El Correcto

god is dead
Calasanz was canonized in 1767, and in 1948, Pope Pius XII named him “Universal Patron of all the Christian popular schools in the world.” There is of course an unmissable, grim irony in the elevation of someone who was complicit in the sexual abuse of children as the patron saint of Catholic education.

Yes but this started in the 60’s.

It goes even further than this you idiots.

I don’t know why you have such a hard on for defending a pedophile cult that honors pedophiles and slandering gays.


Well-Known Member


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Is that what you’re saying? “Go and sin no more.” That’s it?
I'm quoting what the Lord said.
Good. Enough said. Seems best to let those words stand on their own, don’t you think?
You don't.
Given your responses on the bc about sin, I don't think you would have called the woman an adulteress, much less telling her not to sin anymore.
Have to call sin what it is before you can stand a chance of stopping.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
He did tell her that, just after telling those what he did when they demanded her to be stoned.
This was in compliance to the law of Moses.Which they and Jesus lived under.
This scene was likely a set up by them, another test, wanting him reject what the Law demanded.
It wasn't their place to condemn,
Yes it was. "Caught in the very act, with witness'', the Law demanded stoning.
a reminder that she wasn't the only one to sin.
He treated her kindly and simply told her to sin no more.
You assume too much.
Words on a page. Can't hear his tone. Can't see his face when he says "Go and sin no more."
Since sin put Him on the cross, He may have been a little more sterner than what you think.
I know one thing, He never tilted His head, raised His eyebrows , smiled and winked, chuckled .." Now..Now..Don't you be doin' that foolin' around tonight!''