Not all parts of the country are the same. If you get a chance observe or talk to some of the pre loaders about what time they get out. Remember BB 58 is loading the cars so she will be one of the last ones out. Unloaders are the first to be finished.
I don't think our hub is very big, maybe smaller hubs tend to get out earlier? We're loading the trucks too, it seems, unless I misunderstood why the supervisor was explaining how the stacking in the truck works.
Get in do your job sacrifice 3 months of ya life make probation. Talk to as many people as ya can(union members) especially the "elders" they are full of knowledge and wisdom..as far as the 5-9 ya that's rough that 5 can swing 30 mins either way as can the 9. Job is worth it if you do your time an work as directed don't be late . Take what management tells ya with a grain of salt cuz they love to make stuff up
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Okay, good advice, had not occurred to me management might have been making it up, like how he was insistent 5 every day but monday, and then 4:15 on mondays.
Where we're at, my husband rarely got over 18 hours/week for years, the exception being peak, and even then only if he made the list seniority wise. As for going full time, took him a little over 10 years to finally be the top guy on the FT job list, another 2.5 years to land FT driver position, and even now, it's swing shift, so hours vary.
That entire reply made me nauseous, 12.5 years? Eugh, does the pay increase over that time, at least?