Not sure of the call. TDU is pushing for a strike. It's part of their plot to help tear down the union. They are masking this as a "stick together" plan. 25 years ago they had a place to help some folks but it wasn't paying the bills for Paff. He made a few bucks with Carey BUT, collecting monies via grants from the AUD and RTW is much more lucrative.
At this point, there is no reason to involve outside influences especially if there are political motives involved. I personally am not a member of TDU nor do I condone any efforts from
anyone trying to undermine
the employees of UPS. This is certainly a difficult and tense time at UPS with many livelihoods at stake.
I believe most of us employees share similar goals at UPS; come to work, do our job without harassment, do our job without fear of being fired, and without spending 10+ hours in a package car for those of you that drive. The part-time simply want a fair hourly rate, no health benefit reductions, and an opportunity to share in full time employment in a timely and fair manner (not a 4 year progression for example). For the retirees..., we need to represent them also considering we all plan on retiring from UPS someday.
Our contracts have become complicated and full of loopholes that often end up in an endless grievance process without resolve. UPS has deep pockets and can delay grievances until the grievant finally gives up. Who really has the money to incur a job loss while a grievance is being contested? Only the most tenacious of UPS employees usually survive the grievance process. For those of you who disagree, please put yourself in the shoes of the "other" person that may be in a different local, etc.. Not everyone is as well connected as some of you. summary and back to the point....I believe the ONLY reason people migrate to TDU is for information...myself included. I said it before and I'll say it again, our IBT needs to improve communication between the members and those that are in charge of our Union. Members today interpret silence and poor communication as "trying to hide something"....... The IBT underestimated how many disgruntled employees there really are....let's hope this second round of discussions truly addresses the concerns of those employees.