Management Says Yes


Senior Member
Re: Smithers! Release The Hounds!

Someone is channeling the spirit of C. Montgomery Burns!!! Charles Montgomery Burns, Tycoon. Runs the Springfield nuclear power plant where Homer works. Smithers is his assistant.

Look at them, Smithers. Goldbrickers.... Layabouts.... Slug-a-beds! Little do they realise their days of suckling at my teat are numbered.

Favorite Mr Burns Quotes:

Well, that's odd ... I've just robbed a man of his livelihood, and yet I feel strangely empty. Tell you what, Smithers - have him beaten to a pulp.

I could crush him like an ant. But it would be too easy. No, revenge is a dish best served cold. I'll bide my time until ... Oh, what the hell. I'll just crush him like an ant.

What good is money if it can't inspire terror in your fellow man?

Just give the great unwashed a pair of oversized breasts and a happy ending, and they'll 'oink' for more every time.

I'm looking for something in an attack dog. One who likes the sweet gamey tang of human flesh. Hmmm, why here's the fellow ... Wiry, fast, firm, proud buttocks. Reminds me of me.

A lifetime of working with nuclear power has left me with a healthy green blow... and left me as impotent as a Nevada boxing commissioner.

Mr. Burns: This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. That's democracy for you.
Smithers: You are noble and poetic in defeat, sir.

Ah, Monday morning. Time to pay for your two days of debauchery, you hungover drones.
You are using a fictional,comic book type character to make your point.
And, that lessens it.


Well-Known Member
Re: Smithers! Release The Hounds!

Well here is some simple math for you...

According to Tie's registration date he's been here roughly 90 months..

5447posts/90 months = 60 posts a month...or you could say, two a day, hardly obsessive.

You registered on 11/18/2007 and you're averaging 4.85 posts per day, Tieguy is at 1.97 a day and mine is under 1 a day. At this rate you will blow Tieguy away by way more than double..But we'll give you the benefit of the doubt and attribute it to your new found enthusiasm with this exciting website!! Thanks To Cheryl for making it available.

By the way this information is available on all of our profiles when you click on our names and view our profiles.

Be careful cause things aren't always what they seem!!:happy-very:

Happy posting!

I'm glad you went out of your way to do the math for us!

Perhaps you weren't educated in your schoolings to such things as "statistical anomalies". But surely you'll use one when it's a pitch right down the plate and so easy to exploit -

Speaking of baseball let me give a crash course in "statistcal anomalies" and sample size exploitation.

- let's say a baseball player hits 2 home runs in a game. That player could easily argue he's worth 324 home runs in a season and shatter all records. But of course, it's likely an anomaly!

P.S. Wow, real winners here.....:devil3:


Well-Known Member
Re: Smithers! Release The Hounds!

I'm glad you went out of your way to do the math for us!

Perhaps you weren't educated in your schoolings to such things as "statistical anomalies". But surely you'll use one when it's a pitch right down the plate and so easy to exploit -

Speaking of baseball let me give a crash course in "statistcal anomalies" and sample size exploitation.

- let's say a baseball player hits 2 home runs in a game. That player could easily argue he's worth 324 home runs in a season and shatter all records. But of course, it's likely an anomaly!

P.S. Wow, real winners here.....:devil3:

Hey genius..that's why my explanation was over a 7 year period and was also giving you, the newbie the benefit of the doubt for your early excessive posting habits, he, he..

However, since you've apparently been schooled in such a fine fashion why don't you tell us what makes you such a loser!

Again, don't get caught posting too often we might confuse you with someone who cares!:biting:
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Well-Known Member
Re: Smithers! Release The Hounds!

Hey genius..that's why my explanation was over a 7 year period and was also giving you, the newbie the benefit of the doubt for your early excessive posting habits, he, he..

However, since you've apparently been schooled in such a fine fashion why don't you tell us what makes you such a loser!

Again, don't get caught posting too often we might confuse you with someone who cares!:biting:

Conversing with yourself and tieguy?


Re: Mangement Says Yes

Back in 1997 UPS did offer a 401(k) to the drivers but Carey threw that right out the door. Most people are unaware of this fact.


New Member
Re: Mangement Says Yes

Let's not forget that Hoffa used to be a business lawyer for many upscale companies. Wow! How can it happen to go from business lawyer to union leader. :angry:


Well-Known Member
Re: Mangement Says Yes

Let's not forget that Hoffa used to be a business lawyer for many upscale companies. Wow! How can it happen to go from business lawyer to union leader. :angry:

Where does this fit in here? I'm not sure if you meant to quote someone and respond or not but I'm not following.


Active Member
I think Tie is just misunderstood.

First off he supports what he believes in, just as many of the other folks on these boards.

Secondly, he enjoys the bantering.

I'll be honest, I enjoy reading the bantering. I would probably be more involved myself, but quickly lose interest when the majority of responses lack objectivity, consist of grammatical errors (to include spelling issues) that I would not even accept from my 5th grade daughter, or are responses that are so witless that I feel compelled to just log off.

Happy Holidays! I'm in the giving spirit! :happy2:


Re: Mangement Says Yes

Let's not forget that Hoffa used to be a business lawyer for many upscale companies. Wow! How can it happen to go from business lawyer to union leader. :angry:

Think about it. Running a union is every bit a business. A steward is a management person working for the union company. BA is a district manager.


Well-Known Member
Tie - the problem with most stewards is that they don't understand that they are there to support and protect the contract language.

To enforce it against management abusing it and hourly union members.

It's a two way street.....The Steward needs to walk both sides equally and earn the support of both.


Re: Mangement Says Yes

Back in 1997 UPS did offer a 401(k) to the drivers but Carey threw that right out the door. Most people are unaware of this fact.

Huh? We already had a 401(k) plan since 1988 and Ron Carey was Union Co-Chair! His running mates were trustees.

If you mean the Company offered a 401(k) match, then you'll have to state how much the match was worth, and what the Company wanted us to give up to "pay" for it. It might have been a loosing proposition. Note also that while 401(k)s are a good thing, their is no matching fund contribution if you choose not to contribute yourself, or if you simply can't afford to contribute. It favors the well-off who can contribute the maximum, and shortchanges the rest. A significant point, considering the vast majority of UPSers are part-time, and/or still in progression.


Re: Mangement Says Yes

Where does this fit in here? I'm not sure if you meant to quote someone and respond or not but I'm not following.

Damok, I think #1yankeefan is suspicious of a lawyer who made his living fighting against the working stiff, and then, through razzle-dazzle, becomes their "leader." Like the fox in charge of the chicken coop.


Senior Member
Re: Mangement Says Yes

Huh? We already had a 401(k) plan since 1988 and Ron Carey was Union Co-Chair! His running mates were trustees.

If you mean the Company offered a 401(k) match, then you'll have to state how much the match was worth, and what the Company wanted us to give up to "pay" for it. It might have been a loosing proposition. Note also that while 401(k)s are a good thing, their is no matching fund contribution if you choose not to contribute yourself, or if you simply can't afford to contribute. It favors the well-off who can contribute the maximum, and shortchanges the rest. A significant point, considering the vast majority of UPSers are part-time, and/or still in progression.
How does one contributing to their personal 401k shortchange anyone?
You state that it favors the well off who can contribute.
I disagree, it favors the ones willing to be frugal and set aside monies for their future.
When I started saving in the 401k in the late 80's I had zip in the bank and lived paycheck to paycheck,but I continued putting a percentage in and increased that through the years.
Now, I am one of the well off you speak of, because of the 401k plan being availed to me.
It would be great if we had a matching 401k(at any percentage), but we don't.
401k's are a good thing ,if one is wiling to use them.


Re: Mangement Says Yes


Based on the reponses on this board and others, I think its fair to say that most Teamster employees would have preferred a 401(k) with a match. To say 401(k)s favor the highly compensated is biased and unfounded. Many personal financial publications such as Kiplinger and Money magazine always favor 401(k) plans and highly tout them as important savings vehicles especially to young workers who find their first jobs.


Industrial Slob
Re: Mangement Says Yes

when did you ever care enough about this web site to start posting here.
Management has a handshake agreement with your union representatives. They have always encouraged you to participate in voting and always told you why they felt they made a good offer. You on the other hand find this offensive but think nothing of using this web site to post your anti company / anti contract message when you apparently had no interest or concern for this web site prior to this contract offer.
Yes, some managers care about their employee's wellbeing. Then I worked at UPS.

Within my ten month 15-20hr a week tenure, I was suspended without cause (later rescinded with pay) because I didn't have a doctor's note. I came close to that again when I was sick on a thursday and friday, and I was automatically assumed to be _____. Another time while en route to work, I saw a stray dog in the middle of the street. I took him in, went to the Animal Hospital, and called my supervisor to say that I will be 5-15 mins late, who hung up on me. I showed up and my sup bitched about where I was.

Then there was the time the supervisor hammered out volume causing me to throw boxes and he just sat there until I was done, came up to me while I was in a sweat, and bitched at me for throwing boxes.

Then there are the times supervisors will never touch volume, unless they're trying to hit their numbers. You ask them politely to stop and the responses varied from sheer hostility to arrogant statements like "I'm not going to put my thumb up my ass and just sit here" to just pretending like they never heard you. Oh, and then there was the new 19 year old supervisor who attempted to make fun of me for demanding unionized employees to do unionized work. Then watching him get into his mom's Mercedes Benz really made my night every day. Come to think of it, I don't think he ever worked in a unionized environment before, and I doubt supervisors get any sort of training on labour relations. Further, I don't think he even knew it was illegal for him to touch volume, and I doubt any of the supervisors even read the collective agreement. Hell, for car park, I didn't get a reflective vest until I showed them that the contract specifically says that I am entitled to basic safety equipment. At my current company, managers/sups have to take a 10 hour labour relations course and they have to pass a test, assesing their ability to understand the contract. So you're attempting to tell us that UPS has some of the best labour relations in the industry?

And then they hammer out volume. My trailer would get one box every three seconds. Because I can't throw boxes, I made a point of being sure to hand-to-surface and scan every single box that came down, causing me to miss half my volume. The manager would bitch. Then I would stop the belt and managers would restart it. I would then throw boxes and managers would bitch. Then the rest of employees, young kids in their late teens who know nothing about their rights, would allow supervisors to hammer out volume to the point of where we would get 15 ft high mounds of boxes funnelling out of trailers. Supervisors would WATCH employees climb these mounds after telling the underlings to stack that trailer. I would immediately object, saying "there's no friend'n way you can say that is safe", and you know what this supervisor's reply was? "If he is climbing it, then obviously it is safe." "Well, if I think it's safe to shoot humans with a gun, then it's safe, right?" Her reply: "Go stack the Coastal hub trailer". I don't get it, supervisors bitch when we throw boxes, but when we step on them and crush them so we can get into a trailer, it's ok. The moral flexibility of these guys make serial rapists look like model citizens.

UPS had to be the most dysfunctional company I ever worked for. The company is run like a warehouse, not a transportation company, let alone a Fortune 500 transportation company. Managers were backstabbing other managers in front of unionized employees, no manager bothered to learn what I (or anyone else, for that matter) was doing in school, they turned their back when one of my sheep colleagues at work threatened me after I walked off and refused OT, and they definitely didn't do enough to keep me with the company, even with a pay (including tuition reimbursement) equivalent to $23/hr with just 3-5 hrs a night.

Considering their track record of employee harassment (remember the NM settlement for a center manager who called his pt sup a "stupid immigrant"?), not to mention my own experiences in my (relatively) short time with brown, I have a lot more of a jaded view of management's intent than you do. I found managers to be improvised opportunists. Nothing else. If a manager recommended a contract to me, I would re-read that contract and get a 8th opinion.

As a conservative, I was always anti union. Some of the lifers on this forum remember my earlier posts. Then I worked for UPS and saw how a union works to protect the employee from gross violations in the law, my rights, and a binding contract in which I would otherwise have no recourse. I can credit UPS for paying my tuition, bills, and opening my eyes to the relevance of unions.
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I would hope you would not support a 401(k) match. The amount of money currently paid into your retirement fund, plus an added amount each year to cover inflation, would provide a much better return than just a match. You also have to account for the fact that Uncle Sam dictates the amount you can put into your 401(k), not us, the working stiffs.
well Here Is A Great One, Have Any Of You Noticed The Mangers Telling You About The Contract At The Pcm? Well After They Say About 2 Words About It The End It With Its A Great Deal I Hope You Vote Yes.hummmm When Did The Mangers Every Care Soo Much For Our Well Being?i Hope You All Got The Idea On How To Vote On This.sounds A Little Fishy For Me .seems Like Its Great For The Company Not The Employees Jmo....looks Like They Are Just Looking Out For Themselves We Have 9 Months On This Why End It Early.