Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
The hotline stated that guys calling in to the local seem to all be on the same page. It is great to see us standing together and will survive with the industry leading contract no matter how long we are subject to dysfuntional managers attacking us. We are due retro, we are due health care, we are due top pay, and we are due job protection.

Its pretty obvious that the survey will be a resounding no! Next step release and then strike. Its amazing that the company chose to announce pilot layoffs during this survey. Their just helping to cut their own throughts! You would think they would finish with us before they went after the pilots.Now all I get is pages of write-ups and everytime I kick a aircraft out, it comes back! Never seen so many BTB's! Its a wonder we make any money with these brain surgons running things.
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Active Member
The hotline stated that guys calling in to the local seem to all be on the same page. It is great to see us standing together and will survive with the industry leading contract no matter how long we are subject to dysfuntional managers attacking us. We are due retro, we are due health care, we are due top pay, and we are due job protection.

The world owes you a living...we get it.


Well-Known Member
Aeiou sometimes y, I was talking to Dysfuntional Manager, he knows every freaking thing. I dont care if it is Westminster, Bacchus, or space shuttle, that idiots replies. If you are a mechanic then quit siding with "the company". The company would love to lay you off and farm out your work, at least the union is attempting to fight for you. Dude, I dont get your posts, out of 24 you seem to have "the company's" best interest at heart. Just my thought.


Well-Known Member
These yo yo's didn't strike yet did they??? Don't worry just keep paying union dues, everything will come together. Hang in there.


Well-Known Member
These yo yo's didn't strike yet did they??? Don't worry just keep paying union dues, everything will come together. Hang in there.

Hey , thanks for the support!! I don't care what they about you on here.... your ok. I knew you would come around.

Dis-organized Labor

The hotline stated that guys calling in to the local seem to all be on the same page. It is great to see us standing together and will survive with the industry leading contract no matter how long we are subject to dysfuntional managers attacking us. We are due retro, we are due health care, we are due top pay, and we are due job protection.

All you are due is a paycheck for the work you do. You deserve nothing more than what you contribute. You are not due retro, you are not due free health care, you are not due top pay and you are not due job protection. You are probably due a Warning Letter, a suspension and eventual termination. I will be the guy sitting behind the desk as you apologize and ask for "another chance".


Active Member
Aeiou sometimes y, I was talking to Dysfuntional Manager, he knows every freaking thing. I dont care if it is Westminster, Bacchus, or space shuttle, that idiots replies. If you are a mechanic then quit siding with "the company". The company would love to lay you off and farm out your work, at least the union is attempting to fight for you. Dude, I dont get your posts, out of 24 you seem to have "the company's" best interest at heart. Just my thought.

I have my own best interests at heart and I call BS when I see it. I don't side with the company...I am the company, and so are you. It isn't us against them its just us. If the company treats employees poorly the customer suffers, and if employees try to screw the company the customer suffers, and if the customer suffers they will take their business to someone else and then we all suffer. Think it can't happen? Look no further than the auto, steel and airline industries. If you're trying to stir up the boards thats ok, I can get with that. It makes amusing reading, but if you really believe what you write here....you need to widen your perspective and grow up.


Browncafe Steward
All you are due is a paycheck for the work you do. You deserve nothing more than what you contribute. You are not due retro, you are not due free health care, you are not due top pay and you are not due job protection. You are probably due a Warning Letter, a suspension and eventual termination. I will be the guy sitting behind the desk as you apologize and ask for "another chance".
Another moronic statement! They are due what ever they negotiate for themselves, which should include retro pay, health care etc. As an employee covered under a CBA they do have job potection, they are a just cause employee and must meet the 7 steps to just cause in order to be terminated. Do you know what those 7 steps are?

You claim to be extremely high in the air operations and all you do is threten your mechanics for standing up for themselves and what they feel they deserve. I hope they get what they would like, but we all know its almost impossible to gain everything they want. But do not think for a second that if they mechanics walk they will be the only ones to walk. you will see small package honor any and all picket lines put up by local 2727. I hope it doesnt come to that, but if it does I will be there and so will many other UPSers. This company has upset alot of people from elimianting 22.3 jobs, dragging out the grievance procedure ets. Some will cross, but many will stand tall!


Well-Known Member
Another moronic statement! They are due what ever they negotiate for themselves, which should include retro pay, health care etc. As an employee covered under a CBA they do have job potection, they are a just cause employee and must meet the 7 steps to just cause in order to be terminated. Do you know what those 7 steps are?

You claim to be extremely high in the air operations and all you do is threten your mechanics for standing up for themselves and what they feel they deserve. I hope they get what they would like, but we all know its almost impossible to gain everything they want. But do not think for a second that if they mechanics walk they will be the only ones to walk. you will see small package honor any and all picket lines put up by local 2727. I hope it doesnt come to that, but if it does I will be there and so will many other UPSers. This company has upset alot of people from elimianting 22.3 jobs, dragging out the grievance procedure ets. Some will cross, but many will stand tall!

Oh god, STAND TALL!!!!!!! hahahahaha

I admire your loyalty. But dude the mechanics don't have the brass to walk, and you small package guy definitely don't. Maybe before but not anymore. The union is getting weaker and weaker. We are watching it fall apart. Wait until the next contract. If you are telling the Airline guys to strike then you might want to prepare to jump off a bridge. Those guys make a decent living in the airline, the people in small package are about to get what's been coming for a long time. You and your cult will be standing tall in the line at the soup kitchen. None of you deserve anything. Why do you keep saying that? A monkey could do any one of your jobs... A MONKEY. All you do is what you are told, no decision making, nothing. The Union is not a religion, so stop worshipping it. It is a organization that thrives off uneducated people giving them their money.


Browncafe Steward
Oh god, STAND TALL!!!!!!! hahahahaha

I admire your loyalty. But dude the mechanics don't have the brass to walk, and you small package guy definitely don't. Maybe before but not anymore. The union is getting weaker and weaker. We are watching it fall apart. Wait until the next contract. If you are telling the Airline guys to strike then you might want to prepare to jump off a bridge. Those guys make a decent living in the airline, the people in small package are about to get what's been coming for a long time. You and your cult will be standing tall in the line at the soup kitchen. None of you deserve anything. Why do you keep saying that? A monkey could do any one of your jobs... A MONKEY. All you do is what you are told, no decision making, nothing. The Union is not a religion, so stop worshipping it. It is a organization that thrives off uneducated people giving them their money.

You keep thinking that Hoffa will be around to give you what he has promised you, wrong you will be negotiating with some one that actuall yhas our best interests in mind. I hav been part of strikes in 94, 97 and 98 all from small package in local 705. Maybe thy dont have the stones to strike as you say, but what happens if they do? Have you thought of that?

Us uneduated people thanks to union negotiated wages make more than peon sups like yourself! How much education do you have? LMFAO!


Well-Known Member
UPSSUCKS, the RLA of 1929 is the only thing keeping the airline doors open. Your partners have stirred up the pilots and they are ready to revolt against this mismanaged company. UPS has made so many bad calls the past years that NDA and Int might not be able to save us. Everyone is trying hard to make this work except the people calling the shots. As for Dysfuntional Manager, you are a disgrace to everyone in management.


Well-Known Member
You keep thinking that Hoffa will be around to give you what he has promised you, wrong you will be negotiating with some one that actuall yhas our best interests in mind. I hav been part of strikes in 94, 97 and 98 all from small package in local 705. Maybe thy dont have the stones to strike as you say, but what happens if they do? Have you thought of that?

Us uneduated people thanks to union negotiated wages make more than peon sups like yourself! How much education do you have? LMFAO!

No one cares if you strike. Bottom Line. No union worker in package makes more than I do. I just completed my masters FYI.

No one is striking because you need UPS more than they need you. That's how the story ends. Everytime. No matter what the case.


Well-Known Member
No one cares if you strike. Bottom Line. No union worker in package makes more than I do. I just completed my masters FYI.

No one is striking because you need UPS more than they need you. That's how the story ends. Everytime. No matter what the case.

Congratulations on your Online Masters UPSSOCKS.....nice job! Now maybe you can get that FT sup job.


Well-Known Member
Heck we got a few mechanics that double your pay, plus get free health care and a 401k match. Go back to package forum and let your evil double Dysfuntional Manager talk down to us. Read up on the RLA of 1929 and get back to me on the strike thing.


No one cares if you strike. Bottom Line. No union worker in package makes more than I do. I just completed my masters FYI.

No one is striking because you need UPS more than they need you. That's how the story ends. Everytime. No matter what the case.

Thanks for the post Socks!! Glad to see a middle aged guy such as yourself go get an education! As for myself and all my A/C Maintenance brother and sisters we already have our masters and have payed our dues to make good money, free benies. It sounds as if YOU NEEDED THE BROWN MORE THAN THEY NEEDED YOU! Oh and one last thing, as a local 2727 member I can further my education which add's to my masters....maybe to a Aircraft Engineering Degree, Aviation Technology for nothing..."ZERO" I have a Industry Leading Contract that will send me to school for free...no questions asked!!
I guess since you did not get your collage education when you were supposted to you had to rely on the "BROWN" for help.......Man I'm sorry for the rant but damn...We A/C mechanics have went to some high dollar Universities to get where we are today.
I have to say the UPS Masters you recieved while working for the Brown means nothing to them...Its only a PR Stunt...numbers baby numbers! You and I know WE ALL ARE ONLY A NUMBER...and YOU CAN BE REPLACED....TONIGHT!!


Well-Known Member
Heck we got a few mechanics that double your pay, plus get free health care and a 401k match. Go back to package forum and let your evil double Dysfuntional Manager talk down to us. Read up on the RLA of 1929 and get back to me on the strike thing.

Doesn't sound like free healthcare anymore.... Face it your day is done. Management has realized how lazy and overpaid you guys are. Now it's time to take back what you owe to us. Be thankful you have a job, because no one else would employ you, you couldn't get a job any where else.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the post Socks!! Glad to see a middle aged guy such as yourself go get an education! As for myself and all my A/C Maintenance brother and sisters we already have our masters and have payed our dues to make good money, free benies. It sounds as if YOU NEEDED THE BROWN MORE THAN THEY NEEDED YOU! Oh and one last thing, as a local 2727 member I can further my education which add's to my masters....maybe to a Aircraft Engineering Degree, Aviation Technology for nothing..."ZERO" I have a Industry Leading Contract that will send me to school for free...no questions asked!!
I guess since you did not get your collage education when you were supposted to you had to rely on the "BROWN" for help.......Man I'm sorry for the rant but damn...We A/C mechanics have went to some high dollar Universities to get where we are today.
I have to say the UPS Masters you recieved while working for the Brown means nothing to them...Its only a PR Stunt...numbers baby numbers! You and I know WE ALL ARE ONLY A NUMBER...and YOU CAN BE REPLACED....TONIGHT!!

Oh yeah I am sure your technical institutes are big bucks to attend. I probably paid for you to attend school since you had to use government assistance. I am glad my tax dollars helped you get a associates degree. Anyhow I got my degree when I was supposed to, UPS just asked me to get my masters so I did. Next my job is very secure, yours on the other hand....... I guess we will see..... I like PR stunts and I like numbers... You don't have a clue, so don't act like you do.... Your lazy and worthless and you know it.


Well-Known Member
The latest hotline confirmed that all the mechanics are on the same page as the E-Board. We told the E-B what we wanted, they told UPS, UPS asked the mediator, the mediator asked the EB and the EB asked us again. When will Leikites understand that we mean business, and his low level Grade 20s are about to cost UPS millions in lost revenue if these games go on longer. The Mediator has told both parties to show up in DC in March rady to handle this. GWC and Planning are loading up everyone with more WANs trying to get everything up to date in case of a work stoppage so Stups and Mgrs wont have to lube or boroscope or work anything that cant be pencil whipped. Why would UPS step over a dollar to try to pick up a penny when customers will just see UPS as another greedy company. I guess UPSSUCKS will be driving and Dysfunctional Manager will be putting his anp on the line.


Well-Known Member
The TWU is going to ask Obama to put an end to their 4 year contract stalemate (sounds familiar?), 28k employees of AA have been without a contract since their givebacks to AMR in 2003. The article is posted on the TWU.org website and states that they are ready to receive their rewards for saving AMR back in 2003. Why do these companys think that employees are like customers and pay to work at these places? The FWST article had an addition saying the friend/As are also wanting to strike due to their struggle with AMR. The unions elected Obama and it is time for him to release hostages from mediation and let the chips fall where they may, the RLA has been pushed aside by Republicans for the last 8 years. Fat Cat companys are raking it in and want to keep it all for themselves. I remember the friend/As and AA amts came by our picket line and handed out cold drinks and sandwiches and showed us support. March will be a great time in Union history and it is upon us. A fair days pay for a fair days work.
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