
Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You really think they "missed" that part? Or so tired of having a finger pointing at them telling them to "change your ways or you're going to hell"? To me, that's a sure fire way to keep them from even be willing to give it a chance. "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her" comes to mind.
Keep reading the text. What did Jesus tell the woman?
" Go and just keep being an adulteress?"
No. He told her what she needed to hear. Think she liked it? Changed? Said Jesus was just some finger pointer?
" Go and sin no more." -- John 8:11
Too harsh? Too mean spirited? Tiresome?
Or was it what the woman needed to hear?
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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Be careful what you pray for old man. You’ll be stuck up in heaven with a genocidal monster living by its rules for eternity if everything goes according to plan.

Sounds horrible have fun with that.
Sounds like the wailing and gnashing of teeth in the afterlife has already started here, with you!


Well-Known Member
Keep reading the text. What did Jesus tell the woman?
" Go and just keep being an adulteress?"
No. He told her what she needed to hear. Think she liked it? Changed? Said Jesus was just some finger pointer?
" Go and sin no more." -- John 8:11
Too harsh? Too mean spirited? Tiresome?
Or was it what the woman needed to hear?
He did tell her that, just after telling those what he did when they demanded her to be stoned. It wasn't their place to condemn, but a reminder that she wasn't the only one to sin. He treated her kindly and simply told her to sin no more.

El Correcto

god is dead
Actually still believing Santa would make more sense:

At least then someone would still be sneaking evidence under the tree every year. You blindly believe in something without any evidence and than talk like you have all the answers for the universe. So pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Be careful what you pray for old man. You’ll be stuck up in heaven with a genocidal monster living by its rules for eternity if everything goes according to plan.

Sounds horrible have fun with that.



Well-Known Member
Actually still believing Santa would make more sense:

At least then someone would still be sneaking evidence under the tree every year. You blindly believe in something without any evidence and than talk like you have all the answers for the universe. So pathetic.

kind of like a gay priest saying trust me

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Also blaming gays for catholic traditions pathetic.
"This fact is particularly disturbing. Homosexuals comprise just two percent of the population, yet are responsible for 33% of all child sexual abuse. They offend against children at 16 times the rate of the normal population." -Journal of Sex Research