Local 2727 UPDATE

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"Oh, I got a hangover to shame all previous hangovers. And I did'na touch a drop of scotch"

-Montgomery Scott- Star Trek TOS

Instead of getting excited over Trekkie quotes you people need to focus on the big picture. Currently we are putting together some information to be posted via EBAY/Google adverts. Billboards in SDF are not enough, we need to get global with this thing and spin it like a Frisbee. Information will be passed throughout the ranks soon...


Well-Known Member
Instead of getting excited over Trekkie quotes you people need to focus on the big picture. Currently we are putting together some information to be posted via EBAY/Google adverts. Billboards in SDF are not enough, we need to get global with this thing and spin it like a Frisbee. Information will be passed throughout the ranks soon...

As much enjoyment you may get out of making UPS suffer, In the end the people that will suffer most will be us! Driving customers away is not a formula for victory , or a good contract. What we need is leaders that can put together a stratagy that does not destroy what we already have. The road we have been put on has brought nothing but lay- offs and misery for our membership. Its time to take the training wheels off!! Its time for a new E-board.


Well-Known Member
very nice for flight 62.. any more overflights? now i can really get some sleep in my truck.. thank god for SWA.

i'm a leavin, on a jet plane, don't know when i'll be back again.

Guess what! There's life after UPS! Get out of that Sh** hole and call SWA. They are a professional outfit that actually cares about their employee's. Good luck with the big Johnson...Losers


Well-Known Member
As much enjoyment you may get out of making UPS suffer, In the end the people that will suffer most will be us! Driving customers away is not a formula for victory , or a good contract. What we need is leaders that can put together a stratagy that does not destroy what we already have. The road we have been put on has brought nothing but lay- offs and misery for our membership. Its time to take the training wheels off!! Its time for a new E-board.

MRV, A new e board would probably put an end to this misery, but we are not able to get a new board now, how much are we going to lose in the next 2yrs. while these pigfarmers are in charge. It seems the company is going to push as hard as possible now , when they can. They never would have pulled this while Joe was at the helm. Are we just going to wait for them to give up everything the 2727 earned? Should we standback while those pigfarmers destroy us?
Hmmm...I agree with acmxsuperslug, Mr.V, and JETDOC. A balance must be struck that keeps the majority satisfied. It’s too bad that UPS has such a caustic management-labor atmosphere.
Sounds like Skyking Birdman has a pretty good deal going to SWA, I wish you the best of luck sir.
UPS was an aviation company with an impeccable reputation for employment. Under the tutelage of current senior management, that reputation has been destroyed. Good job people...
I would like to see the Union, and the Company, get with the program, and get to an agreement of some kind that doesn’t piss off the people who get the packages delivered (on both labor AND management sides).

Work right slow and safe

Well-Known Member
I would look at what the comp was at and doing 4 years ago they were doing good so the new cont should be based off then not now. if it was done then what could ups change now based off it they should have been on the ball
I personally wouldn't mind if we did not have a holiday bank in our next contract. I would be willing in light of the current economic situations to make some other concessions. However, in all fairness to both the employees in our union and the company, maybe a sliding payscale percentage according to the economic downturn over each year could be acceptable. Like a 5% raise for the first year (when the economy was okay and the company made a huge profit); 4% the second year; 3% the next and 2% for this year. I know that Local 89 does not pay for health care under thier new contract so I don't know why the company would be so insistant on us paying. As far as outsourcing goes, this is a global economy now and Alot of U.S. companies are outsourcing. There will be more of this happening because people in other countries are willing to work hard for less money. With the NAFTA Trade agreement and China being a member in the WTO, we as americans will see more of this type of cost savings in the future by American companies. Look around you to notice the shift of wealth, We are not really the economic giant America used to be before NAFTA was enacted! Mexico, China, India are growing
economically by the numbers. We have to look beyond our own selfish desires to see how our political leaders & big business are destroying this country's economy. I think we will need to be fair in what we ask for from UPS, not greedy; just fair. We do make good money but the company agreed to it in the last contract, so don't feel like they don't owe you a raise for the last 3 years. But be fair by working for the money that you are making and think about what YOU would want YOUR employee to do for you in exchange for upward of 43 dollars an hour if you owned a business, would you hire yourself? Just think about it......


what, no snappy comebacks from any of you smart guys? 43 bucks an hour can buy a lot of rice...
Go Bustin!


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and go on strike and we will just lay more of you off!

Like you said Warden -
I believe in two things: discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord; your ass belongs to me. Welcome to UPS.

And for all of those layed off or about to be.... You can get busy living or get busy dying.

"The Nazi party should not become a constable of public opinion, but must dominate it. It must not become a servant of the masses, but their master!"
- Adolf Hitler
It is not a win-win situation for either the local 2727 folks or for the UPS Company for a strike to happen. You should not even tell someone to go ahead and do it...some people will just want it in spite. You management folks who act like you don't care need to examine labor history. Maybe some 2727 people will be laid off due to a strike but don't think the company won't feel any pain if it happens...some customers are already saying they are looking into swapping now before it happens. Losses will occur for the big brown giant as well as the union people. Why wouldn't a company try to resolve a 3 year due contract with it's members? Don't you think that is close to being criminalistic? Why not in good faith make an effort to make the contract as close to pleasing for the members to ratify it? Why hold back unless you are just trying to anger the people into taking the stupid actions that some will choose to do - like work slowdowns, strike, etc.?????Why as a company man would you promote this? Pride is a sin and you need to think about the things you wish for.
Some of the people who work here actually try to do a very good job for this company and would like it very much if the company would respect that fact. I don't want to have a strike, I will lose, the company will lose.
But if you think no retropay, a 1% raise is appealing you need to have your head examined!


Well-Known Member

What is your point? You want to strike you don't want to strike. You want to help the company and you want to stick it to the company. You must be one of those Useless Female Upgrade Ms. Piggy Farmers With Hot Flashes. You don't know which side to be on. Just vote YES!

"For there is one thing we must never forget… the majority can never replace the man. And no more than a hundred empty heads make one wise man will an heroic decision arise from a hundred cowards."
- Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
Go ahead and go on strike and we will just lay more of you off!

Go Bustin as in Union Busting. This is no joke! No matter what anyone says these lay offs are rooted in this mans hate for AMT's and this workforce. The combination of an inept control freak and a weak E-board is why we are being assaulted! Warden and his fake diplomas will not stop until he destroys this Union.
I will vote yes for strike though I rather we did not have to go through all this to get a fair offer in our contract. But I will NOT lower myself to use your tactics and call people I don't even know names on an open forum. It makes you look like an idiot who cannot make a point without resorting to ignorant behavior.:knockedout:


Well-Known Member
I rather we did not have to go through all this to get a fair offer in our contract.

Duh!!! To call yourself "Brainyone" you don't seem too smart. None of us want to go through with this. This is what we get when Pig Farmers unite in an attempt to gain respect that they don't deserve. Joe didn't cuddle up and spoon with you pig farmers while the banjo music played and whisper in your ear that you have a pretty mouth. He didn't care that some supervisor gave you a dirty look, or that they had to chase you around the ramp trying to get you upgrades to do the job that you were over paid and under qualified to do.

"It must be thoroughly understood that the lost land will never be won back by solemn appeals to the God, nor by hopes in any League of Nations, but only by the force of arms."
- Adolf Hitler
Yes, this whole strike thing presents us with a conundrum. Wait! Could it possibly mean that the power of a strike rests simply on the ability to? Wow, this stuff is getting deep! LOL!!!
Now ya' see Ace, I made comment without hurting anyone’s precious feelings.
Now that Warden, he's a baaaad man...

"I speak in the name of the entire German people when I assure the world that we all share the honest wish to eliminate the enmity that brings far more costs than any possible benefits... It would be a wonderful thing for all of humanity if both peoples would renounce force against each other forever. The German people are ready to make such a pledge."
Adolf Hitler - 14th October 1933


Well-Known Member
I think the billboard is cute which means it won't scare UPS
and most people who are news followers might ask "Isn't UPS
a worldwide Company? " Of course they have jobs overseas!
We should have a billboard contest for the upgrades (like ACE)
Probably be the most work he's done in 20 years!!!!!!
Just pull him off of Joe's lap and give him some crayons.....:funny:
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