
IE boogeyman
summer of hulk.jpg


Well-Known Member
I’m very calm, all of this is nothing but mockery towards idiots. There is no rage here. Do you experience rage when you smash a wasp? That’s how I feel when I smash the delusional beliefs of these White Anglo Saxon Protestants.
Do you consider German, Italian, Irish, Scottish, Swedish and others WASP's too?


Well-Known Member
Glad you don’t want to talk about your stupid religion anymore.

You’re the ones who think odds disprove something happening. That is a very stupid point of view you have.
You accused us of being WASP's, an appellation in times past given to old money white people of British descent who are very snobbish. Wish I had their money.

El Correcto

god is dead
You accused us of being WASP's, an appellation in times past given to old money white people of British descent who are very snobbish. Wish I had their money.
I didn’t accuse you of anything you delusional silly person I was making a joke comparing religious folk to insects.