Local 2727 UPDATE

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Age quod agis
I guess since you did not get your collage education when you were supposted to you had to rely on the "BROWN" for help.......Man I'm sorry for the rant but damn...
Thank you for adding the apology in the rant.
I am curious, when are you supposte to get you college education?
Right out of High School?
Who is supposte to pay for it?
Pell Grants?
Student Loans?


Well-Known Member
It will be interesting to see how the company stalls progress at the March 9th meeting. Will there be another offer or will they finally say they are done negotiating? I think it would be a good idea if the union would try to get a hold of Tony for some input at this point.

Wish they would bring this show back on!!!



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United Parcel Service, Inc. (UPS
) announced the official opening of its new distribution centre at the Calgary International Airport to provide businesses with direct access to the U.S. and international markets. The facility, built at a cost of $30 million, will be central to the continued growth of Alberta's economy, allowing local businesses to tap into global growth markets such as China, India and Mexico. The 150,000-square-foot distribution facility has been under construction since June of 2008 and will allow UPS to double its package processing capability. The hub houses 157 trucks for ground transportation to surrounding communities in addition to serving as a staging point for aircraft. The facility also will serve to boost the local economy by employing more than 400 Calgarians and contributing to the transportation sector -- one of the few sectors to see growth during the 2009 recession. The new hub will sort and distribute both air and ground packages and is a direct response to a surge in UPS business. The global logistics company's shipment volume from the Calgary area has increased 60% since 2003


Well-Known Member
Tony, the aircraft was repaired by UPS aircraft mechanics and flew the same day. We do have an aircraft at China that has been OOS for 9 days with an engine problem. You wont hear about that on the Salt Lake City paper. Point is that IBT mechanics returned it to service but the China guys are still working on an aircraft. If the incidents were reveresed it would be a labor problem, but as stated it is just aviation. On to the contract talks, it seems that the overwhelming positive telephone survey results show the mediator that we are serious about receiving the industry leading contract from the industry leading company. We are all providing a valuable service and it is time for UPS to pay full retro, health care,etc etc etc.
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Well-Known Member
Tony, the aircraft was repaired by UPS aircraft mechanics and flew the same day. We do have an aircraft at China that has been OOS for 9 days with an engine problem. You wont hear about that on the Salt Lake City paper. Point is that IBT mechanics returned it to service but the China guys are still working on an aircraft. If the incidents were reveresed it would be a labor problem, but as stated it is just aviation. On to the contract talks, it seems that the overwhelming positive telephone survey results show the mediator that we are serious about receiving the industry leading contract from the industry leading company. We are all providing a valuable service and it is time for UPS to pay full retro, health care,etc etc etc.

Any word on "Miniumum Staffing? Is the # going up from 4.0? Has anything been agreed on? What's the A/C count at this time? There's 150 of us that are kind of interested.


Well-Known Member
More layoffs announced today. Hostage taking ahead of the March 9th talks. I guess UPS did'nt like the 96% survey results.


Well-Known Member
More layoffs announced today. Hostage taking ahead of the March 9th talks. I guess UPS did'nt like the 96% survey results.
what did you expect with the weak #ss language in the current contract. NO OTHER AIRLINE OUTSOURCES MORE WORK THAN UPS.


Thank you for adding the apology in the rant.
I am curious, when are you supposte to get you college education?
Right out of High School?
Who is supposte to pay for it?
Pell Grants?
Student Loans?
Well ajblakejr, it looks as if you need a bit of education yourself...your last post was atrocious as far as the spelling.


Thanks for the post Socks!! Glad to see a middle aged guy such as yourself go get an education! As for myself and all my A/C Maintenance brother and sisters we already have our masters and have payed our dues to make good money, free benies. It sounds as if YOU NEEDED THE BROWN MORE THAN THEY NEEDED YOU! Oh and one last thing, as a local 2727 member I can further my education which add's to my masters....maybe to a Aircraft Engineering Degree, Aviation Technology for nothing..."ZERO" I have an (just being picky here. Grammatically speaking you should have said "an industry leading........") Industry Leading Contract that will send me to school for free...no questions asked!!
I guess since you did not get your collage (college) education when you were supposted (supposed) to you had to rely on the "BROWN" for help.......Man I'm sorry for the rant but damn...We A/C mechanics have went to some high dollar Universities to get where we are today.
I have to say the UPS Masters you recieved while working for the Brown means nothing to them...Its only a PR Stunt...numbers baby numbers! You and I know WE ALL ARE ONLY A NUMBER...and YOU CAN BE REPLACED....TONIGHT!!
If you are going to brag about your Masters education you have, you might have a little more credibility if you would use proper spelling and grammar (I only pointed out one grammatical error. There were quite a few more). Just saying.............:peaceful: All those reports you have to fill out when making repairs on those 747's would probably look a little more professional with proper spelling.


Well-Known Member
His repairs on the 747s are overseen by the FAA, I am sure the repairs and sign offs are all correct. There is a whole department on paperwork and another whole department on FAA oversight. You forget we are all certified by the FAA to repair each and every aircraft owned and opereated by UPS. Now the overseas workers are the ones I am scared of, you should read some of their sign offs. As for the documents on the aircraft, we have a GMM that covers shortcuts in wording and terms (like texting sort of) . I do not see very many post on BC that are speel ckeededed and I do not care, what we understand is that in 2013 you will be asked to take a paycut and pay 162 a month for health care. No matter how you spell it, it is a PAYCUT. You laugh at us with a 4 year expired contract and take the company's side but wait till 2013 and you will see how it feels to bust you :censored2: and make service and money, then are asked to continue to work more and then pay UPS for you commitment to service. I will not ridicule you in 2013 but WE WILL stand by you again on the strike lines around the USA.
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Age quod agis
Well ajblakejr, it looks as if you need a bit of education yourself...your last post was atrocious as far as the spelling.
I suppose I should.

Except, I mispelled supposte on purpose, it was an IN YOUR FACE thing.

I really wanted you to tell us when is the "right time" to attend college or in your words, supposted attend college.
I also wanted you to tell us why using UPS funds for college is a PR joke.

I am still paying off my student loans.
I wish I worked fo UPS when I attended college.
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