Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
everyone sing with me:

keep crying,
keep whining,
you can keep, begging us for more, for sure..
that's what bums are for.....

for good times,
and bad times,
no one's on your sideeee, any moreeeeeee......
what are union dues for????

Dis-organized Labor

Loved the latest 2727 Hotline message where your VP wants to grieve the relief flights going to help the Haitians.
Which one of you money grabbers will be the first to try to cash in on this opportunity.
The e-bored guy quotes Article 21 of your contract, but these are not "Charters" per se. They are Relief Flights that UPS has donated and those are volunteer Union and Management personnel on board. Regardless of what the UPS Dispatch article stated they are gratis flights, fuel, volunteers.
Why doesn't 2727 donate something, anything other than negative spin on every blessed thing you come across.


Well-Known Member
Loved the latest 2727 Hotline message where your VP wants to grieve the relief flights going to help the Haitians.
Which one of you money grabbers will be the first to try to cash in on this opportunity.
The e-bored guy quotes Article 21 of your contract, but these are not "Charters" per se. They are Relief Flights that UPS has donated and those are volunteer Union and Management personnel on board. Regardless of what the UPS Dispatch article stated they are gratis flights, fuel, volunteers.
Why doesn't 2727 donate something, anything other than negative spin on every blessed thing you come across.

Many mechanics did volunteer to participate in this releif effort and were denied. Hopefully you were given an opportunity to help those people.

Heres another example of how UPS chose to waste an opportunity to put aside their differences with 2727. Instead of working together for the common good during this terrible disaster, Airline management decided it was better to apply more pressue by violateing the contract and denying 2727 volunteers to help.
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Dis-organized Labor

Many mechanics did volunteer to participate in this releif effort and were denied. Hopefully you were given an opportunity to help those people.

Heres another example of how UPS chose to waste an opportunity to put aside their differences with 2727. Instead of working together for the common good during this terrible disaster, Airline management decided it was better to apply more pressue by violateing the contract and denying 2727 volunteers to help.

Keep spinning the facts. Explain why UPS is allowing its Pilots to volunteer? Isn't there much more liability with a Pilot than a Mechanic? Besides, I thought the smallest, yet highest paid UPS employees were the airline mechanics that we need to bring all the profits in. UPS could never survive without you guys sleeping in your trucks, pencil whipping tasks, grounding and delaying airplanes so that other UPSers down line have nothing but headaches to deal with because you're unhappy that the most important group in the Company may have to settle for a smaller pay raise than you think UPS should give you or pay no more than $160 a month for family medical coverage. Also, who would picket our Customers and publically bad mouth the company on every on-line forum imaginable.
I have tried to stay away from you cry babies. But the "Hotline" message about grieving the Haitian relief flights is too much for me.
Why don't find some way to ground those airplanes too. The Haitians are Customers too.
Some rocket scientist on here said: "UPS is about to have a rude awakening". Have you ever seen the movie Dirty Harry? "Do you feel lucky, punk"?


Well-Known Member
Keep spinning the facts. Explain why UPS is allowing its Pilots to volunteer? Isn't there much more liability with a Pilot than a Mechanic? Besides, I thought the smallest, yet highest paid UPS employees were the airline mechanics that we need to bring all the profits in. UPS could never survive without you guys sleeping in your trucks, pencil whipping tasks, grounding and delaying airplanes so that other UPSers down line have nothing but headaches to deal with because you're unhappy that the most important group in the Company may have to settle for a smaller pay raise than you think UPS should give you or pay no more than $160 a month for family medical coverage. Also, who would picket our Customers and publically bad mouth the company on every on-line forum imaginable.
I have tried to stay away from you cry babies. But the "Hotline" message about grieving the Haitian relief flights is too much for me.
Why don't find some way to ground those airplanes too. The Haitians are Customers too.
Some rocket scientist on here said: "UPS is about to have a rude awakening". Have you ever seen the movie Dirty Harry? "Do you feel lucky, punk"?

Nice to have you back. 20 years running reports for Warden has really closed you eyes on whats really happening on the line. Instead of blaming all the ills of this Airline on the Mechanics, maybe you should look into the history of incompetant management in the Airline that has fostered an atmosphere of hate and discontent.

One last thing DOL, these Haitian flights should have nothing to do with negotiations and 2727 members should have been given the chance to help.


Active Member
Grieving relief flight to Haiti??? Disgusting $43 bucks an hour and grieving flights of food the people who have nothing??? There are more important things than the contract. What brain surgeon thought grieving relief flights would be a good idea? Pull your collective heads out of your collective keisters!


Well-Known Member
This Airline thing is just beyond me. I was a mechanic in the USAF and did it for a lot less than any of you have ever had to work for. The one thing I had was pride in knowing that what I do matters. it sounds to me that none of you even have that, unbelievable.


Well-Known Member
UPS pays us industry leading pay for the skill set we bring to the table. If we were not worth it, UPS would not of negotiated and signed the contract we are currently working under. Saftey of flight and the safe operation of these aircraft is the primary responsibilty of mechanics and pilots all over the world....and thats something that matters and something we all take pride in. This dispute will never get in the way of us providing the public with ontime safe aircraft.

Dis-organized Labor

Nice to have you back. 20 years running reports for Warden has really closed you eyes on whats really happening on the line. Instead of blaming all the ills of this Airline on the Mechanics, maybe you should look into the history of incompetant management in the Airline that has fostered an atmosphere of hate and discontent.

One last thing DOL, these Haitian flights should have nothing to do with negotiations and 2727 members should have been given the chance to help.

No Shirt, Sherlock....The Relief flights have absolutely nothing to do with the negotiations. I plan to post the "Hotline" phone number on BC. Maybe it enlighten our BC Friends as to what your issues really are and what you're looking to attain. Don't freakin' tell me what your message is. I think I deserve more respect than that.

And the "Incompetent Management" comments......I have found a 1:1 ratio (if not more) union/non-union dumbasses in the Airline and in the "REAL" front line operations. Do you think it is easy juggling, like, 150 thinks at every single minute???? Spin that...

MRV, you've been pretty cool, so I apologize for the unload on you. I am just really stressed...


Well-Known Member
No Shirt, Sherlock....The Relief flights have absolutely nothing to do with the negotiations. I plan to post the "Hotline" phone number on BC. Maybe it enlighten our BC Friends as to what your issues really are and what you're looking to attain. Don't freakin' tell me what your message is. I think I deserve more respect than that.

And the "Incompetent Management" comments......I have found a 1:1 ratio (if not more) union/non-union dumbasses in the Airline and in the "REAL" front line operations. Do you think it is easy juggling, like, 150 thinks at every single minute???? Spin that...

MRV, you've been pretty cool, so I apologize for the unload on you. I am just really stressed...

I must admit filing a grievance on this issue is stupid. Having said that, things like this happen because of the Airlines caustic disfunctional work enviroment . Now you can blame mechanics for this which is understandable, but the real fault lies with a management team that has allowed this to spin out of control. 90 percent of us want to do our jobs and go home! Someday this contract will be settled, but this constant battle may never end.


Keep spinning the facts. Explain why UPS is allowing its Pilots to volunteer? Isn't there much more liability with a Pilot than a Mechanic? Besides, I thought the smallest, yet highest paid UPS employees were the airline mechanics that we need to bring all the profits in. UPS could never survive without you guys sleeping in your trucks, pencil whipping tasks, grounding and delaying airplanes so that other UPSers down line have nothing but headaches to deal with because you're unhappy that the most important group in the Company may have to settle for a smaller pay raise than you think UPS should give you or pay no more than $160 a month for family medical coverage. Also, who would picket our Customers and publically bad mouth the company on every on-line forum imaginable.
I have tried to stay away from you cry babies. But the "Hotline" message about grieving the Haitian relief flights is too much for me.
Why don't find some way to ground those airplanes too. The Haitians are Customers too.
Some rocket scientist on here said: "UPS is about to have a rude awakening". Have you ever seen the movie Dirty Harry? "Do you feel lucky, punk"?

DOL, You know the reason we spin the facts is because we as a union can not get you people to talk to us on a pro level, all we have to go on is hear-say because the Co. says to hell with the union scum!! we will do what we want and let them grieve it...what the hell is that!! I work NDA and alot of the guys/gals have years of experiance that can fix the aircraft at a drop of a hat. All the fleets have their issues and we as machanics know it. You state in your post that we sleep in trucks and pencil whipp task....Is that what you want us to do...Sleep and whipp....if i'm asleep the A/C is good....no harm...if I whipp...A/C good...Dude you are out of the loop....NDA 3 in 3 out...you make money I make money....SLEEP, WHIPP...whatever!! You are so out of touch....Brown Blood in the Head......ME SLEEP=package to customer.....ME WIPP=package to customer....you are an Idiot.... But if you remember we as aircraft mechanics took an oath that we would report any and all problems we find...Oh I'm sorry you have one of them UPS Air-Group A and P's...so called WHIPPED !! I guess have never made it as a Line Supervisor....Oh wait...! you are a manager..so I guess you have a Wipped A&P from the "FAA" ....sorry my bad....I hope you will agree wilth me that we need a contract!!
Now that the Co.. has included the flyboys in this battle..I hope you have your Tools handy!!


Dis-organized Labor

Keep spinning the facts. Explain why UPS is allowing its Pilots to volunteer? Isn't there much more liability with a Pilot than a Mechanic? Besides, I thought the smallest, yet highest paid UPS employees were the airline mechanics that we need to bring all the profits in. UPS could never survive without you guys sleeping in your trucks, pencil whipping tasks, grounding and delaying airplanes so that other UPSers down line have nothing but headaches to deal with because you're unhappy that the most important group in the Company may have to settle for a smaller pay raise than you think UPS should give you or pay no more than $160 a month for family medical coverage. Also, who would picket our Customers and publically bad mouth the company on every on-line forum imaginable.
I have tried to stay away from you cry babies. But the "Hotline" message about grieving the Haitian relief flights is too much for me.
Why don't find some way to ground those airplanes too. The Haitians are Customers too.
Some rocket scientist on here said: "UPS is about to have a rude awakening". Have you ever seen the movie Dirty Harry? "Do you feel lucky, punk"?

DOL, You know the reason we spin the facts is because we as a union can not get you people to talk to us on a pro level, all we have to go on is hear-say because the Co. says to hell with the union scum!! we will do what we want and let them grieve it...what the hell is that!! I work NDA and alot of the guys/gals have years of experiance that can fix the aircraft at a drop of a hat. All the fleets have their issues and we as machanics know it. You state in your post that we sleep in trucks and pencil whipp task....Is that what you want us to do...Sleep and whipp....if i'm asleep the A/C is good....no harm...if I whipp...A/C good...Dude you are out of the loop....NDA 3 in 3 out...you make money I make money....SLEEP, WHIPP...whatever!! You are so out of touch....Brown Blood in the Head......ME SLEEP=package to customer.....ME WIPP=package to customer....you are an Idiot.... But if you remember we as aircraft mechanics took an oath that we would report any and all problems we find...Oh I'm sorry you have one of them UPS Air-Group A and P's...so called WHIPPED !! I guess have never made it as a Line Supervisor....Oh wait...! you are a manager..so I guess you have a Wipped A&P from the "FAA" ....sorry my bad....I hope you will agree wilth me that we need a contract!!
Now that the Co.. has included the flyboys in this battle..I hope you have your Tools handy!!



Like Every mechanic at SDF, I want to extend my hand shake, and sincere desire to make service, and tell you that we all make our part of the system work for the our friends down stream. Through BC, I have learned that broken and delayed airplnes are a major problem for your Friends and Associates downstream. You guys are pissed at WSJ, but why hurt the people downstreamn waiting fot airplanes???


Well-Known Member

Its this kind of thing that will get everyone in trouble. Instead of concentrating on fixing aircraft and providing a safe product our management team is focused on beating down mechanics for makeing legit write-ups. This enviroment of fear and retaliation twards mechanics trying to do their jobs will lead to mistakes and accidents that will not be good for our downstream friends and associates in the UPS system. This particular incident was over a damaged MD11 door that was "pencil whipped " by management to move the aircraft. Its important that no mechanic allows themself to be intimidated into anything that jepordizes safety of flight.

Dis-organized Labor

Its this kind of thing that will get everyone in trouble. Instead of concentrating on fixing aircraft and providing a safe product our management team is focused on beating down mechanics for makeing legit write-ups. This enviroment of fear and retaliation twards mechanics trying to do their jobs will lead to mistakes and accidents that will not be good for our downstream friends and associates in the UPS system. This particular incident was over a damaged MD11 door that was "pencil whipped " by management to move the aircraft. Its important that no mechanic allows themself to be intimidated into anything that jepordizes safety of flight.

I AM that Management!!!~! That is not what we're focussed on
I was pissed earlier and made the "Whipping" comment, but you know what I'm talking about. We've been shoulder to shoulder moving airplanes and I've bought you breakfasts, lunches and dinners to show you how your TDY meant to me.
No one has asked you to overlook items that will affect the safety of the Crew and Others...You certainly know that.

As far as the MD issue, I have no clue; but I can't see how a Sup could overwrite an MX signoff in the Logbook and the Captain take the airplane.

You seem cool and I'll give you some leverage.



Well-Known Member
QUOTE=upssup;687267]This Airline thing is just beyond me. I was a mechanic in the USAF and did it for a lot less than any of you have ever had to work for. The one thing I had was pride in knowing that what I do matters. it sounds to me that none of you even have that, unbelievable.[/QUOTE]

What other job requires you to sign your name & license # (A&P) to everything & I mean EVERYTHING!!! you do on an aircraft & the federal GOV. holds you...not just liable for you job.... but criminality liable... ???

And you want us to put all this on the line for pride. Safety is our top priority!!! That's what the pay is for.
Aircracft mechanics that work on planes that fly you idiots around, should be trained & qualifed.... & paid accordingl!!!
Want Goodyear auto trained mechanics working the plane you fly on??? That's just where it's going. That's just the reason alot of us are getting out of this biz. I've wasted 22 yrs.
How do you compare this to the Airforce???......PLEASE!! I hope this was a joke!! YOUR THE ONE THAT'S UNBELIEVABLE. By the way, what's a bleed valve?? or an APU or a SOV , HPRSOV? Get me some flight line while your at it & shine that guy's shoes!!

I'm so sick of IDIOTS that speak of what they know nothing about.


Well-Known Member
The hotline stated that guys calling in to the local seem to all be on the same page. It is great to see us standing together and will survive with the industry leading contract no matter how long we are subject to dysfuntional managers attacking us. We are due retro, we are due health care, we are due top pay, and we are due job protection.
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