
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Indeed. We all know how things really got rolling!

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For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality.When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality...1 Cor. 15:52-54


Well-Known Member
Job is the oldest book in Scripture. Job 40 describes a creature known has the behemoth. Given it's description, it's a dino. Most scholars believe this proves dinosaurs and man lived at the same time.
I believe the Kentucky guy got it wrong if he has dinosaurs on the Ark. I think the flood did them in. Their fossils are everywhere.
The world and environment totally changed after the flood. The hydro/halo effect ended. People stopped living to be 800 years old and started dying at 100 because of this. The plants/vegetation that grew and sustained the Dinos before the flood would no longer exist to the level of needed abundance.
God never put them on the Ark imo.
There's just simply no way we existed alongside dinosaurs. We didn't have the weaponry in Biblical times to survive them. And carbon dating of fossils precludes it too. You don't find dinosaur fossils in the same layers of archeological excavations of ancient cities. Also take North America. Used to have very large mammals like Africa does. There's conclusive evidence that the Yellowstone caldera, a supervolcano, exploded several times in its history. The last one was about 600,000 years ago. A site was discovered in Nebraska with the remains of many of these large mammals that dated to roughly the time of that explosion. Their lungs were full of ash. There were no dinosaurs among them. I know why people say that dinosaurs lived the same time as humans. Trying to make the timeline of 6000-8000 years work. It just doesn't work.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
There's just simply no way we existed alongside dinosaurs. We didn't have the weaponry in Biblical times to survive them. And carbon dating of fossils precludes it too. You don't find dinosaur fossils in the same layers of archeological excavations of ancient cities. Also take North America. Used to have very large mammals like Africa does. There's conclusive evidence that the Yellowstone caldera, a supervolcano, exploded several times in its history. The last one was about 600,000 years ago. A site was discovered in Nebraska with the remains of many of these large mammals that dated to roughly the time of that explosion. Their lungs were full of ash. There were no dinosaurs among them. I know why people say that dinosaurs lived the same time as humans. Trying to make the timeline of 6000-8000 years work. It just doesn't work.
What lungs?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
There's just simply no way we existed alongside dinosaurs. We didn't have the weaponry in Biblical times to survive them. And carbon dating of fossils precludes it too. You don't find dinosaur fossils in the same layers of archeological excavations of ancient cities. Also take North America. Used to have very large mammals like Africa does. There's conclusive evidence that the Yellowstone caldera, a supervolcano, exploded several times in its history. The last one was about 600,000 years ago. A site was discovered in Nebraska with the remains of many of these large mammals that dated to roughly the time of that explosion. Their lungs were full of ash. There were no dinosaurs among them. I know why people say that dinosaurs lived the same time as humans. Trying to make the timeline of 6000-8000 years work. It just doesn't work.
I never tried to make the timeline 6-8 thousand years .I believe it is older. I didn't make an attempt to make people and dinosaurs exit at the same time. I stated that the bibles position is that they did.
One land mass before the flood. Pangea. During the flood, the fountains of the deep shot water up. Imagine the catastrophic nightmare. It gave us the continents today.
God's knowledge of knowing Dinos wouldn't make it after the flood because of the environmental change, why waste Noah's time hauling two T-Rex's around.
The flood explains their extinction and your fossils, locations, layers, etc. Your statement that the weaponry didn't exit for man to survive at the same time as they did is weak and kinda laughable. Too much Jurassic Park, VanMan.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
There's just simply no way we existed alongside dinosaurs. We didn't have the weaponry in Biblical times to survive them. And carbon dating of fossils precludes it too. You don't find dinosaur fossils in the same layers of archeological excavations of ancient cities. Also take North America. Used to have very large mammals like Africa does. There's conclusive evidence that the Yellowstone caldera, a supervolcano, exploded several times in its history. The last one was about 600,000 years ago. A site was discovered in Nebraska with the remains of many of these large mammals that dated to roughly the time of that explosion. Their lungs were full of ash. There were no dinosaurs among them. I know why people say that dinosaurs lived the same time as humans. Trying to make the timeline of 6000-8000 years work. It just doesn't work.
It just doesn’t matter either. God said in the bible about knowledge increasing when talking about the end times, and how you need to become like a little child when it comes to understanding and trying to make sense out of everything. I know this will add fuel to the atheists argument, but it is by design. God doesn’t want us to figure it out, he wants us to believe by faith. If the world had evidence everyone would believe, even those who don’t love him.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It just doesn’t matter either. God said in the people about knowledge increasing when talking about the end times, and how you need to become like a little child when it comes to understanding and trying to make sense out of everything. I know this will add fuel to the atheists argument, but it is by design. God doesn’t want us to figure it out, he wants us to believe by faith. If the world had evidence everyone would believe, even those who don’t love him.
I think there’s gonna be a lot of surprised people when they die.


Well-Known Member
What lungs?
I never tried to make the timeline 6-8 thousand years .I believe it is older. I didn't make an attempt to make people and dinosaurs exit at the same time. I stated that the bibles position is that they did.
One land mass before the flood. Pangea. During the flood, the fountains of the deep shot water up. Imagine the catastrophic nightmare. It gave us the continents today.
God's knowledge of knowing Dinos wouldn't make it after the flood because of the environmental change, why waste Noah's time hauling two T-Rex's around.
The flood explains their extinction and your fossils, locations, layers, etc. Your statement that the weaponry didn't exit for man to survive at the same time as they did is weak and kinda laughable. Too much Jurassic Park, VanMan.
We had a hard enough time with lions, tigers, and bears. There's just no way we could have coexisted with giant meat eating lizards. It's about 100% certain that a giant meteor or comet struck in what's now the Yucatan Peninsula millions of years ago and killed off the dinosaurs, setting the stage for the rise of mammals.

You may have not made it 6000-8000 years but I know plenty of Christians who do. I wasn't aware that the Bible referred to Pangea or the separation of continents. What I do believe is men with primitive technology created mythology to explain the natural world. That's been true of every human group. And if that mythology is questioned then something is wrong with us because of faith. There was a time when men believed the entire universe revolved around the Earth and any questioning of that could get you in serious trouble. Plenty of evidence of floods without the Noah account or the Gilgamesh account. There's evidence the narrow strait that separates Istanbul collapsed and water flooded through from the Mediterranean to form what is now the Black Sea. Whole villages have been discovered under the water there. Now if you had primitive technology and your world got flooded on that epic a scale might you not create a myth to explain it? Remember the Black Sea area is where early civilization developed.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
We had a hard enough time with lions, tigers, and bears. There's just no way we could have coexisted with giant meat eating lizards. It's about 100% certain that a giant meteor or comet struck in what's now the Yucatan Peninsula millions of years ago and killed off the dinosaurs, setting the stage for the rise of mammals.

You may have not made it 6000-8000 years but I know plenty of Christians who do. I wasn't aware that the Bible referred to Pangea or the separation of continents. What I do believe is men with primitive technology created mythology to explain the natural world. That's been true of every human group. And if that mythology is questioned then something is wrong with us because of faith. There was a time when men believed the entire universe revolved around the Earth and any questioning of that could get you in serious trouble. Plenty of evidence of floods without the Noah account or the Gilgamesh account. There's evidence the narrow strait that separates Istanbul collapsed and water flooded through from the Mediterranean to form what is now the Black Sea. Whole villages have been discovered under the water there. Now if you had primitive technology and your world got flooded on that epic a scale might you not create a myth to explain it? Remember the Black Sea area is where early civilization developed.
Much we don’t know.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
We had a hard enough time with lions, tigers, and bears. There's just no way we could have coexisted with giant meat eating lizards. It's about 100% certain that a giant meteor or comet struck in what's now the Yucatan Peninsula millions of years ago and killed off the dinosaurs, setting the stage for the rise of mammals.
Remember the Black Sea area is where early civilization developed.
You are so delusional. Don't you know?
The Garden of Eden was in Missouri. - Joseph Smith( Horny False Prophet and Liar), Doctrine and Covenants P 57

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
We had a hard enough time with lions, tigers, and bears. There's just no way we could have coexisted with giant meat eating lizards. It's about 100% certain that a giant meteor or comet struck in what's now the Yucatan Peninsula millions of years ago and killed off the dinosaurs, setting the stage for the rise of mammals.

You may have not made it 6000-8000 years but I know plenty of Christians who do. I wasn't aware that the Bible referred to Pangea or the separation of continents. What I do believe is men with primitive technology created mythology to explain the natural world. That's been true of every human group. And if that mythology is questioned then something is wrong with us because of faith. There was a time when men believed the entire universe revolved around the Earth and any questioning of that could get you in serious trouble. Plenty of evidence of floods without the Noah account or the Gilgamesh account. There's evidence the narrow strait that separates Istanbul collapsed and water flooded through from the Mediterranean to form what is now the Black Sea. Whole villages have been discovered under the water there. Now if you had primitive technology and your world got flooded on that epic a scale might you not create a myth to explain it? Remember the Black Sea area is where early civilization developed.
I’m not arguing one way or the other but then how do you explain the death that was obviously taking place before man was here and sinned?


Well-Known Member
I’m not arguing one way or the other but then how do you explain the death that was obviously taking place before man was here and sinned?
How do you mean? I'm really not trying to explain everything. There's really no way to lay it all out as fact. But a lot of what has been pieced together by others raises a lot of questions. I'm just not one to accept what others tell me I must believe on faith and am not sincere if I have questions.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
How do you mean? I'm really not trying to explain everything. There's really no way to lay it all out as fact. But a lot of what has been pieced together by others raises a lot of questions. I'm just not one to accept what others tell me I must believe on faith and am not sincere if I have questions.
I’m just saying that in the Bible it says that before Adam and Eve sinned there was no death. If dinosaurs existed before man there was obviously death. I was just curious how you explain that then.


Got the T-Shirt

El Correcto

god is dead
People who are unironically fundamentalist annoy me to no end.
Like it would be one thing if this was all an elaborate troll to make a gay man pissy, well played, but I actually believe you people are this uninformed and it’s a bit disappointing.