to beat a screwed horse, I mean a dead one.
Stop screwing a Dead Horse!



Well-Known Member
Be a Christian or face the wrath of god.
Sounds like a threat to me.
It's because, judging by your posts, that you're full of anger. If you look at the Christian life objectively you'd see that it's the best life to live. That's what God wants for all of us, to live the best life possible. To not harm others, to live in peace, to help and assist each other through the hard times of life.

El Correcto

god is dead
It's because, judging by your posts, that you're full of anger. If you look at the Christian life objectively you'd see that it's the best life to live. That's what God wants for all of us, to live the best life possible. To not harm others, to live in peace, to help and assist each other through the hard times of life.
“You’ll live the best life possible as dictated by my terms or I’ll flood your world you little punk”

wow good looking out god, preciate ya.


Well-Known Member
So he is a liar and a genocidal maniac. But hey he tells you he loves you and promised you so you got to stay with him.
You’re worse than Rihanna.
He promised not to flood the world again. As for Sodom and Gomorrah, they're synonymous with homosexuality. Enough said.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Be a Christian or face the wrath of god.
Sounds like a threat to me.
REEEEEEEEE ! REEEEEEEEE! Easy there Trigger.

Speaking of horses...just for the record
An animal cannot consent to sex.
Animals can’t consent.
This is classic.. the reason you cite that beastiality would be wrong is the horse never gave him consent.
Just to be clear... you stated that your homosexual behavior was right because of your feelings and inclinations.
I stated that the guy with inclinations and feelings to have sex with a horse could use the same argument.
You said, no that it would be wrong, not because a human is having sex with an animal but, because animals cannot consent.
Is there any part of this that you would disagree with?


Well-Known Member
Smh, you’ll make any excuse you can for your genocidal imaginary friend.

It’s okay that he murdered all the people in those cities. They were fags.

He destroyed those cities because other than Lot and his family there wasn't any other person not totally given over to lasciviousness.