
Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
How do you know what most church goers do? I've seen surveys years ago that showed that conservatives on average give more than liberals. I can attest to that in my own family. My brother is extremely liberal, makes three times what I do, his wife even more than him, and he won't give my mother who lives at the poverty line $100 a month. But they take nice vacations all the time, eat out at nice restaurants all the time, buy nice things. Heck my father, a retired minister, is giving my mother $150 a month and they've been divorced 51 years. He averages about $1200 a month in giving with $500 going to his congregation. You're assuming they're all this or that without really knowing because it makes you feel better.

Not disagreeing that church goers give more. Since they are such great givers just think if they didn’t have to go through a middle man and all that money went straight to the need. I think if you took those generous givers out of the church system where they are either scared they will be cursed for not giving or think they will be blessed for giving then all of a sudden we would find out they wasn’t so generous after all. If they are such great givers without coercion then the pastors wouldn’t have to give a sermon every Sunday from the pulpit on tithes and giving. If someone gives because they are scared they will be cursed or if they give hoping God gives them something in return then they are no better off than your brother that gives nothing in God’s eyes. It’s all about fear or greed.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Drag queens are set to march on Easter Sunday in West Hollywood, California, to protest the growing number of state laws designed to protect children from gender transitions and sexually explicit drag shows.

None of these laws applies to California. The rally, billed as “Drag March LA,” will take place in L.A.’s gayest neighborhood, with drag queens marching down Santa Monica Blvd. RuPaul’s Drag Race contestants including Kerri Colby and Honey Davenport are expected to participate.

The march is being organized by the Los Angeles LGBT Center, which described the state laws as “anti-LGBTQ+” legislation. In reality, the laws in question apply only to children, with states including Tennessee and Florida blocking sex-change procedures for minors and drag shows in front of kids.
Thank goodness they’re doing it on Easter Sunday when children will most likely be busy doing child things like Easter egg hunts, because I predict the parade will have a lot of raunchiness, nudity and public sex acts like the Pride parades have.


Well-Known Member
Not disagreeing that church goers give more. Since they are such great givers just think if they didn’t have to go through a middle man and all that money went straight to the need. I think if you took those generous givers out of the church system where they are either scared they will be cursed for not giving or think they will be blessed for giving then all of a sudden we would find out they wasn’t so generous after all. If they are such great givers without coercion then the pastors wouldn’t have to give a sermon every Sunday from the pulpit on tithes and giving. If someone gives because they are scared they will be cursed or if they give hoping God gives them something in return then they are no better off than your brother that gives nothing in God’s eyes. It’s all about fear or greed.
Not sure where you're going to get constant sermons on giving. People congregate to worship. And by pooling their money they can accomplish good works. It's not all about the money. It's sad that that's all you see.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Not sure where you're going to get constant sermons on giving. People congregate to worship. And by pooling their money they can accomplish good works. It's not all about the money. It's sad that that's all you see.

I guess you are lucky enough to go to a church that doesn’t have a time in the service that is devoted to passing the offering plate. I have been to Baptist, Methodist, full Gospel, Pentecostal and Catholic Churches and not one doesn’t have a time in the service that isn’t devoted to collecting money. So it isn’t me that is only seeing money it is the churches I’ve been to. Please tell me what kind of church you go to that doesn’t spend time in every service to collect money. If you say but they need money to function then I say but the most generous givers is in the church so why have a section of the service to ask the people to give money. Just put an offering plate at the back of the church and those generous givers will fill it with no expectation. There is no other subject that is talked about in almost every service except money.
Hopefully the church you go to is online and you can send me a link so I can see a sermon where there is no asking the most generous people for money in each sermon.


Well-Known Member
I guess you are lucky enough to go to a church that doesn’t have a time in the service that is devoted to passing the offering plate. I have been to Baptist, Methodist, full Gospel, Pentecostal and Catholic Churches and not one doesn’t have a time in the service that isn’t devoted to collecting money. So it isn’t me that is only seeing money it is the churches I’ve been to. Please tell me what kind of church you go to that doesn’t spend time in every service to collect money. If you say but they need money to function then I say but the most generous givers is in the church so why have a section of the service to ask the people to give money. Just put an offering plate at the back of the church and those generous givers will fill it with no expectation. There is no other subject that is talked about in almost every service except money.
Hopefully the church you go to is online and you can send me a link so I can see a sermon where there is no asking the most generous people for money in each sermon.
Of course there is a collection. There's also singing, prayer, communion, preaching. It's rare that a sermon is given on giving. I'm puzzled that you think that's all it's about. I will gladly agree that if a congregation has a huge building, a large staff, recreational facilities, and very little of the money taken in goes to anything else then I think they have misplaced priorities. But I don't think everyone is like that.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Of course there is a collection. There's also singing, prayer, communion, preaching. It's rare that a sermon is given on giving. I'm puzzled that you think that's all it's about. I will gladly agree that if a congregation has a huge building, a large staff, recreational facilities, and very little of the money taken in goes to anything else then I think they have misplaced priorities. But I don't think everyone is like that.

I’m not saying that a sermon is only given on giving but I am saying that a speech or scripture or something of that kind is almost always given before collection time. Why? The most generous people don’t need to hear each service why they need to give. There is no speech or scripture before singing, prayer, or preaching every service to tell you why it is coming. The reason is because it is manipulation either to tell you what you will be blessed with or cursed with (depending on the denomination) for your giving or not. If this was not so there would be no reason to mention it. It would be just like singing, prayer, or preaching they would just do it and the most generous people would give without a word said. Sometimes we are so use to manipulation that we don’t even see it or just accept that everyone does it so it becomes normal. There is nothing wrong if a person agrees to be part of the manipulation but they have to understand not everyone sees it as OK and defends it or wants to be part of it.
Again, please send me a link to your church or their website. I would love a church that doesn’t have a mini sermon asking for money every service. That would be really trusting God.
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Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

@BrownFlush … With your thumbs down on my comments about money and churches I think I might of finally found what I’m looking for. I know I can count on you to send me a link to your church’s website so I can finally find a church that doesn’t give a mini sermon every service before the offering is taken up. Can’t wait! 🙏🏼


Well-Known Member
I’m not saying that a sermon is only given on giving but I am saying that a speech or scripture or something of that kind is almost always given before collection time. Why? The most generous people don’t need to hear each service why they need to give. There is no speech or scripture before singing, prayer, or preaching every service to tell you why it is coming. The reason is because it is manipulation either to tell you what you will be blessed with or cursed with (depending on the denomination) for your giving or not. If this was not so there would be no reason to mention it. It would be just like singing, prayer, or preaching they would just do it and the most generous people would give without a word said. Sometimes we are so use to manipulation that we don’t even see it or just accept that everyone does it so it becomes normal. There is nothing wrong if a person agrees to be part of the manipulation but they have to understand not everyone sees it as OK and defends it or wants to be part of it.
Again, please send me a link to your church or their website. I would love a church that doesn’t have a mini sermon asking for money every service. That would be really trusting God.
We always state very briefly that the collection is separate and apart from the communion and that we are to give as we purpose in our hearts. There's no mini sermon unless you consider that as such. It's just a part of the service. You seem very focused on the money. It's a necessary part of doing the Lord's work. I don't see the controversy.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Wait, I thought you were Tommy? 🤣🤣🤣
No..that got twisted around by our old pal, El Incorrecto.
I've known him all my life, I was best man in his wedding, (he married a baby doll, hot) had two boys that played ball with my boys, left all that right about the time the boys started High School, for some guy in another state. Got a job transfer, etc., before queers could get married. When that happened, they got hitched. About 5 years ago, they got divorced. Seen him at the last class reunion, he's in Florida somewhere trying to get aids I guess.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
We always state very briefly that the collection is separate and apart from the communion and that we are to give as we purpose in our hearts. There's no mini sermon unless you consider that as such. It's just a part of the service. You seem very focused on the money. It's a necessary part of doing the Lord's work. I don't see the controversy.

Why do church goers seem to think that people that question how a church ask for money as them being focused on money yet they don’t see a church that ask for money every service as focused on money? Funny isn’t it. Anyway enough about that. I got my answer.


Well-Known Member
Why do church goers seem to think that people that question how a church ask for money as them being focused on money yet they don’t see a church that ask for money every service as focused on money? Funny isn’t it. Anyway enough about that. I got my answer.
Want to get that last word in huh? Did you just question it or did you sneer at Christians as scammers? And say it was about greed? Anyway enough about that. You got your answer.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Why do church goers seem to think that people that question how a church ask for money as them being focused on money yet they don’t see a church that ask for money every service as focused on money? Funny isn’t it. Anyway enough about that. I got my answer.
My church never mentions money in the service or otherwise. There’s a weekly collection, members have an envelope, visitors can throw in cash. There is zero pressure to give. The only time money is a topic is in the statement we get that shows what came in and what went out. Why don’t you think a church has expenses? It has to get the money from the membership.
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Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
@BrownFlush … With your thumbs down on my comments about money and churches I think I might of finally found what I’m looking for. I know I can count on you to send me a link to your church’s website so I can finally find a church that doesn’t give a mini sermon every service before the offering is taken up. Can’t wait! 🙏🏼
There's no mini sermon.
This is usually quoted: "Now concerning the collection for the saints: as I directed the churches of Galatia, so you also are to do. On the first day of every week, each of you is to put something aside and store it up, as he may prosper, so that there will be no collecting when I come." 1Cor. 16:1-2
Also this sometimes: "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Cor. 9:7
A prayer of thankfulness is offered for our physical blessings. And then we give.
Giving is a commandment on the first day of the week as seen in the text. It is one of the five acts of worship on the first day of the week.. The collective offering is used for preaching the gospel and helping the needy.
It is "as one has prospered" and"decided in his heart" to give. There is no longer the 10% deal. That law was given to Israel and not the New Testament Church.
A Christian who is prepared for worship doesn't get brow beat and cause him to reach in his pocket for another fifty. He has already examined himself and knows what he is going to give before he enters the building.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
My church never mentions money in the service or otherwise. There’s a weekly collection, members have an envelope, visitors can throw in cash. There is zero pressure to give. The only time money is a topic is in the statement we get that shows what came in and what when out. Why don’t you think a church has expenses? It has to get the money from the membership.
We live in a money society.
I've never seen the collection plate go by me with a sack of potatoes in it.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
We live in a money society.
I've never seen the collection plate go by me with a sack of potatoes in it.
I know there are frauds out there, but a church that is bible based, that has a good Pastor, which is paid, and has different ministries, needs funds to carry the message and to minister to the poor. As you said, it’s incumbent upon a church to do so. The only time I ever saw an appeal for additional funds was for an unforeseen emergency, furnace, roof, etc. even then it wasn’t that the funds weren’t there, it was to keep the ministries untouched.