Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Your answer and how you respond is not surprising.
2 bits. No other info. Based on the above.. You're so careful. Focus on throwing the scent off not taking any heat for your answer. My comment may be confusing and just not enough there. You're doing the best you can.

You discarded this...


Do the chop suey dance with you response.
We don't want a trumpet sounding that The Holy Spirit of God told you that an approved marriage in the site of God is not just between a male and female.

You prove once again that your claim that the Holy Spirit is personally "prompting" you is false. Even with just these"2 bits".
The Bible (written by the same Holy Spirit you claim "prompts" you) is clear in His written word that a marriage approved by Him is between a man and a woman.Even in these "2 bits". Homosexuality is a sin. Same sex marriage is an abomination because homosexuality is. It is a marriage that would not meet His qualifications of an approved union according to what He has said in His word and yes, enough in just these "2 bits"
Your false claim that you were prompted by the Holy Spirit to answer no to the question makes not only you a liar, but God. With just these "2 bits" Why? Because God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He won't and hasn't changed his mind. To think that you would claim that God's Holy Spirit prompted you to answer no puts you on a level of heresy not many reach.
I fear for your soul.

At the end of your response to this comment, answer this question. I'll ask it a different way. It's Sunday so maybe the HS will be quicker to prod, I mean prompt you an answer....
JUST a YES or NO.... Does God approve of same sex marriage ? YES or NO?
While I agree with you, I also concede that marriage as an established practice predates the written Word you quote (The history of marriage | Ince.).

Polygamy was not uncommon in Old Testament Scripture (Esau (Gen 26:34; 28:6-9), Jacob (Gen 29:15-28), Elkanah (1 Samuel 1:1-8), David (1 Samuel 25:39-44; 2 Samuel 3:2-5; 5:13-16), and Solomon (1 Kings 11:1-3).

Monogamy didn't start prevailing until around the 9th century, thanks to the Catholic Church.

And nowhere in Scripture does it exclude alternative marriages. God's preferred model is centered around a committed partnership that nurtures the family. This could be explained as simply the fact that male/male and female/female monogamous unions are barren.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
While I agree with you, I also concede that marriage as an established practice predates the written Word you quote (The history of marriage | Ince.).

Polygamy was not uncommon in Old Testament Scripture (Esau (Gen 26:34; 28:6-9), Jacob (Gen 29:15-28), Elkanah (1 Samuel 1:1-8), David (1 Samuel 25:39-44; 2 Samuel 3:2-5; 5:13-16), and Solomon (1 Kings 11:1-3).

Monogamy didn't start prevailing until around the 9th century, thanks to the Catholic Church.

And nowhere in Scripture does it exclude alternative marriages. God's preferred model is centered around a committed partnership that nurtures the family. This could be explained as simply the fact that male/male and female/female monogamous unions are barren.
Moses(OT) allowed it (divorce) because of the hardness of their hearts.

"But, I say unto you" Matthew 19. "From the beginning, one man, one woman for life. Monogamous. The only exception for divorce in the union is fornication.- Jesus
Polygamy would involve another sexual relationship(fornication). The Law of Christ( Mathew 19) One man & one woman.
One man & two women would involve adultery. The very exception Jesus gave to end the marriage relationship. Polygamy ended with Jesus. It was nailed to the cross.

Have to disagree with you that the Catholic Church 900 years after the Lord taught this, that monogamy was finally happening.That would be in direct violation of what the Lord taught. I could be wrong, but I don't think 900 years went by before folks looked up decided to try the monogamous thing. The early church had problems but I don't read where polygamy was one of them. In fact, when marriage issues are addressed, monogamy is always inferred. I'm gonna give the Lord credit for monogamy.

When you say "God prefers" it sounds like , "The Ten Suggestions"instead of commandments. "From the beginning it was not so"
Alternative marriages are condemned by inference. No commitment to marriage (bound by law, both man's and God's) so outside of God's marriage law would mean fornication. Marriage instituted by God in the garden, yes, be fruitful and multiply but, it was also the place where one would "not defile the marriage bed" by fornication. The alternative would be sin.


Well-Known Member
Moses(OT) allowed it (divorce) because of the hardness of their hearts.

"But, I say unto you" Matthew 19. "From the beginning, one man, one woman for life. Monogamous. The only exception for divorce in the union is fornication.- Jesus
Polygamy would involve another sexual relationship(fornication). The Law of Christ( Mathew 19) One man & one woman.
One man & two women would involve adultery. The very exception Jesus gave to end the marriage relationship. Polygamy ended with Jesus. It was nailed to the cross.

Have to disagree with you that the Catholic Church 900 years after the Lord taught this, that monogamy was finally happening.That would be in direct violation of what the Lord taught. I could be wrong, but I don't think 900 years went by before folks looked up decided to try the monogamous thing. The early church had problems but I don't read where polygamy was one of them. In fact, when marriage issues are addressed, monogamy is always inferred. I'm gonna give the Lord credit for monogamy.

When you say "God prefers" it sounds like , "The Ten Suggestions"instead of commandments. "From the beginning it was not so"
Alternative marriages are condemned by inference. No commitment to marriage (bound by law, both man's and God's) so outside of God's marriage law would mean fornication. Marriage instituted by God in the garden, yes, be fruitful and multiply but, it was also the place where one would "not defile the marriage bed" by fornication. The alternative would be sin.
Didn't necessarily end with Jesus. The qualifications to be an elder include being the husband of one wife. At the time of the writing polygamy was still common and no doubt some polygamists became Christians. I think the Church had a major influence on that dying out in the Western world.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Didn't necessarily end with Jesus. The qualifications to be an elder include being the husband of one wife. At the time of the writing polygamy was still common and no doubt some polygamists became Christians. I think the Church had a major influence on that dying out in the Western world.
The Law (Moses) ended, which included polygamy, with Jesus. He nailed it to the cross.

How many is "one" wife?... It's more than zero and less than two. Dang it, I know my math.


Binge Poster
Your answer and how you respond is not surprising.
2 bits. No other info. Based on the above.. You're so careful. Focus on throwing the scent off not taking any heat for your answer. My comment may be confusing and just not enough there. You're doing the best you can.

You discarded this...


Do the chop suey dance with you response.
We don't want a trumpet sounding that The Holy Spirit of God told you that an approved marriage in the site of God is not just between a male and female.

You prove once again that your claim that the Holy Spirit is personally "prompting" you is false. Even with just these"2 bits".
The Bible (written by the same Holy Spirit you claim "prompts" you) is clear in His written word that a marriage approved by Him is between a man and a woman.Even in these "2 bits". Homosexuality is a sin. Same sex marriage is an abomination because homosexuality is. It is a marriage that would not meet His qualifications of an approved union according to what He has said in His word and yes, enough in just these "2 bits"
Your false claim that you were prompted by the Holy Spirit to answer no to the question makes not only you a liar, but God. With just these "2 bits" Why? Because God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. He won't and hasn't changed his mind. To think that you would claim that God's Holy Spirit prompted you to answer no puts you on a level of heresy not many reach.
I disagree.
I fear for your soul.
Thanks for your concern.
At the end of your response to this comment, answer this question. I'll ask it a different way. It's Sunday so maybe the HS will be quicker to prod, I mean prompt you an answer....
JUST a YES or NO.... Does God approve of same sex marriage ? YES or NO?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Does God approve of same sex marriage ? YES or NO?
And their you have it folks!
The Holy Spirit of God as nudged, led, prompted @Integrity to affirm that God approves same sex marriage!

A false teacher is someone who teaches that which is not in harmony with Divine Truth. The truth of the gospel is not inherent in any of us; it has to be learned, and the only source of truth is the word of God (Jn. 17:17).


Binge Poster
And their you have it folks!
The Holy Spirit of God as nudged, led, prompted @Integrity to affirm that God approves same sex marriage!

A false teacher is someone who teaches that which is not in harmony with Divine Truth.
Says you.
The truth of the gospel is not inherent in any of us; it has to be learned, and the only source of truth is the word of God (Jn. 17:17).
And their you have it folks!
The Holy Spirit of God as nudged, led, prompted @Integrity to affirm that God approves same sex marriage!
Yes I did.
A false teacher is someone who teaches that which is not in harmony with Divine Truth.
You are entitled to your opinion.
The truth of the gospel is not inherent in any of us; it has to be learned, and the only source of truth is the word of God (Jn. 17:17).
What translation?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Says you.

Yes I did.

You are entitled to your opinion.

What translation?
And so, it continues.


Binge Poster
Doesn't matter.
"All" are under the law of Christ.
My understanding and belief is that the law of Christ, is to love God with all of our being and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

I do not believe that the law of Christ simply means we love and obey written religious tradition.(The Bible version of your preference)

I think it is important to express this law to the LGBTQ community, even if you don’t understand or have a different lifestyle.