McCain and Palin


Well-Known Member

cain wants to get rid of our retirements folks. I believe We have to vote democrat. No choice here if you would like to retire at 65! McCain will raise the AGE! Obama will make you pay if you make over 250k yearly. The little guy will never collect if McCain raises the AGE again! We have to think about this we are Truck Drivers not business owners! He will also get rid of Federal Taxes for older workers if you make under 50k. It would be nice not having to pay federal taxes on your measly pension! McCain will also STAND up to UNIONS folks! Endorse the Democratic party or you will be sorry!

Obama hits McCain on Social Security

NEWARK, N.J. - Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama criticized Republican John McCain's approach to Social Security on Saturday, saying it would undermine the government program aimed mainly at retirees.
Obama said McCain's campaign has suggested trimming Social Security benefits and raising the eligibility age, according to prepared remarks of his speech to a gathering of the AARP. Obama was addressing the group via satellite.
McCain has not specifically embraced such plans. But by saying "everything is on the table" in discussing changes to Social Security, he has opened himself to such criticisms from Democrats.
Obama also said McCain wants to privatize a portion of Social Security. McCain has praised the notion of letting younger workers place a portion of their Social Security taxes into a package that is invested and follows them to retirement, but he has not made it a campaign promise.
All workers pay Social Security payroll taxes on the first $102,000 of their annual income. The money pays for benefits for current retirees and for other government programs. Analysts say the program will begin running short of funds in a few decades if it is not changed.
Obama cited his proposals to place a new Social Security payroll tax on incomes above $250,000 and to eliminate federal income taxes for older people making less than $50,000 a year. He also said he would "allow the government to negotiate with drug companies to lower costs for seniors, and we'll allow reimportation of drugs from other countries and ensure their safety."
The Wall Street Journal reported in March that McCain's top aides were "considering cost-of-living adjustment cuts and raising the retirement age as part of their Social Security plan." McCain has not endorsed or rejected those ideas.
McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said the Republican nominee "has always promised to fiercely protect Social Security benefits."


Well-Known Member
Say goodbye to UNIONS if McCain gets into office. He said we will stand up to Union Bosses in his Nomination speech if you cared enough to listen.

Nobody is Rich at Brown Cafe and Making more than 250k yearly. Social Security taxes are only paid up to 102k yearly in which everyone on this board qualifies to pay.

Obama will make people making more than 250k also pay to secure our last few years of our lives! No one here makes 250k unless you are a liar!

Our measly pension will not be enough and 401k's hopefully will survive. Most 401k have done nothing in the last 8 years and some may have actually lost money! And your House check and see how much money you lost on it in the last 5 years.

Good luck because you will need it if you vote for McCain!


Well-Known Member

Mcain wants to get rid of our retirements folks. I believe We have to vote democrat. No choice here if you would like to retire at 65! McCain will raise the AGE! Obama will make you pay if you make over 250k yearly. The little guy will never collect if McCain raises the AGE again! We have to think about this we are Truck Drivers not business owners! He will also get rid of Federal Taxes for older workers if you make under 50k. It would be nice not having to pay federal taxes on your measly pension! McCain will also STAND up to UNIONS folks! Endorse the Democratic party or you will be sorry!

Obama hits McCain on Social Security

NEWARK, N.J. - Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama criticized Republican John McCain's approach to Social Security on Saturday, saying it would undermine the government program aimed mainly at retirees.
Obama said McCain's campaign has suggested trimming Social Security benefits and raising the eligibility age, according to prepared remarks of his speech to a gathering of the AARP. Obama was addressing the group via satellite.
McCain has not specifically embraced such plans. But by saying "everything is on the table" in discussing changes to Social Security, he has opened himself to such criticisms from Democrats.
Obama also said McCain wants to privatize a portion of Social Security. McCain has praised the notion of letting younger workers place a portion of their Social Security taxes into a package that is invested and follows them to retirement, but he has not made it a campaign promise.
All workers pay Social Security payroll taxes on the first $102,000 of their annual income. The money pays for benefits for current retirees and for other government programs. Analysts say the program will begin running short of funds in a few decades if it is not changed.
Obama cited his proposals to place a new Social Security payroll tax on incomes above $250,000 and to eliminate federal income taxes for older people making less than $50,000 a year. He also said he would "allow the government to negotiate with drug companies to lower costs for seniors, and we'll allow reimportation of drugs from other countries and ensure their safety."
The Wall Street Journal reported in March that McCain's top aides were "considering cost-of-living adjustment cuts and raising the retirement age as part of their Social Security plan." McCain has not endorsed or rejected those ideas.
McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said the Republican nominee "has always promised to fiercely protect Social Security benefits."

Both candidates are wrong here. The Government has no place in the retirement business. You are here begging for the Government to take more money from the citizens so they will have less to save for their own retirement. At the same time you want to complain when they tell you what age you must be to retire. This is to funny. You should demand that government end social security so you can save for your own retirement. You will do much better without their interference. No I am sure you feel so dependent on the Federal Government to care for your every need that you will cry at the thought of the opportunity to handle your own retirement.


Well-Known Member
Both candidates are wrong here. The Government has no place in the retirement business. You are here begging for the Government to take more money from the citizens so they will have less to save for their own retirement. At the same time you want to complain when they tell you what age you must be to retire. This is to funny. You should demand that government end social security so you can save for your own retirement. You will do much better without their interference. No I am sure you feel so dependent on the Federal Government to care for your every need that you will cry at the thought of the opportunity to handle your own retirement.

I hope you never need medical insurance pal when you can't walk anymore from delivering packages the rest of your days and when you are 67 years old you have nothing, no insurance, nothing because your body will be unisurable!

What is so wrong with an insurance policy when you get wrinkled and old? Insurance, that is what this is about not depending on it! They should rid pensions too!

The goverment has no right being in anyones business and we should just close them down!

Good luck when McCain drops dead and you have a soccer mom as your President trying to fight corruption in Washington!
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golden ticket member
McCain Camp to Chastise Dems for Discarding American Flags

Saturday, September 6, 2008

John McCain’s presidential campaign prepared to chastise Democrats Saturday over leaving behind piles of miniature American flags after Barack Obama’s nomination acceptance speech last Thursday in Denver.
Boy Scouts have arrived with 84 trash bags full of bundles of flags at the site of a McCain rally scheduled to begin at 12:30 p.m. local time in Colorado Springs.

The campaign says the flags were recovered from Invesco Field after the Democrats concluded their convention there, and they are going to be used as part of the warm-up ceremonies before McCain takes the stage for the rally.

FOX News has been told a vendor at Invesco Field found the flags, which were going to be thrown out, and turned them over to the McCain campaign.
Veterans in Colorado Springs are expected to distribute the flags to the audience at the rally.
FOX News’ Carl Cameron contributed to this report.


Well-Known Member

Mcain wants to get rid of our retirements folks. I believe We have to vote democrat. No choice here if you would like to retire at 65! McCain will raise the AGE! Obama will make you pay if you make over 250k yearly. The little guy will never collect if McCain raises the AGE again! We have to think about this we are Truck Drivers not business owners! He will also get rid of Federal Taxes for older workers if you make under 50k. It would be nice not having to pay federal taxes on your measly pension! McCain will also STAND up to UNIONS folks! Endorse the Democratic party or you will be sorry!

Obama hits McCain on Social Security

NEWARK, N.J. - Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama criticized Republican John McCain's approach to Social Security on Saturday, saying it would undermine the government program aimed mainly at retirees.
Obama said McCain's campaign has suggested trimming Social Security benefits and raising the eligibility age, according to prepared remarks of his speech to a gathering of the AARP. Obama was addressing the group via satellite.
McCain has not specifically embraced such plans. But by saying "everything is on the table" in discussing changes to Social Security, he has opened himself to such criticisms from Democrats.
Obama also said McCain wants to privatize a portion of Social Security. McCain has praised the notion of letting younger workers place a portion of their Social Security taxes into a package that is invested and follows them to retirement, but he has not made it a campaign promise.
All workers pay Social Security payroll taxes on the first $102,000 of their annual income. The money pays for benefits for current retirees and for other government programs. Analysts say the program will begin running short of funds in a few decades if it is not changed.
Obama cited his proposals to place a new Social Security payroll tax on incomes above $250,000 and to eliminate federal income taxes for older people making less than $50,000 a year. He also said he would "allow the government to negotiate with drug companies to lower costs for seniors, and we'll allow reimportation of drugs from other countries and ensure their safety."
The Wall Street Journal reported in March that McCain's top aides were "considering cost-of-living adjustment cuts and raising the retirement age as part of their Social Security plan." McCain has not endorsed or rejected those ideas.
McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said the Republican nominee "has always promised to fiercely protect Social Security benefits."

And you called me a troll!

I could only dream the demonrats and the republicons would do something like you are suggesting. What a godsend it would be! Your demonrat party is as much if not moreso responsible for the failure of social security as you've used the tax receipts to buy votes through gov't expansion while sending the "so-called TRUST fund" (never read Helvering vs. Davis have ya) a worthless paper IOU. You guys are like a down and out poker player in an old west saloon trying to pawn some sucker into taking your worthless mark. Sad thing is, you used force and complusary laws to compell the trapped taxpayer into paying into this ponsi scheme and continue to do so.

BTW Paidslave: Did you ever once consider that if medicare and the like gov't support programs did go away that because there is no price support for medical care at current levels that the cost structure would collaspse under it's own weight? Did you not ever get it that the reason the medical lobby and big Pharma lobby loves these gov't programs is that this props up the cost structure and keeps their profit margins high? Did you not ever get it that medical costs are what they are because of gov't market intervention rather than in spite of it?

Well, at least you're honest enough to admit you are a slave so I give you credit there!

While you are at it why don't you consider how both political parties at their own conventions were bought and paid for by the many corp. evildoers you've got yourself convinced that gov't will protect you from.

Maybe you'd at least consider a liberal, pro-union source.

I love this one, the republicons did the leg work and the demonrats get the party! AV, Tie, Big, ya gotsta have a talk with ya boyz and get you some party favors too. I hate to see all your efforts and hardwork go to waste and on a demonrat too!

Hell, even Ralph gets it and you guys throw him under the bus like a worn out pair of slacks!

And you sit there on your high horse condemning the nasty republicons and their neo-con taskmasters? OH FUKING PLEASE!

Paul Craig Roberts, former Assist. Treasury Secretary under Reagan said it best when he posed the following question:

Who is Wrecking America?

The answer: A picture of you with the following comment under it.

Does the liberal-left have a clue? I sometimes think not.[/FONT]

Again from a liberal/progressive, pro-union website but you can use the "they are scientologists" as an escape clause if you lack the mental capacity to think beyond slave mentality and demonrat puke!

If I'm a troll, as least I had the guts to run off the political plantation and be free again!

Fear is the mind killer.


Well-Known Member
WCMAC: There is no answer for this dilemna we will all face some day and it saddens me to say that there are so many crooked people out there scamming the social security system on both sides of the equation. But there is lots to benifit from the system considering most don't put much into it and if you really really need it then it will be there. I am not depending on social security unless I can no longer work!

I am not sure if I called you a troll but if I did, I do apologize!

I hope someone comes up will a fair solution!

You are right! Once Doctors find out you have private insurance/or medicare they will get all they can! Who should police the Doctors outrageous costs if the goverment can't? Any ideas?

I am not a liberal Democrat by any means! Peace!
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Well-Known Member
I hope you never need medical insurance pal when you can't walk anymore from delivering packages the rest of your days and when you are 67 years old you have nothing, no insurance, nothing because your body will be unisurable!

Long term care insurance would cover that.

What is so wrong with an insurance policy when you get wrinkled and old? Insurance, that is what this is about not depending on it! They should rid pensions too!

An insurance policy would be a fraction of the cost. How much insurance can I get for $450 a month? Quite a bit.

The goverment has no right being in anyones business and we should just close them down!

A government shouldn't be a nations largest employer.

Good luck when McCain drops dead and you have a soccer mom as your President trying to fight corruption in Washington!

You don't listen...She is a HOCKEY mom.


Well-Known Member
NO one would insure you if you are 65 years old! Don't worry about it you are paying into your insurance every week/social security mandated by law to avoid other scam artists!

A friend of mine never had insurance and didn't believe in it and voted for BUSH. He also owned his own business, paid the minimun on his W-2,Bilked the system with Cash like so many busineses.

He saved for the rainy day. Well his rainy day cost him $210k with colon cancer and prostate cancer!

He Filed personal bancuptcy on his debt and spread the cost to the tax payers anyway and kept his money in his LLC. Happens all to much with the Republican Ideology......

What do you think about that?
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Well-Known Member
NO one would insure you if you are 65 years old! Don't worry about it you are paying into your insurance every week/social security mandated by law to avoid other scam artists!

A friend of mine never had insurance and didn't believe in it and voted for BUSH. He also owned his own business, paid the minimun on his W-2,Bilked the system with Cash like so many busineses.

He saved for the rainy day. Well his rainy day cost him $210k with colon cancer and prostate cancer!

He Filed personal bancuptcy on his debt and spread the cost to the tax payers anyway and kept his money in his LLC. Happens all to much with the Republican Ideology......

What do you think about that?

He should have had better insurance...I'm sure there was talk of dissolution of his llc.


Well-Known Member
BTW Paidslave: Did you ever once consider that if medicare and the like gov't support programs did go away that because there is no price support for medical care at current levels that the cost structure would collaspse under it's own weight?I love this one, the republicons did the leg work and the demonrats get the party

AV, Tie, Big, ya gotsta have a talk with ya boyz and get you some party favors too. I hate to see all your efforts and hardwork go to waste and on a demonrat too!


I am shocked that you posted this. You have been an advocate on here for government intervention in the markets. Now you agree that government intervention in healthcare create an artifical price floor. I think I may be having a stroke. At the very least I am going into sever shock. Must elevate my feet. Someone tell me I am going to be OK. Looking for a blanket now.

BTW mac my boyz as you say have always been opposed to government healthcare, retirement, student loans, energy, and parks. Nothing for me to talk to them about.


Well-Known Member
WCMAC: There is no answer for this dilemna we will all face some day and it saddens me to say that there are so many crooked people out there scamming the social security system on both sides of the equation. But there is lots to benifit from the system considering most don't put much into it and if you really really need it then it will be there. I am not depending on social security unless I can no longer work!

I am not sure if I called you a troll but if I did, I do apologize!

I hope someone comes up will a fair solution!

You are right! Once Doctors find out you have private insurance/or medicare they will get all they can! Who should police the Doctors outrageous costs if the goverment can't? Any ideas?

And I take back the slave comment so let's start anew.

You are correct about the scamming on all sides of social security, welfare, whatever you want to call it. Providers who use lobbyist to create monopolies or near monopolies scam the taxpayer and in turn so do people who take avantage of loopholes they find for a free ticket.

As for depending on social security, I'm the same as yourself. I've planned with 401k, IRA, pension and other investments and god willing it'll all work out. But I also recognize that there are other parties who have the ear of gov't and their own personal manipulation for their own benefit may in time harm my own plans. But that said, why should I trust those very people again who have crossed me time and time again in the past. As a 27 year IBT member I don't even want the union taking care of my medical or retirement needs because why should I trust the party that has gotten us worhtless contracts and made a wreck of our pension and medical already? And no I don't trust the company either because their vested interest is the company itself just as my interest is vested in myself. I hold no ill will to the company for doing for themselves exactly what I'm doing for me. In my world, end pensions, end company provided medical insurance and end gov't social welfare programs. All these actions lead to various means and mechanism of market intervention on behalf of the gov't and look behind that and you'll see some special interest that stands to profit from it.

When Hillary came out with Hillarycare back in 93' I was watching CNBC as they discussed it and several stock analysts were talking about the heads of General Motors coming out in favor of her healthcare plan. I'm sitting there going "What the Frak" and just couldn't believe what I was hearing. But then when they showed the billions in profit to the bottomline that transferring healthcare to GM employees and retirees, I had "come to Jesus" moment and then realized business was just as neck deep in what one can call socialism and the welfare state as any liberal democrat do-gooder. (I still like the term demonrat, make a good name for a metal band! LOL!) GM along with their union wanted to take their liablity and pass this on to the American taxpayer. Corporations don't and never have paid taxes as they pass these on to employees and customers so it GM and other corporations can shell off the medical costs to the public trough, they fatten their bank account while I'm forced along with everyone else to pony up for the bill.

Business and especially big business is all about gov't regulatory control as they use this as a mechanism to eliminate competition across the market place. A lot of OSHA, EPA and other regulations have come about not by the do-gooder liberal out there but rather at the hands of big business. They start the regulatory wheel rolling via rules creation and then they have lobbyist work the system into a lather and get the rules expanded to include companies with 50 employees or more, sometimes down to as little as 10 employees. These small companies are not as able to absorb the cost burdens and these small companies also have not held gov't position to make themselves available to the corp. welfare handouts that AV8 loves to have central power delegate out as party favors. They conform to the new regs and either cut their own market viability by spending needed capital $$$ to pay for reg. implementation or they raise costs to their own customer but either way, the big companies stand to further eliminate competition and via their gov't partner in crime and create business monopolies. The unions sit quiet because they've positioned with some of these big corp. themselves and they stand to monoplize the surrounding labor market. The monopoly pie is something gov't loves because the cost of tax revenue collection and other regulatory oversite along with economic planning for political purpose is further reduced for gov't and having everything centralized makes for easier control and thus a more guaranteed outcome. If I place you're arse in solitary confinment for 24 hours a day, I can guarantee an outcome of where you are at all times, when you eat, when you sleep, what you read and what you think. Lock the door, hire a cheap guard for $8 an hour and sit back and enjoy the good life. Dude, gov't is really no different than what you might think of such a wild exaggeration.

As of policing the doctors. We have gov't oversight now but people still die correct? We have gov't FDA inspections of food but that doesn't prevent some Mexican from taking a dump in the field and giving you or myself E coli now does it? Having gov't in place doesn't and never have guaranteed a risk free society. In fact, it has a tendacy to lull people into false security and that's when the foxes invade the hen house! Do you go to gov't to get your auto mechanic to work on your car? Are so you look for a mechanic associated with a certain repair company you've come to trust? Do you look for an SAE certified mechanic? When you buy a product at the store, do you look to see if it has a UL tag signifying the product has been tested and passed Underwriters Lab testing? When you go to the doctor, do you look at his credentials on the wall? Do you ask for his test scores? Do you ask what certifications or gov't programs he/she has scored high on? I'll bet like the vast majority of folks out there, you talk with family, friends and neighbors and even co-workers to get suggestions of possible doctors based on what they say about their experiences with them. If a doctor wants repeat customers and wants to stay in business, will he/she be open with their background and education and will they have a strong practice with lots of healthy patients that you can see? When you need to go to the doctor, do you call the gov't to see who the "doctor of the month" is? Do you give a moment's thought about what if the doctor cheated on his testing or he paid someone a bribe to get certified?

In my state, on July 1st it became law that all home builder/repair contractors become licensed and pass a certification test proving they are competent to do the job. The other day on the radio, a company was advertising to the repairman/contractors who need licensing to come to them for instruction/testing, etc. and they guarantee they get the license or they don't pay. Now tell me, does this in any way make you feel good that the guy coming out to fix your roof is any more competant than some illegal alien roofer? Fact is, the licensing law was pushed by white contractors trying to drive out mexican workers who had left the boss so to speak to become their own. Can't have them uppities leaving the plantation now can we! The State saw this as a opportunity to buy votes from a special interest group, maybe a 2nd in some consumer advocates, put pressure on illegals to leave and most importantly, generate more revenue and create a gov't jobs program that puts people to work albeit on the taxpayer dole. Hell, if anything, those illegals were keeping the American dream alive not that we've been doing much of that ourselves of late!

The bottomline is you've got to police your own life. No, it's not easy and right now the deck is stacked in the opposing teams favor but here's what you have to ask yourself. Do we try and for once score some points ourselves in the hope it might turn the tide or do we just give up and lay down and let them run up the score?

If you see a wrong, do you respond with a wrong knowing it will only grow more wrong or do you stand up for right no matter what, work with others who feel the same and try and make this right instead of making it more wrong!

Freedom and liberty are not without risk but I've found over time that the risks are far less than in handing your life over in blind trust to others who in the end have their own self interest to serve over yours. If you walk into the midst of a bunch of crazed sex fiends, drop your pants and bend over, do you still expect not to get screwed even though they've promised you all they want to do is look! Who cares when you insist that hole is not big enough for that!
Boy, we're the gov't and if we say it'll fit, it'll fit even if we have to make it fit.

I hope the pain of the thought gets the point across!

I can tell by several of your posts your headed towards truth so keep digging. Look at all the voices out there, not just the ones you've been conditioned too!

Take care!


Well-Known Member
NO one would insure you if you are 65 years old! Don't worry about it you are paying into your insurance every week/social security mandated by law to avoid other scam artists!


You should be asking the question why can you not purchase insurance if you are 65. The government will not allow you. Why can you not purchase insurance from another state if it is less expensive there? Oh the government will not allow you? Why can you not opt out of social security to avoid the government scam? Oh yes I remember now the government will not allow you.

If a market exists for insurance for people over 65 and the government would step out of the way guess what. Someone would see an opportunity for profit and step in and offer insurance. Competition over time would make this insurance better than what we have now. If you removed the artificial price controls the government has in place prices would likely drop. Now there is no market for insurance for people over 65 due to our government interference.


Well-Known Member
I am shocked that you posted this. You have been an advocate on here for government intervention in the markets. Now you agree that government intervention in healthcare create an artifical price floor. I think I may be having a stroke. At the very least I am going into sever shock. Must elevate my feet. Someone tell me I am going to be OK. Looking for a blanket now.

BTW mac my boyz as you say have always been opposed to government healthcare, retirement, student loans, energy, and parks. Nothing for me to talk to them about.


LMAO!!! I don't think he ever figured it out! God this is hilarious!

One of my favorite webites is Lew Rockwell .com and in the title it clearly sez in big letters, "ANTI-STATE, ANTI-WAR and PRO-MARKET" and I know you of all people get it.


You seemed to enjoy swallowing the hook and running for deep water so why not just keep feeding you line!



Well-Known Member
You should be asking the question why can you not purchase insurance if you are 65. The government will not allow you. Why can you not purchase insurance from another state if it is less expensive there? Oh the government will not allow you? Why can you not opt out of social security to avoid the government scam? Oh yes I remember now the government will not allow you.

If a market exists for insurance for people over 65 and the government would step out of the way guess what. Someone would see an opportunity for profit and step in and offer insurance. Competition over time would make this insurance better than what we have now. If you removed the artificial price controls the government has in place prices would likely drop. Now there is no market for insurance for people over 65 due to our government interference.

Oh it's even worse than this. My mom whose in her late 70's a couple of years back had an aliment that was appropiate for a Chiroprator to treat. More specifically, he used cold lasers which in some cases have some benefical uses and this was a good case. The problem was by law, my mom could not use this doctor because he was not setup to handle medicare and even though she was capable and willing to pay for treatment out of pocket, the doctor by law once he knew she was covered by medicare was by law prohibited to only accept medicare payment for her treatment. In other words, he could only treat her if medicare covered and medicare doesn't cover that kinda of medical treatment. The prohibition and burden is on the doctor, not the patient and had he treated her and got caught, he would have had his license pulled. They got ya coming and going and thanks again to the monopolistic nature of gov't, the medical profession has a monopoly so where is the competitive economy to keep costs in check? There is none but we want to further monopolize a system that created the very problem to begin with? Not me brother!

Thanks to my wife's law office and some time in the law books, I did learn that nothing barred my mom from recieving a birthday present from a friend who is a chiropractor who wants to show my mom just how cold lasers work. This chiropractor came to my mom's birthday party (5 months early :wink2:) and gave her a demonstration. Oddly enough she had some aliment that somehow disappeared after that party. WOW! Imagine that!

I on the otherhand did something different at my next visit to the Chiropractor as I gave him a tip, outside and not listed on insurance claims of course! I don't know what prompted such genrosity on my part either.

More than one way to skin Uncle Sa... I mean skin a cat!

God loves rebels and outlaws!

BTW: Paid and AV,

I'm against all forms of licensing too! Lawyers, doctors, contractors, etc. even car license. Oh I'm sure that one will stir the pot!


Well-Known Member

LMAO!!! I don't think he ever figured it out! God this is hilarious!

One of my favorite webites is Lew Rockwell .com and in the title it clearly sez in big letters, "ANTI-STATE, ANTI-WAR and PRO-MARKET" and I know you of all people get it.


Of course I get it. My attempt at humor since you quite often take both sides of every issue with you links. Hope you guys have a great evening.


Well-Known Member
WkMac: I do get what you are saying. Unfortunately State run programs are needed whether we like it or not.

I don't believe you or I have the money to build Hospitals, Police Departments, Schools, Fire Departments and pay for people to run them for us all to use. Who should fund them? Private business? I sorta grasp on what you are saying If people would step up and build their own goverment agencys we wouldn't have these problems?


TO all that Believe and blind trust in the private sector!

As we all know the Mortgage industry is a private entity. Bunch of scam artists gave loans to people with adjustable rates full knowing their payments will double in a few years but gave them out anyway. These are regular private licenced employees not government employees. Like your licensure analogy of a mechanic: Most are LICENCED Loan officers. These licenced brokers ripped off the the public giving out loans to people that couldn't afford them and now Uncle Sam will bail out These Private banks again! So much for what you are preaching about FReee enterprise that I full heartedly believe in! When I bought a house I needed pmi insurance by LAW if you didn't put down 20% and it is a private insurance not the goverment so why does the government have to bail out these people? I'm sure most of these people believe in Capitalism. Who do we call when there is a robbery in progress?

Now we are bailing out the people who couldn't afford these houses in the first place and bailing out these privatized banks in Billions because real estate is in the tank!

WE could go round and round and I believe we are on the same page about privatizing some of the goverment but seriously look at my example how it may not work either and blow up in our face! Bottom line is people will find a way to screw the next person for a profit, government or not!:happy2: Should we blame the government when we getted ripped off or the private sector? A totallty Free enterprise means bust! And last buy not least regarding who will pony up your claim when for these private insurance companies go bankrupt? Remember Katrina and private insurance companys? A few went bankrupt and many still have collected from these private companys!

Good luck to everyone!
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Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by diesel96
I perfer we leave out moral and religious judgement and influences out of state and Gov't and anyone who thinks differently loses their tax breaks if your group or org. starts endorsing public representatives.
The worst form of immorality are those who judge others based on their own deficiencies and beliefs.

I have not got through the entire thread yet but you just continue to amaze me!

You have spit in the face of all women with your scurrilous attacks on Sarah Palin. and then you have the gaul to type the words above!

You have lost all credibility & respect with me. You really need to apologize to the all women for those condescending comments.

Sarah Palin has my deepest respect and I am proud to be supporting her as the VP candidate.

She is the type of candidate who represents the future of America. I have absolutely no concerns in her ability to run this country. Being a good democrat, I am sure you felt that the peanut farmer did a good job as president.... so why not a soccer mom?

Let's not forget that Reagan was an actor. He knew how to surround himself with the right people.

Wow...this attack is a few days old, but I must respond.
Lifer.....Why don't you leave it up to the women to decide if I spit in their faces. I did not get this kind of vibe from Moreluck or ToonerII. Can't imagine what state of mind your in, or if you have a creepy obsessive crush with Mrs Palin and she's off limits to criticise.....Anyway, relax, you've only known her for two weeks.....Besides, whats so offensive about my quote that I had the gaul to write....Your a funny guy:wink2: