
Binge Poster
Started when you came on here criticizing the Baptist Church's stand on the role of women in the Church. Seems only fair that we critique your various stands.
I hardly think I addressed that in this thread.

SBC is certainly entitled to what I believe to be their faulty position. That is between those involved and God.

I will continue to love them unconditionally regardless.


Binge Poster
No, I don't have spiritual authority over you.
Looks we agree on something else. That’s 2 that I know of.
But the New Testament was written to guide you in this life.
I belief scripture is useful.
If you reject it over passages you disagree with you'll have to deal with that in Judgement. And you're right, Judgement will be strictly between you and God.
I follow the Holy Spirit when utilizing the Bible in my religious/spiritual life.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Based on your statement, one would conclude that the human race was abandoned by God to Scripture alone once the Apostles died. Nothing could be further from the truth. The purpose of Baptism is to purify the soul in order for the Holy Spirit to take up residence there.
The Holy Spirit INSPIRES the baptized. Note the root word for spirit and inspire, inspirare (“to breathe or blow into”). Your closed mind is defeating the whole purpose of Jesus' death and resurrection, to defeat sin in order for the Holy Spirit to effect salvation of humankind.
Have we had this discussion before?
There are several baptisms mentioned in the NT.
The purpose of water baptism is for the remission of sins.
The NT teaches the Holy Spirit "resides" in the Christian. How He "dwells" in one is the debate. An actual literal indwelling? That only happened once. An incarnation had to took place.
There is not one place in the NT where the personage of the Holy Spirit was ever literally "in" someone. If you know of a place in scripture where that is, please show me.He resides in us representatively through His Word.
The Holy Spirit definitely "inspires" those who have been baptized. He does it the same way those who were baptized knew to do that and why. Through the avenue/instrument of His word.

What has the Holy Spirit said to you, done for you, taught you, separate and apart from His word?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Binge Poster
That's right, you should be able to make pronouncements about what you believe without question because you're getting it straight from God. You've done that repeatedly. And we know what you believe.
Who is the we you are speaking for?

I try to keep the focus on myself and only speak for myself.

But that’s just me.
Doesn't matter if someone gets an abortion or is gay because God loves them anyways.
I believe he does.
We can't love the sinner but hate the sin because God loves them no matter what and will allow them into heaven no matter what.

You can do whatever you want and believe what you want, I am not your spiritual authority. Let your spirit be your guide.
If they want to put material in school libraries that depict sex acts who are we to say it's obscene because they may believe it isn't.
Say what you want. I will do the same.
There's no moral certainty because God loves them no matter what they do and if Scripture is in conflict with that view then you can reject the Scriptures as just the writings and traditions of man.
If that is what the Holy is telling you then I encourage you let the Spirit be your guide.
You know better because God told you so. I hope that works out for you. I believe it won't.
I don’t know better, but God does and He wants me to know then He will and does reveal it to me through His Spirit.


Well-Known Member
I hardly think I addressed that in this thread.

SBC is certainly entitled to what I believe to be their faulty position. That is between those involved and God.

I will continue to love them unconditionally regardless.
Who said you addressed it in this thread? Our disputing what you said about SBC in a past thread started all of this.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Have we had this discussion before?
There are several baptisms mentioned in the NT.
The purpose of water baptism is for the remission of sins.
The NT teaches the Holy Spirit "resides" in the Christian. How He "dwells" in one is the debate. An actual literal indwelling? That only happened once. An incarnation had to took place.
There is not one place in the NT where the personage of the Holy Spirit was ever literally "in" someone. If you know of a place in scripture where that is, please show me.He resides in us representatively through His Word.
The Holy Spirit definitely "inspires" those who have been baptized. He does it the same way those who were baptized knew to do that and why. Through the avenue/instrument of His word.

What has the Holy Spirit said to you, done for you, taught you, separate and apart from His word?
Romans 8:8-10
1 Corinthians 3:16
John 14:23


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Romans 8:8-10
1 Corinthians 3:16
John 14:23
The passages you post as proof of a literal indwelling of the Holy Spirit, must also be taken with reference to Christ literal indwelling in us. If you believe that the Holy Spirit actually comes and dwells inside of the Christian's body, you must also believe that Jesus comes and dwells inside of the Christian's body and that the Father also comes and dwells inside of your body.
John 14:10, Does God literally dwell in Jesus? Does Jesus literally dwell in God?

You never answered this..
What has the Holy Spirit said to you, done for you, taught you, separate and apart from His word?