Here's what it comes down bonus' and unions not fighting enough at the tables when contracts come around.
In the contract get the same thing as Canada post gets. If you finish your route in 6 hours you still get paid for 8. If you go help someone after that 6 hours you get overtime. Get the sups to do the route every 2 years and make sure they can do it in 8 hours otherwise it's unfair overtime. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am problem solved.
If our union would actually unite under one teamster banner and said, 'screw you, we don't accept and we strike' how long do you think our 'insane' demands would be rejected for? I heard here that last contract negotiation we went on strike for a whole 2 hours, lol. It's only cause UPS wanted to get their noon mail there in time. If 200k employees go on strike, who would they replace us with? No one cause no one can do what we do which would screw our presidents bonus so he couldn't afford his brand new hummer and another employee would get to keep his job.