Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
I would gladly give up any raise and even take a pay cut if I could get the defined pension that every other Upser has.

Just the kind of guy you want to walk the line with! You would'nt last a week Unionman or should I say Companyman! Take a pay cut, no raises? What else do you want to give up?


Well-Known Member
Just the kind of guy you want to walk the line with! You would'nt last a week Unionman or should I say Companyman! Take a pay cut, no raises? What else do you want to give up?
Your the one who is afraid to strike. Why else would you come on here crying about the E Board and putting down your union brothers just because they don't have as much experience as you. What the hell does that have to do with anything other than your immaturity. Grow up, grow a pair and get ready for a strike.


Well-Known Member
I would gladly give up any raise and even take a pay cut if I could get the defined pension that every other Upser has.

COMPANYMAN I have walked the line several times and in the end will do it again. Everything you have was due to the efforts of real Unionmen's blood sweat and tears. So don't pretend your some kind of Union badass because we all know you went straight from Mommys house to UPS as a parts boy. And then upgraded to a mechanic with no experience. The last 4 years real AMT's have been wasting their time training someone who never paid his dues in this industry. Once again you need to thank Joe everyday for putting the upgrade language in the contract. If we do go on strike i suspect you will the one of the first to cross, after all you are already willing to take a pay cut.


Well-Known Member
COMPANYMAN I have walked the line several times and in the end will do it again. Everything you have was due to the efforts of real Unionmen's blood sweat and tears. So don't pretend your some kind of Union badass because we all know you went straight from Mommys house to UPS as a parts boy. And then upgraded to a mechanic with no experience. The last 4 years real AMT's have been wasting their time training someone who never paid his dues in this industry. Once again you need to thank Joe everyday for putting the upgrade language in the contract. If we do go on strike i suspect you will the one of the first to cross, after all you are already willing to take a pay cut.
Dude what is your problem, I never worked in parts and I have paid my dues. Like that matters anyhow. Im just glad to hear your ready to walk the line, I promise you, I will be right there with you.


Well-Known Member
1. Only UPS hats
2. Only certain color t-shirts
3. Only blk or brn shoe laces
4. Perfect attendance bonas changes
5 Phone call recorded by AMC
6. 6 in 6 attendance rules
7. No passengers in rental cars while on tdy
8. Recurrent training 90 days before due date
9. Hundreds of A @ B's
10. Plugging into aircraft before beacon
11. Professional AMT training (Coming soon to your Gateway)
12. Supervisors giving warning letters for every concievable violation

I want the right to wear green shoe laces, 20 cents for every AB I'm forced to read and Star Trek uniforms...Live long and prosper


Active Member
The bottom line is if you vote no on the authorization for a strike then you are a scab and god help you if we find out you voted no!


Well-Known Member
So which one is it, Am I like your manager or am I "shutting down aircraft dude"? Can't be both.

If you havent been paying attention, They have been outsourcing our work for years.

If our current representation isnt competent I'm sure I'll see your name on the ballot next time.

For a guy who's on a flight to happiness you sure spend alot of time at the cafe.

Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is nessesary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy sate of things.

Winston Churchill


Well-Known Member
Matter of fact Dixon was layed off from DFW during the NDA cutback. His comments were taken out of context as newspaper people sometime weave. He wont work in DFW for many years. I hate to inform you of the hotline message today, but we have guys that are clueless on the RLA of 1929. Again I am asking the sups to quit acting like AMTs you guys harbor to many hard feelings like extended OOS, week long engine swaps etc etc. Today we have 209 Airplanes and we all know the formula for mechanics, insp, amc, there is a BIG buffer and I wonder if the Warden will take us to the limit. The RFD NDA shutdown will occur after peak, thats 22 minimum. What about the n401up-n420up thats 19X4. I have a feeling that Combine didnt have the IBTs blessing on this but he has played his cards and we must assist him to get retro, free health care, buck 50 per hour per year, and subcontracting rules. In closing the DEN amt has been returned to work after the arbitrator ruled excessive punishment for a minor work place violence drummed up charge. This should have never went to arbitration, a pit entry was all he needed. We must all stick together or Grade 20s will pocket our money.


Well-Known Member
Matter of fact Dixon was layed off from DFW during the NDA cutback. His comments were taken out of context as newspaper people sometime weave. He wont work in DFW for many years. I hate to inform you of the hotline message today, but we have guys that are clueless on the RLA of 1929. Again I am asking the sups to quit acting like AMTs you guys harbor to many hard feelings like extended OOS, week long engine swaps etc etc. Today we have 209 Airplanes and we all know the formula for mechanics, insp, amc, there is a BIG buffer and I wonder if the Warden will take us to the limit. The RFD NDA shutdown will occur after peak, thats 22 minimum. What about the n401up-n420up thats 19X4. I have a feeling that Combine didnt have the IBTs blessing on this but he has played his cards and we must assist him to get retro, free health care, buck 50 per hour per year, and subcontracting rules. In closing the DEN amt has been returned to work after the arbitrator ruled excessive punishment for a minor work place violence drummed up charge. This should have never went to arbitration, a pit entry was all he needed. We must all stick together or Grade 20s will pocket our money.

Wow !!!! I cant believe that you really have no clue as to whats going on.


Well-Known Member
Look on the seniorty list and you will find Dixon in SDF, your comments are incorrect. You love the current E-Board and would take concessions to prove it. I am behind these guys and will do what it requires to keep from giving back 20 years of hard fought work. Ben Cissel worked us over in the 80s and 90s. When Roggencamp showed up in the late 90s Joe made monumental gains that is the envoy of the industry. Joe ran Roggencamp through the ringer and he lost his Div Mgr job. When Ragar was brought in to stop Joe, it was the Kintucky boys that voted him out. The guys that had full pockets and job protection voted him out just because he took care of them. Talk about biting the hand that feed. Yes I am clueless my friendo.


Well-Known Member
So Friendo have many mechanics are needed for 209 jets? Yes I am clueless. Did Hoffa, Capt Borne, and Roland OK the strike vote? Yes I am clueless.


"We are asking for little but UPS is asking us to do something NO OTHER TEAMSTER does, PAY for insurance. If they make us pay, they will make you pay next."

I hate to say it (mainly because it comes out of my pocket), but we Teamsters @ UPS Freight do pay for our insurance. :angry: Don't get me wrong, I fully support you and your position, I just wanted to clarify.


Well-Known Member
"We are asking for little but UPS is asking us to do something NO OTHER TEAMSTER does, PAY for insurance. If they make us pay, they will make you pay next."

I hate to say it (mainly because it comes out of my pocket), but we Teamsters @ UPS Freight do pay for our insurance. :angry: Don't get me wrong, I fully support you and your position, I just wanted to clarify.

...and I think in 2013 we will be joining you in paying for our insurance...


Well-Known Member
Wow !!!! I cant believe that you really have no clue as to whats going on.

Yet you have all the answers. Must be nice being Combines lapdag.

In wartime, truth is so presious that she should always be atteded by a bodygaurd of lies.

Winston Churchill


Well-Known Member
Im just glad to hear your ready to walk the line, I promise you, I will be right there with you.

Thats conforting to know Unionboy. Maybe you can carry an umbrella so i can march under shade.

The great defense against the air menace is to attack the enemy's aircraft as near as possible to their point of departure.

Winston Churchill
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