Either it's the Executive board or the 249 members!! If the board stays we will be bankrupt! UPS and the 249 members will sue and impose serious fines on the local which will leave it with absolutely nothing in the bank! Think of medical copays going up to $50 or higher!
Once again we have the same old characters who come on here and recite the same old attacks on TDU and the E/B from Local 804 (Tim S's local). It is nothing new: attack their fellow union brothers and side with UPS in this whole matter.
You dividers are so blinded by your hatred of TDU and Tim's successes over the years, that you cannot be reasonable.
Once again, we have UPS firing a veteran driver while not allowing him without due cause or any touch of justice here. Once again UPS has violated our contract (which of course they do on a daily basis), but THIS TIME hundreds of members stood up and WALKED OUT and said : NO MORE...ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
Illegal or not, this action symbolized a built up frustration of every union worker in this company (if not the country).
We have Hoffa/Hall scurrying on the sidelines quietly drinking the UPS kool aid and practically doing UPS's bidding. They were given a strong hand on the contract but instead they gave it all away at the table for "30 pieces of silver."
Is it right or "illegal" , maybe an arbitrator will say. But too many of us are sick and tired of UPS bullying tactics, harassment and intimidation. So we say: No More!!
I really hope this spreads to other buildings and other locals in other states. It is time to stand up ourselves. Some of our leaders refuse to lead (read: Hoffa and Hall, amongst other feckless leaders) and prefer to hide. Therefore it is our right and obligation to ourselves and our posterity to take control ourselves.
Im reading and hearing that important politicians and activists are joining the fight for justice here in our local. Public Advocate Patricia James is trying to push UPS to be reasonable and discuss a negotiated settlement between UPS and the union.
We've seen how Corporate America has gone after working families recently as well as reactionary, republican politicians going after public unions. This attack on working people must stop. It is unions that struggle to protect working people of this country. It is unions that struggle for dignity and respect.
You backstabbers are complicit with UPS' uncivil, unreasonable and immoral actions and policies.
Yes, 250 members walked out , but maybe its about time!!Fifty years ago or so it was "illegal" for blacks to sit at lunch counters in certain parts of this country. But it took brave people to stand up by sitting down for justice!! Some at lunch counters...some on buses.
Well, today 250 union members have stood up and said things must change here too!!
Old guard "leaders" never showed the way. They only hid for cover and accepted go along to get along, made a few deals and settled for below average and complacency time after time.
New leaders like Tim S , Zuckerman and others are blazing new trails for a better future for us all!! Now is not the time for breaking solidarity. The job now is to keep those members from being walked off the property for good. Only if we all stick together will this work. UPS is counting on selfish, individualistic members to bash their fellow brothers. Don't walk into their trap!! If management decides to officially fire 5 drivers tomorrow, 250 more of us should walk out the next day!
Ron Carey lead the fight in our local in the 1960s , 70s and 80s and by putting members first he was able to put the fear of god into management here! Not all of his wildcat strikes were successful but in the end management feared and respected him.
Liam got up on that light post telling his members the truth and what was at stake and the repercussions. He was our William Wallace. But they stood there ground and fought the good fight in Maspeth. Not just for the sake of Local 804 members but for all UPSers in this country . Someone had to!!
I'll end with a quote by Mario Savio: "When the operation of the machine becomes so odius, makes you sick at heart that you cant take part , you cant even passively take part and you got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels ...upon the leavers , upon all the apparatus and you got to make it stop and you got to indicate to the people who run it, and the people who own it that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!!"