
Bad Moon Risen'
His rag runneth over.

While we all love what God says about his unnatural sex life, might as well let Him have a few comments...How does God describe homosexuality in the Scriptures? To act wickedly (Gen. 19:7); iniquity (Gen. 19:15); abomination (Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Deut. 23:17-18); wickedness and folly (Judges 19:23); lewdness (Judges 20:6); evil (Judges 20:13); vile (Judges 19:24); uncleanness (Rom. 1:24); vile affection (Rom. 1:26); against nature, unseemly, error (Rom. 1:26-27). Homosexuals have a reprobate mind and do things which are not becoming (Rom. 1:28); worthy of death (Rom. 1:32); unrighteous (I Cor. 6:9); shall not inherit the kingdom of God (I Cor. 6:9- 10); contrary to sound doctrine (1 Tim. 1:8-10); ungodly, filthy, wicked, unlawful, unjust (2 Pet. 2:6-9).
I could use those same words to describe incest. Something your god promotes. He is a sick bastard.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Tell your boy he owes the human race at least 3 babies to make up for his daddy’s failure as a genetic dead end.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You’re the one trying to condense what it means to be a genetic winner or loser to the amount of offspring you have. Not very bright for a man with a single off spring.
🤣 Again, more than you will ever have.🤣
Have fun with your rent boys.
Now go away, sad little man


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Is that the same book that tells you to stone homosexuals to death and that 13 year olds are women?
Sounds very anti-western enlightenment as well, is that where the cuckservatives get their morals?
If only that hadn't ended at the cross.
You mean Christians can't kill queers? I was born the wrong time.


Well-Known Member
I’d be careful with the one.
You might end up like that schizo Tommy that lies or actually cheats on his wife and spends his days casting what I can only assume are jew spells at gay men from behind the block filter.
I don’t know Tommy but we are all liars to one extent or another.
But not all of us have an extreme hate for people Who are different than us. Once again you decide to be racially insensitive. You don’t have to be a Christian or even any religion to be a decent human being you should work on that.


Well-Known Member
The continued use of racial epithets and racial insensitivity, dehumanizes and dehumans people which is exactly what the Nazis did. The mods should be paying attention to this not some of the other silly nonsense this is dangerous thinking of people who are not well.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I’d be careful with the one.
You might end up like that schizo Tommy that lies or actually cheats on his wife and spends his days casting what I can only assume are jew spells at gay men from behind the block filter.
I see you haven't used the advance search to confirm your accusation as a lie.
You're bad off, man.
I haven't felt sorry for very many people in my life, but I do you.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
The continued use of racial epithets and racial insensitivity, dehumanizes and dehumans people which is exactly what the Nazis did. The mods should be paying attention to this not some of the other silly nonsense this is dangerous thinking of people who are not well.
Unhinged, no doubt. Ignore