Lightest peak season ever


See now your telling me what I believe instead of explaining what you believe.

So it’s not “work” if no money is involved is that it? Still it’s labor, no matter what name you give it.

I’m certain that in any society, any economic system, there are going to be those who try to free load. Doesn’t mean I think humans are inherently bad just that we run the spectrum of good and bad. Lotmore good than bad IMO or our race would have not survived.
Okay, we have a point of connection here. Yes, it's not "work" if you or me ask the other do something without the power to starve/expose the other the elements. I don't know what your living situation is like, but my wife and I ask such things of the other all the time. "Will you please do this?" I've already said; I don't think there's a huge issue with "laziness". That's a fear of people used to crappy relationships, and who lack the will/ability to stand up for themselves.

Yes, I don't think free-loading can be neatly dismissed. Capitalism is probably the finest example of it. But it's there in the ethnographies too. I have no problem dealing with free-loaders on a smaller scale. But when the free-loaders have arrogated to themselves the powers of the law and social custom, as is currently the case, it is foolish to worry about your neighbor taking advantage of you in some hypothetical society. We already live in a world where, with a little investigation, it's easy to see how our employers take advantage of us and put serious restrictions on our freedom.


Well-Known Member
Okay, we have a point of connection here. Yes, it's not "work" if you or me ask the other do something without the power to starve/expose the other the elements. I don't know what your living situation is like, but my wife and I ask such things of the other all the time. "Will you please do this?" I've already said; I don't think there's a huge issue with "laziness". That's a fear of people used to crappy relationships, and who lack the will/ability to stand up for themselves.

Yes, I don't think free-loading can be neatly dismissed. Capitalism is probably the finest example of it. But it's there in the ethnographies too. I have no problem dealing with free-loaders on a smaller scale. But when the free-loaders have arrogated to themselves the powers of the law and social custom, as is currently the case, it is foolish to worry about your neighbor taking advantage of you in some hypothetical society. We already live in a world where, with a little investigation, it's easy to see how our employers take advantage of us and put serious restrictions on our freedom.
Yes freeloaders in our society already take advantage of me, I pay for the government checks they cash in lieu of finding a means of self support. I don’t like it but I feel any social system will have that segment.

I fail to see the argument of employment as being taken advantage of when in fact I have a say in where I work, how much I will accept for the work, and I have the freedom to leave and work elsewhere.


You're still making no sense. Aren't you saying that you can only be "free" if you don't have to work?

Against "wage labor". Would you prefer to be paid with chickens?

No work means nothing exists and humanity goes extinct in about 2 weeks.
You're a well-trained laborer, not used to making decisions or having some say of what gets done, how it gets done, and why.

You think we need to have a leader, who also just so happens to make bank off our efforts.

I would prefer to have access to my own bit of land, to be a part of a real "brotherhood" who gives a **** about one another instead of dreaming of "lording it over" my brothers, and to cooperate to thrive. Whereas now we're divided and compete to survive.

Look. I'm not a fooking genius. I have no plan. I can't tell you how it's best to live. I'm truly sorry. I wish I was that wise but I'm just another foolish human being. Maybe the only thing that separates us is I don't apolgoize for this ****ty way of life. It's bad. I've seen the homeless population double or triple since Covid. That's not good. You can call them lazy, or freeloaders, or whatever slander you need to make yourself feel okay while billionaire idiots take flights to "outer space." And while people like you and me are doing relatively okay because we lucked out to get a union job and were able follow our stupid orders, but the chips are down. I get it. It's easier to harden your heart than to admit not only how hapless these "street people" are, but to look at yourself in the mirror, think of all the compromises you've made, how easily you could've been there. It's easier not think about those things.


Your forced to make an effort, you can choose who, where, when and why. That’s freedom.

You want the choice of no effort it’s no consequence. That’s not freedom, that’s impossibility.
Ah but it's not so simple we live under a global market my friend.


Well-Known Member
Nope. And **** Lenin, Stalin, and Mao too!!! Besides, we already have a 6 day a week gulag at UPS, apparently with the blessings of the IBT, but it's fine because we're "getting paid well" for following orders. :wink-very:
Yes, you see in the actual Gulag, you don’t get paid, and you can’t leave. Another common point of reference!


Ok. Pretty easy.
If you say so. I don't think it is, but, in all fairness, we've been too busy slaving away to appreciate the plants. You pay a little attention and you'll notice, they're not "stupid" ... whereas, you pay attention to how us very clearly sentient beings live, and you could be forgiven for calling it dumb ...


Well-Known Member
I would prefer to have access to my own bit of land, to be a part of a real "brotherhood" who gives a **** about one another instead of dreaming of "lording it over" my brothers, and to cooperate to thrive.

Simple point of fact.. in our society today you are free to go buy some land and do exactly this if that’s what you want. Get a few folks to go in with you if that’s what sounds good. I would wish you best of luck and happiness, I would. Wouldn’t be my cup of tea, but that’s cool thing about freedom.


Yes, you see in the actual Gulag, you don’t get paid, and you can’t leave. Another common point of reference!
You should read about the prison population in the US right now. But I'm sure here it's all justified, as opposed to the Soviet Union. See, I have no interest in these silly games: governments are wrong; they only serve to limit our (my, yours, ours) freedom. And I say that as a communist. Governments are bad; people should control their own lives, not be hectored by bureaucracies.


Well-Known Member
If you say so. I don't think it is, but, in all fairness, we've been too busy slaving away to appreciate the plants. You pay a little attention and you'll notice, they're not "stupid" ... whereas, you pay attention to how us very clearly sentient beings live, and you could be forgiven for calling it dumb ...
“Slaving” Haven’t noticed any whips or nooses. C’mon man, your going to labor more for less in your commune, But if your more satisfied with it, be my guest.

“Slaves” don’t make bank off their work. We do. Slaves can’t leave. We can.

It’s great to throw hot button words out to try to make working at UPS seem like a North Korean Re-education Camp but I mean try picking cotton or digging a ditch. Again, sorry you hate your job maybe think of a new path.