
Well-Known Member
I have a special hatred for the lottery as it is a government sponsored tool to prey on the poor and the stupid. The poorest in America spend something mind boggling like 9 percent of their total income on lottery because they see it as their only way out. On top of that the billions generate never seem to make it to the programs that they were designed to help.
My son has benefited from the monies that the lottery has generated. He is getting 2gs a semester for college.


nowhere special
My son has benefited from the monies that the lottery has generated. He is getting 2gs a semester for college.
Lottery was "supposed" to go to education but it ends up going to the general fund. A token amount does go to education but the majority gets spent anywhere.

If you don't like the lottery don't play. Its a voluntary form of taxation.


Retired 23 years
If you aren't smart enough to spend your money wisely and live within your means then it's just more proof that the human gene pool needs a good cleaning


Well-Known Member
I'm happy for the guy - being financially stable is a good thing. I just hope people leave him alone and not badger him.
I don't want him to turn out like some lottery winners and pro sports figures where they just go through the money like crazy.


Retired 23 years
If he turned his ball cap around he would look more intelligent. Other than that he seems to have his act together.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
If you aren't smart enough to spend your money wisely and live within your means then it's just more proof that the human gene pool needs a good cleaning
Our politicians should learn that. Any reduction in the amount of future spending is "killing the elderly". and "starving children". There is no government program that can be cut or reduced, ever!

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

Two big jackpots again.