El Correcto

god is dead
REEEEEEEEE ! REEEEEEEEE! Easy there Trigger.

Speaking of horses...just for the record

Just to be clear... you stated that your homosexual behavior was right because of your feelings and inclinations.
I stated that the guy with inclinations and feelings to have sex with a horse could use the same argument.
You said, no that it would be wrong, not because a human is having sex with an animal but, because animals cannot consent.
Is there any part of this that you would disagree with?
I also have a personal inclination to say that people screwing animals is gross and I would never support it for that reason alone.

I’ve told you multiple time you are welcome to say what you feel here, homos are gross on par with people who screw horses and my god hates them.
For someone who doesn't believe in the sky fairy you sure spend enormous amounts of time arguing about him. I wonder why?
For some totally not gay Christians like for real that’d be super icky, they sure spend a lot of time talking to me in the gay thread.
He destroyed those cities because other than Lot and his family there wasn't any other person not totally given over to lasciviousness.
So are you in agreement with this man then?

El Correcto

god is dead
Africa is the cradle of life, so I don't know what the hell you're talking about.Tag @floridays , he's the one with daddy issues.
I don’t like talking to that dude because he thinks he is the riddler from Batman, every post has to be some drawn out bs that I don’t even care about half way through.

I much rather be called a horse :censored2:er by tommy 17 times a day.


I don’t like talking to that dude because he thinks he is the riddler from Batman, every post has to be some drawn out bs that I don’t even care about half way through.

I much rather be called a horse :censored2:er by tommy 17 times a day.
Damn it must be the end of the world, cuz we can finally agree on something.🤣


Well-Known Member
I also have a personal inclination to say that people screwing animals is gross and I would never support it for that reason alone.

I’ve told you multiple time you are welcome to say what you feel here, homos are gross on par with people who screw horses and my god hates them.

For some totally not gay Christians like for real that’d be super icky, they sure spend a lot of time talking to me in the gay thread.

So are you in agreement with this man then?
No, I'm a Christian, can't do that sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
Africa is the cradle of life, so I don't know what the hell you're talking about.Tag @floridays , he's the one with daddy issues.
I do have daddy issues, I'd love to go to another ballgame with him, maybe go dove hunting, see him hug and kiss my mother again, maybe drink a beer with him again, hear him say "I love you son," yeah I do have "daddy" issues, if you knew your dad you might as well.

Is that enough or do you want more?

Raise your son to be a punk like you, he won't have any issues with you just like you have none with the father you never knew.

Tag me again Shortbread.


Well-Known Member
I don’t like talking to that dude because he thinks he is the riddler from Batman, every post has to be some drawn out bs that I don’t even care about half way through.

I much rather be called a horse :censored2:er by tommy 17 times a day.
Here's a riddle, figure it out.
I don't come to condemn you or your lifestyle, you understand by the light you have inside you that you are condemned, lest you be reprobate.

If not why spend so much energy trying to justify it.
It's a sin, just as mine are that require a Saviour. It's that simple.

Not my job to convict, only to offer that God sent a lamb as a sacrifice for your sin as well as mine.

I understand you don't care about this post as well.
It Doesn't bother me in the least.


Well-Known Member
You probably graduated around the time the “deviant” Alan Turing was prosecuted in Britain for homosexual acts and accepted chemical castration as an alternative to prison.

Society evolves. So does the scientific understanding of homosexuality. Don’t get so hung up on your ancient texts.
My texts are not as ancient as you think, Social construct has changed, not statistical analysis of deviancy as a definer of normalcy.

When Homosexuality Stopped Being a Mental Disorder

I did graduate before this, I am ancient, my texts were ancient and prevailed until consensus and voting replaced statistics as a definer.

Abnormal, normal is defined by statistical analysis not consensus, that is science.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
homos are gross on par with people who screw horses and my god hates them.
More victim crying . Your quote, not mine.
I also have a personal inclination to say that people screwing animals is gross and I would never support it for that reason alone.
You might. But, I'll say what you won't admit: The same reasoning you use ( feelings & inclinations ) for righting your homosexual behavior is the same reasoning people use for screwing animals.