
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Forgive, but the law must be followed. The Bible says to not let a murderer live, and I have to believe it would agree with other penalties for other crimes as well.
No repentance, no forgiveness,
Not sorry they did it, no change of heart, no forgiveness. - Bible

Even if they are penalized to the fullest extent of the law, (which never happens) usually let go before the arresting officer gets home off his shift, they go right back doing the same thing or usually worse. That means there was no change. No"fruits of repentance" that shows one has changed.


Well-Known Member
Serious question:

What do you think Jesus would have us do?
I think we already understand what Sin pays according to the Bible…..

Romans 6
23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

You can believe it or not it’s your choice.


Well-Known Member
I understand.

I really meant in context to your quote,

What do you think Jesus would have do to accomplish this?


Well-Known Member
I guess you are lucky enough to go to a church that doesn’t have a time in the service that is devoted to passing the offering plate. I have been to Baptist, Methodist, full Gospel, Pentecostal and Catholic Churches and not one doesn’t have a time in the service that isn’t devoted to collecting money. So it isn’t me that is only seeing money it is the churches I’ve been to. Please tell me what kind of church you go to that doesn’t spend time in every service to collect money. If you say but they need money to function then I say but the most generous givers is in the church so why have a section of the service to ask the people to give money. Just put an offering plate at the back of the church and those generous givers will fill it with no expectation. There is no other subject that is talked about in almost every service except money.
Hopefully the church you go to is online and you can send me a link so I can see a sermon where there is no asking the most generous people for money in each sermon.
The church I go to does not collect an offering there is no offering plate. There is a box. You can put your check in by the door if you choose and you can also give online if you choose. We’ve been going there for 17 years or so, and I cannot remember one time ever having money talked about. They do have classes such as financial peace University for people who are struggling with money, and they talk about tithing because it’s biblical. God does not need your money. The physical church does, because for good or bad that is how the light stay on and generally speaking, it’s a good practice to get into for most people because it causes you to think about your money differently. Giving more money will not get you into heaven.


Well-Known Member
Of course there is a collection. There's also singing, prayer, communion, preaching. It's rare that a sermon is given on giving. I'm puzzled that you think that's all it's about. I will gladly agree that if a congregation has a huge building, a large staff, recreational facilities, and very little of the money taken in goes to anything else then I think they have misplaced priorities. But I don't think everyone is like that.
Most people think that because they value their money more than anything. But there’s a lot of people, perhaps him, who have been burned by so-called Christians.


Well-Known Member
I get it.

What do think Jesus would have us do context of our contemporary culture and current issue that the previous quote is referencing?
I believe he would have us care for them, and treat them as kindly as possible.

I also believe he would implore us to make sure that they understand that what they’re doing could damage their eternal, salvation. If you’re a Christian normalizing sin would be just as bad as partaking in it yourself.

After warning and inviting by sharing the good news, the rest is up to them.

Actually, I believe Jesus did that, and it cost him his life. So easier said than done.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I believe he would have us care for them, and treat them as kindly as possible.

I also believe he would implore us to make sure that they understand that what they’re doing could damage their eternal, salvation. If you’re a Christian normalizing sin would be just as bad as partaking in it yourself.

After warning and inviting by sharing the good news, the rest is up to them.

Actually, I believe Jesus did that, and it cost him his life. So easier said than done.
If they repent, you forgive them, then stone them.


Well-Known Member
Most people think that because they value their money more than anything. But there’s a lot of people, perhaps him, who have been burned by so-called Christians.
My father was a Church of Christ minister for over 40 years. Because the C of C doesn't have a central office, its congregations are independent, he had to negotiate a contract with local church leadership in each congregation he served. If a congregation had members who had a bit of local pull and they decided they didn't care for his style of preaching, or they just decided they wanted to go a different direction, he was dumped. A few times with outright lies so that they could justify their decision to other congregations. He knew plenty of ministers who experienced the same thing. Some ministers are very adept at playing politics and stay awhile. Others mention something in a sermon that strikes someone the wrong way and they are soon gone. Christians aren't any less human than non Christians. Faithful Christians strive to do the right thing, but they can and do fall short at times. My grandfather, a well driller and preacher for over 50 years, used to say if you let a hypocrite stand between you and God then he's closer to God than you are. One thing is for certain in my mind. Those who make an issue over money so much that it keeps them from seeing the good done with the money have an issue that they should give a strong look at. For their own sake.


Well-Known Member
My father was a Church of Christ minister for over 40 years. Because the C of C doesn't have a central office, its congregations are independent, he had to negotiate a contract with local church leadership in each congregation he served. If a congregation had members who had a bit of local pull and they decided they didn't care for his style of preaching, or they just decided they wanted to go a different direction, he was dumped. A few times with outright lies so that they could justify their decision to other congregations. He knew plenty of ministers who experienced the same thing. Some ministers are very adept at playing politics and stay awhile. Others mention something in a sermon that strikes someone the wrong way and they are soon gone. Christians aren't any less human than non Christians. Faithful Christians strive to do the right thing, but they can and do fall short at times. My grandfather, a well driller and preacher for over 50 years, used to say if you let a hypocrite stand between you and God then he's closer to God than you are. One thing is for certain in my mind. Those who make an issue over money so much that it keeps them from seeing the good done with the money have an issue that they should give a strong look at. For their own sake.
My Father in law and Mother in Law are C of C. Some of the weirdest folks you'll ever meet. FIL is basically a far, far left wing commie. Democrat. Which makes the MIL so. They estranged all of their kids for the Church. If you didn't tow the C of C were cast out. The Church was all they have/had at least 3 days a week. Their way or the highway. That means anyone....grandkids and all. Been this way for my 34 years of marriage. FIL is an Elder. I heard the stories of ministers coming and going.......

I only went a handful of times.....thank goodness. Wife hated it. I didn't force my child to endure that crap.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Ever notice there are no Atheist Home for Orphans? When was the last time you went to the ER at The Good Atheist Hospital?
Nobody ever says, "Hey let's go down to the Secular Humanist Food Pantry!"