
Staff member
Keep reading the text. What did Jesus tell the woman?
" Go and just keep being an adulteress?"
No. He told her what she needed to hear. Think she liked it? Changed? Said Jesus was just some finger pointer?
" Go and sin no more." -- John 8:11
Too harsh? Too mean spirited? Tiresome?
Or was it what the woman needed to hear?
Is that what you’re saying? “Go and sin no more.” That’s it?

Good. Enough said. Seems best to let those words stand on their own, don’t you think?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The Archives of Sexual Behavior, in a study of 229 convicted child molesters, found that “eighty-six percent of offenders against males described themselves as homosexual or bisexual.”

El Correcto

god is dead
"This fact is particularly disturbing. Homosexuals comprise just two percent of the population, yet are responsible for 33% of all child sexual abuse. They offend against children at 16 times the rate of the normal population." -Journal of Sex Research
What percentage do catholics represent?


Staff member
"This fact is particularly disturbing. Homosexuals comprise just two percent of the population, yet are responsible for 33% of all child sexual abuse. They offend against children at 16 times the rate of the normal population." -Journal of Sex Research
Freakin disgusting. Time for some selective castration.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
What percentage do catholics represent?
Cardinal Brandmüller was a bit too quick to deflect blame from the Catholic Church itself, by blaming the whole problem on homosexuality. But they invited this scandal when it began allowing homosexuals to enter its seminaries in the 1960s. They did so because of the difficulty of recruiting young men into the priesthood who quite naturally wanted to marry and have families.

As more and more homosexuals flooded seminaries and then went into the priesthood, a culture of homosexuality was fostered in the church with all its attendant pathologies.


Staff member
Even if in some contexts, such as the Catholic priest sex-abuse scandal, the victims and perpetrators were disproportionately likely to be of the same gender, most researchers say the motivating factor wasn’t sexual orientation. Instead, it was the perpetrators’ pathological attraction to children and their access to children of a certain gender—altar boys, in the priests’ case. “The important point is that many child molesters cannot be meaningfully described as homosexuals, heterosexuals, or bisexuals (in the usual sense of those terms) because they are not really capable of a relationship with an adult man or woman,” writes Gregory Herek, an emeritus professor of social psychology at the University of California at Davis, on his blog.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Fortunately, the Catholic Church for the first time seems to be taking firm steps to deal with this, by making men with same-sex proclivities ineligible for the priesthood. If they had established this standard in 1960, thousands upon thousands of children would have been spared the life-altering trauma of sexual abuse.

El Correcto

god is dead
You’re missing the grand scheme when it comes to people who abuse children.

They are pedophiles.

No one sees when a @vantexan type molests a poor girl from an Asian country and thinks damn all heterosexuals are bad people. They don’t even call them heterosexuals. They are pedophiles.

Whenever a pedophile rapes a same sex child everyone places what they view as a shameful stigma on top of them of being “gay”. Instead of giving them the same treatment as a “straight” pedophile.

Pedophiles are pedophiles.

The Catholic religion is a global pedophile cult.

El Correcto

god is dead
It's a shame gay priests gave the church such a bad name
Yes it’s a shame the church hid pedophiles.
Cardinal Brandmüller was a bit too quick to deflect blame from the Catholic Church itself, by blaming the whole problem on homosexuality. But they invited this scandal when it began allowing homosexuals to enter its seminaries in the 1960s. They did so because of the difficulty of recruiting young men into the priesthood who quite naturally wanted to marry and have families.

As more and more homosexuals flooded seminaries and then went into the priesthood, a culture of homosexuality was fostered in the church with all its attendant pathologies.
what ignorance this goes back further than the 60’s.


Well-Known Member
Even if in some contexts, such as the Catholic priest sex-abuse scandal, the victims and perpetrators were disproportionately likely to be of the same gender, most researchers say the motivating factor wasn’t sexual orientation. Instead, it was the perpetrators’ pathological attraction to children and their access to children of a certain gender—altar boys, in the priests’ case. “The important point is that many child molesters cannot be meaningfully described as homosexuals, heterosexuals, or bisexuals (in the usual sense of those terms) because they are not really capable of a relationship with an adult man or woman,” writes Gregory Herek, an emeritus professor of social psychology at the University of California at Davis, on his blog.

No wonder the problem never got fixed with such excuse making defending gay priests.

El Correcto

god is dead
Fortunately, the Catholic Church for the first time seems to be taking firm steps to deal with this, by making men with same-sex proclivities ineligible for the priesthood. If they had established this standard in 1960, thousands upon thousands of children would have been spared the life-altering trauma of sexual abuse.
Try reading something other than a Catholic half stepping the issue and scape goating. Try researching it for yourself, even at a glance you can see this goes back centuries.


Staff member
"This fact is particularly disturbing. Homosexuals comprise just two percent of the population, yet are responsible for 33% of all child sexual abuse. They offend against children at 16 times the rate of the normal population." -Journal of Sex Research
Homosexuals offend against children at 16 times the rate of normal people. That's in general, of course.
Gay priests obviously must offend against children at a HUGELY higher rate than normal priests.

El Correcto

god is dead
You've shown you really don't care as long as you can blame the church
Lmao it’s true son, unlike your gays are pedophiles theory. You idiots won’t acknowledge that pedophiles are pedophiles and one offends against the opposite gender sexuality is never called into question.


Well-Known Member
Lmao it’s true son, unlike your gays are pedophiles theory. You idiots won’t acknowledge that pedophiles are pedophiles and one offends against the opposite gender sexuality is never called into question.
Gay priests are responsible