El Correcto

god is dead
I’ve heard life spans weren’t like super short back in the day. The average is skewed by infant mortality, people who lived past childhood usually went on to live relatively similar life spans, but still shorter. Not no 30 year olds croaking from hard attacks.

El Correcto

god is dead
According to fundamentalist people lived to be :censored2:ing 800 years old and :censored2:.
So you people are not consistent at all with this nonsense on life spans.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
We've had this discussion before. What's acceptable now was very different a couple of generations ago. Young teenagers in most States could marry with permission of a parent, a judge, or both depending on the State. And this is still common in much of the world. A 19 year old man having sex with a 15 year old woman he's married to isn't considered paedophilia.
That's called mormonism.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
According to fundamentalist people lived to be :censored2:ing 800 years old and :censored2:.
So you people are not consistent at all with this nonsense on life spans.
Before the flood.
The hydro halo effect reduced the suns effect to age a person.
The environment changed after the catastrophic flood.
The cycle of evaporation, rain ,etc. as we have until this day began.
Expect 70 years is what's written in scripture. Give or take a few.

El Correcto

god is dead
I'm not looking to do any such thing. Roy Moore was a creep being in his 30's hitting on a 14 year old. But if my 14 year old daughter fell in love with an 18 year old, even 19, and I knew him to be a decent young man who was kind and worked hard, I'd have no trouble letting her marry him. They'd be counseled to wait, but if they insist I'd let him know that if he ever abused her he'd have to deal with me. But typical liberal, trying to shut down an argument when it's not me you're arguing with, but more than half of the States. You're on the wrong side of this. And for the record, if I saw any child being abused in any way they'd have to deal with me.

Not if they're married. Funny how you libs bend over backwards to let teens have sex but cross a certain date and it's suddenly paedophilia. Interesting that you haven't slammed Islam where they actually do allow grown men to marry children. Not a girl who's past puberty, but actual children. Not a peep out of you about that.

Van would let his 14 year old daughter get railed by a 19 year old MAP as long as he was marrying her.
Such wonderful morality.


Well-Known Member
Van would let his 14 year old daughter get railed by a 19 year old MAP as long as he was marrying her.
Such wonderful morality.
If my daughter was in my opinion mature enough to marry I'd let her. If a 19 year old knocked her up before marriage he would either have to marry her or flee the state. But I digress. For some reason you seem to think your way is the only way. How very fundamentalist of you.