That's a nice thought, but the reality is different.
Supervisors working during peak, is the result of a few things:
1) The company intentionally understaffing the operation.
Based on how many people you see taking the tour, that's not reality.
2) People signing up to "double shift" and not showing up.
Happens every Saturday and Sunday sort.
3) Part-time employee's that don't realize.. during peak.. it's not part-time.
Hence the reason, for overtime.
Reality is...
The golf cart employees cant do 60-80 stops a day and either leave the remaining pkgs in the garage with the cart and diad for someone else to finish or...
The PVD folks cant deliver the 80 stops each that they were supposed to or...
The seasonal drivers recruited from the part time ranks cant do the 60-80 stops they are sent out to do and need bailed out or...
The outside seasonal drivers are not as productive as planned (we recently had one off the street seasonal here that delivered 9 stops in 6 hours) or...
All or a combination of all of the above.
They used to called "90 day wonders".
Now.... your lucky if the supes can drive a stick.
Not 90 days for the last one here.
It was 3 days and the supe asked someone to pull his truck out of the building for him because he was behind a pole.
I think he's talking about supervisors who are put on at the beginning of
Peak and drive a route daily for the duration of the season.
The Company often does this before promoting part supervisors to full time.
Yep. 3 days. That's it.
But I'm also talking about the ors that just got back from delivering pkgs in the L89 area because they had a need for more delivery drivers. The center manager told us that. They have got to be scraping the barrel.