El Correcto

god is dead
When have Christians ever viewed the Jews as not a legitimate minority? When have Christians ever said being Jewish is just a behavior?
Through out European history lol…

You should really skim through this book sometime.


Well-Known Member
The public school system certainly is trying to indoctrinate people. That’s what it is meant to do, just like every system human beings are under the influence of.

When I was in high school I read the fountain head by Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand is a kinky lady with a rape fetish, it comes out in her works. Howard Roark raped Dominique Francon. I don’t see right wingers trying to take Ayn Rand out of the schools.
So every novel that has a sexual encounter in it should be removed if books that describe explicit sex acts, including how to do those acts, aren't allowed? I will be happy to agree with you that high school libraries that have books that describe sex acts in graphic detail as opposed to allusion should be removed. And books that even allude to sex shouldn't be in any school below high school. The subject matter is too mature. Why is it that you're keen on young children being exposed to sex?

El Correcto

god is dead
So every novel that has a sexual encounter in it should be removed if books that describe explicit sex acts, including how to do those acts, aren't allowed? I will be happy to agree with you that high school libraries that have books that describe sex acts in graphic detail as opposed to allusion should be removed. And books that even allude to sex shouldn't be in any school below high school. The subject matter is too mature. Why is it that you're keen on young children being exposed to sex?
I’m not. I’m just pointing out all the ways they are that you people gladly ignore. Now explain to me why you believe it’s okay for 13 year olds to be married if you don’t believe it’s okay for them to read a book that features sex.

What happened to the vantexan of 13 year old women? Women can’t read a book featuring sex. You know what let’s not get into that again, but don’t say I’m keen on sexualizing kids, I’m keen on exposing homophobia in your world view.


Well-Known Member
I’m not. I’m just pointing out all the ways they are that you people gladly ignore. Now explain to me why you believe it’s okay for 13 year olds to be married if you don’t believe it’s okay for them to read a book that features sex.

What happened to the vantexan of 13 year old women? Women can’t read a book featuring sex. You know what let’s not get into that again, but don’t say I’m keen on sexualizing kids, I’m keen on exposing homophobia in your world view.
For thousands of years all over the world once young women reached puberty they were eligible for marriage. And the state laws still on the books in the majority of states reflect that to varying degrees. Once women started working more a number of things happened. Now please remember I'm not describing some male fantasy that I'm indulging in. Just telling you what happened. Women started working more. More and more families became dependent on two incomes. Women's rights expanded. Roe vs Wade happened. Divorce became much more common and destigmatized. Along the way instead of girls dropping out of school to get married, which was common even 60 years ago, they were encouraged to stay in school and get their education. Getting married at 15-16 was discouraged. I know you'll say 13 but that's what's on the books in some states, but generally when a girl dropped out of school to marry they were at least 15 and with the legal blessing of at least one parent and/or a judge depending on the state. Younger than that was more likely due to pregnancy. This is important so please hear me. I'm telling you like it was, not saying that's the way it should be or not be. Anyways in the last 50 years or so society has developed into women can choose to not marry, have sex with whomever they choose, easily divorce, build a career. Essentially everything a man can do. And birthrates have fallen dramatically in the Western world. It matters because not only are people unable in many cases to support multiple children but aren't having children at all. And countries will dissolve over demographic collapse. You want to smear me with my views but I'm just pointing out what always was but is no longer the case. Just from what I've read many women are unhappy with the current situation, want children, but the proverbial genie is out of the bottle and is highly unlikely we'll ever go back. But recently it's become an issue that one's sex is a choice, that having sex with whomever you choose is a choice, and attempts are being made to instill that in children. The world some envision is a very different one than many want. Remains to be seen whether it will become mainstream like all the cultural changes we've experienced in the last 50 or so years.
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Binge Poster
And you think you know better than Christ's chosen Apostles and it's your right to not follow their writings if you disagree. Did I twist anything there?
IMO yes.
He made it very clear that he thinks I'm a hypocrite for condemning gay sexuality while condoning heterosexual imagery like Disney movies that influences kids. I pointed out that movies like Snow White aren't comparable to drag queen shows put on for children and I pointed out that I absolutely would condemn any adult themed heterosexual shows put on for children. Now did I twist things?
IMO yes.

He's the one who called me a hypocrite after I asked how were gays pushing back. Did I twist that?
IMO yes.
Your reaction was to take his point of view as reasonable and say I can't follow a discussion and I twist things. Did I twist that?
IMO yes.
It's been well documented on this forum that you avoid as much as possible giving direct answers while you cast shade on those things you disagree with. No doubt you won't give direct answers here and you'll claim I'm wrong. More power to you. Others can judge for themselves. If you want to discount others' sincerely held beliefs as just traditions of men that's your prerogative. But expect some of us to disagree.

El Correcto

god is dead
For thousands of years all over the world once young women reached puberty they were eligible for marriage. And the state laws still on the books in the majority of states reflect that to varying degrees. Once women started working more a number of things happened. Now please remember I'm not describing some male fantasy that I'm indulging in. Just telling you what happened. Women started working more. More and more families became dependent on two incomes. Women's rights expanded. Roe vs Wade happened. Divorce became much more common and destigmatized. Along the way instead of girls dropping out of school to get married, which was common even 60 years ago, they were encouraged to stay in school and get their education. Getting married at 15-16 was discouraged. I know you'll say 13 but that's what's on the books in some states, but generally when a girl dropped out of school to marry they were at least 15 and with the legal blessing of at least one parent and/or a judge depending on the state. Younger than that was more likely due to pregnancy. This is important so please hear me. I'm telling you like it was, not saying that's the way it should be or not be. Anyways in the last 50 years or so society has developed into women can choose to not marry, have sex with whomever they choose, easily divorce, build a career. Essentially everything a man can do. And birthrates have fallen dramatically in the Western world. It matters because not only are people unable in many cases to support multiple children but aren't having children at all. And countries will dissolve over demographic collapse. You want to smear me with my views but I'm just pointing out what always was but is no longer the case. Just from what I've read many women are unhappy with the current situation, want children, but the proverbial genie is out of the bottle and is highly unlikely we'll ever go back. But recently it's become an issue that one's sex is a choice, that having sex with whomever you choose is a choice, and attempts are being made to instill that in children. The world some envision is a very different one than many want. Remains to be seen whether it will become mainstream like all the cultural changes we've experienced in the last 50 or so years.


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
It's up to the parent to instill that into a child ,. Not the radical left school district ,, why are you so offended by heterosexuals??
I bet you went to some liberal arts college , specialized in some stupid course that won't find you a job and you live with your parents !
Your kind is the minority , you want the world to change for the beliefs of a few !! In the words of your hero Fauci .. follow the science ! A man is a man and a woman is a woman !

El Correcto

god is dead
It's up to the parent to instill that into a child ,. Not the radical left school district ,, why are you so offended by heterosexuals??
I bet you went to some liberal arts college , specialized in some stupid course that won't find you a job and you live with your parents !
Your kind is the minority , you want the world to change for the beliefs of a few !! In the words of your hero Fauci .. follow the science ! A man is a man and a woman is a woman !
You must model yah life aftah baweston hahd heads. You must think yah some wicked tough guy, you keep taking things too fah little boy I’ll smack the jimmies off yah sundae.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Why do drag queens want so much to be with our children?
Gotta make the narrative a reality and appear like it's all normal behavior. What happened in homosexual land in America, the Trans and Drags have got to get the same deal or your a bigot.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Wow! I haven’t seen them that cheap in a long time. That must be an old picture. They’re twice that price now.
I'll never forget that stand up comedian from Russia talking about the first time he went to a store in America.

"I walked down the aisle, and there it was, New Freedom. I thought, what a country, freedom in a box!
"I didn't know what they were. I thought they were like fancy dinner napkins."
"I learn more now. I only use Stay Free."