Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Is he a Georgia Tech yellow jacket as well?
He is a very smart person as you posted.

"Technology is really neutral. It's just a question of application," Skunk said in 2001. "For instance, if TRW came up with a new data compression algorithms for their spy satellites, I could use that same information and apply it for a musical instrument or a hard disc recording unit. So it was just a natural progression."

"The good news is that I live in America and am something of a, I guess the term is an 'autodidact,'" he said in 2013, when asked about his formal education. "There’s so much information available. The opportunity for self-education in this country is enormous."


Well-Known Member
I thought an ugly women was the #1 cause. You're on the road, maybe I'm correct.
Not calling your wife ugly, just speaking of the herd.
A blur ribbon always gets a response.
I've never heard of a young man turning down an ugly woman if he had a brown paper sack handy.