Local 2727 UPDATE

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Your the typical union hating supervisor, I was using my blackberry on break.
Don't you dare call me a union hating sup. You *****************. I work in the trenches and I pay my ************ dues. So stuff it. You have no call to tell DOL that he was surfin the net on company time. You have no idea what he was doing.


Don't you dare call me a union hating sup. You *****************. I work in the trenches and I pay my ************ dues. So stuff it. You have no call to tell DOL that he was surfin the net on company time. You have no idea what he was doing.

Dilli and DOL sitting on a tree
first comes love
then comes marriage
then comes dol jr
in a baby carriage


Well-Known Member
You must be a newbie. After deregulation, layoffs in this industry were as common as a head cold. That's one reason, I went b eyond my A&P. Oh yeah, plus not having to work nights, holidays, weekends and in that constant Louisville 15 degree temps, some spin doctor talked about on another thread. Things were better temporarily (20 years), but this is not 2000 anymore, yet some on this thread, have no creativity as to how to get close to what you "need" (which is different from "want". My situation has changed too. In the "logic", I keep reading, who should you not get less like I am? I keep reading about how much money the Company makes in profit; let's take it down a few notches and comapre your bosses compensation to yours. Are you only going to compare what you should get based on Company profits? Why don't I get an equal vote and say your compensation should be based on managements? I know about the contract and everything, but humor me and answer my question.
Oh and dig through the AMFA siate and see how much more UPS airline mechanics make over SWA mechanics.
I asked Airbus clown to gain some creditability, but he won't and he doesn't have any and he's probably lubing a 757 at the moment.

Newbie?.. I wish. (20) + yrs.(In the biz) I've suffered through layoffs before. This has nothing to do with aviation & the industry. It's all about the 2013 contract. You can not think this over 1300 mechanics.
No one has stated our pay is unfair. SW, AA, UAL, DeltaWest ect.... they should all be paid as well. (The FAA is to blame for this) When a company is as profitable as UPS, there is a reason. It's from the hard work of it's employees. We only ask for a fair contract that reflects that.
As for humor you & answer the question, I'm not sure what the question is. Maybe I did.
As for lubing a 757......
I wish I was lubing a 757 or MD11 or A300 or 747 or 767....I look good in a bunny suit.


Well-Known Member
I won't quote anyone that posts on here.

MRV, with the crap with CookDaddy and SKYKING, I sense you are the third entity. Don't know; but I wonder.

You know as well as I do that this "final" offer was released to undermine the negotiations

I don't know this at all. My Labor Group does, but I don't and I absolutely know that you don't

Airbuskr.... There are certain people that you should not mess with... Dilli; AJ; Fethers; More; DOL.
You have no creditability as it is, but be very afraid of who you are nasty to. Mean it!
You are the one that needs to be afraid because your the one who is way out of line with coming on this forum and throwing bombs around like your in Vietnam.
We as mechanics may disagree with each other but as a whole we watch the others guys back.


You are the one that needs to be afraid because your the one who is way out of line with coming on this forum and throwing bombs around like your in Vietnam.
We as mechanics may disagree with each other but as a whole we watch the others guys back.
I will post in whatever thread I feel like posting in. You can keep your reps to yourself.


Well-Known Member
This expert and her bff dysfuntional manger averages over 8 post per day. Now dm has only been her since Sept but she has thousands of post. The time she has been posting on the airline threads, she has attacked us just like ole dol. I guess she is an airline expert just like dol showing his expertise on ground side threads. Maybe they should start their own thread and leave us alone.


Airbus, I have attacked no one in this thread and there is no TOS that says that I can't post in any thread that I want to. You bitch about my 1000's of posts but there are many in here that have far more posts than I do. I don't hear you bitching about them. At no time did I ever claim to be an expert on the airline side of our business. Notice I hilited our. It is our business. I am as much apart of this business as you are. And I am learning a little about the airline side. Just so that you are clear, DOL is learning the ground side as well. No need for innuendo here.

BTW, thanks you have just given me a good reason to stick around and put in my 2 cents more often. Hope it pisses you off to no end. :happy-very:
Don't you dare call me a union hating sup. You *****************. I work in the trenches and I pay my ************ dues. So stuff it. You have no call to tell DOL that he was surfin the net on company time. You have no idea what he was doing.

Hey! Watch the ****ing language!


Juvenile delinquent............... :happy-very:



(see also hunt, prowl, corner, pounce). Noun. A 35+ year old female who is on the "hunt" for a much younger, energetic, willing-to-do-anything male. The cougar can frequently be seen in a padded bra, cleavage exposed, propped up against a swanky bar in San Francisco (or other cities)waiting, watching, calculating; gearing up to sink her claws into an innocent young and strapping buck who happens to cross her path. "Man is cougar's number one prey"


Airbus, I have attacked no one in this thread and there is no TOS that says that I can't post in any thread that I want to. You bitch about my 1000's of posts but there are many in here that have far more posts than I do. I don't hear you bitching about them. At no time did I ever claim to be an expert on the airline side of our business. Notice I hilited our. It is our business. I am as much apart of this business as you are. And I am learning a little about the airline side. Just so that you are clear, DOL is learning the ground side as well. No need for innuendo here.

BTW, thanks you have just given me a good reason to stick around and put in my 2 cents more often. Hope it pisses you off to no end. :happy-very:

to sum it up: Dilli and Dol :where ground meets air


First off, his name is not airbutt, his name is airbusfxr. I assume that he fixes aircraft that allows the movement of packages, many of which end up on your truck. So please show a little respect for not only him but his fellow union members who have been going through a rather difficult time in the last few months and I fear even more difficult times ahead. You have my prayers and support, my brothers.

Dilligaf, recently you have had posts deleted by the moderators and based on your current posts in this thread, you apparently have not learned your lesson.
Words hurt, dilligaf. Don't be a hater, be a helper.
Hey, I never claimed to be perfect. And I do support my brothers and sisters. But I don't like being called a union hating sup. And did you notice that typical of air he couldn't even bother to apologize for his lack of knowledge of who's who in here. I mean really, he and a few others have done nothing but bad mouth Cheryl and Tony about BC. Really Pickup? Who is the hater here? It certainly isn't me. I hope the mech's get their contract. 3 yrs without one is wrong.

Dis-organized Labor

Don't you dare call me a union hating sup. You *****************. I work in the trenches and I pay my ************ dues. So stuff it. You have no call to tell DOL that he was surfin the net on company time. You have no idea what he was doing.

Dilli, Before Dizzee changes your Avatar and makes it scour; Please don't. ( i kind of like the one you have), I appreciate the support. My time varies from days to nights so these guys only guess who I am and my hours.:peaceful:
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