
Well-Known Member
He views his heterosexuality as a choice he made for God. I don’t know any straight man that thinks they chose to be attracted to women.
Exactly, that is the way God designed it for men, to be attracted to the opposite sex, women as well designed to be attracted to the opposite sex.

In God's plan there is no need to designate gay or straight. Somewhere, somehow a lot of somebody's chose to rebel against God's plan.
Just a thought and opinion.


Well-Known Member
Why do you support a horribly sinful president?
Because he is the only sinner available that seems to support most of my views?
Not fair Sammy, you know we are all sinner's, some are just redeemed. Let's put every politician under the microscope Trump has been put under, can we do that?
I'm not naming you, I'm simply making an observation, I find it laughable to hear folks that don't believe in God, or the concept of sin to pile on the guy they hate and attribute his acts or alleged acts as sin or sinful.
Can you square that circle for me?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I'm pretty sure gay people have been told time and time again what the Word says.?
The must have missed the part about sin and repentance then forgiveness.
Is it simply to show them with bible verse the error of their ways or would you like to see them become a believer?
Depends on what they believe.
If you believe something not written, wasting your time.


Well-Known Member
The must have missed the part about sin and repentance then forgiveness.
You really think they "missed" that part? Or so tired of having a finger pointing at them telling them to "change your ways or you're going to hell"? To me, that's a sure fire way to keep them from even be willing to give it a chance. "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her" comes to mind.


Well-Known Member
You said he has read the Bible, I’m saying by his own admission he has not.

I've never heard that admission from him, i've heard him profess to have read the bible. I'm sure with his back ground it was probably something he was forced to do when younger. I'm sure he's not a big bible reader now

i dont honestly understand why its so important for you guys to bash him for his bible reading.

he's our president. I need a good running country , i do not need nor want a president who is only good at reading a bible.

El Correcto

god is dead
If these YouTube Christians are going to heaven count me out. Sounds horrible having to listen to this bull:censored2: for an eternity. Jesus following me around making sure I don’t get laid.

* that.