Maybe this is why he's lost all respect for you. Why would you even say that, Diesel?
Hockey mom, 2nd place beauty queen, BA in journalism, city counsil than turn mayor of a town population of a whopping 9000 people, Gov of Alaska since dec. 2006 , husband with ties to Oil co. BP, under state investigation involved for the firing of her ex-brother in law who's a state trooper invovled with a messy divorce and child custody case with her sister, and this is the person you want a heartbeat away from the presidency?
Rep's talking points referring that she has more executive experience than Obama and Biden put together but fail to throw in McCain executive experience as well. With this logic, why should any senator be considered a canidate. In other words she's the most qualified on either ticket to lead our country. This is the biggest blunder in republican politics and really exposes the desperation of the RNC.
Sour grapes? mean some natural laughing gas supplied by those who share your view trying to convince themselves that Miss Alaska was your best and most qualified canidate.
Over9.5.......Before you defend your Buddy, and as a supposedly impartial Moderater, ask Lifer why he would say such a over the top accusation on my part:
"You have spit in the face of all women with your scurrilous attacks on Sarah Palin. and then you have the gaul to type the words above! You have lost all credibility & respect with me. You really need to apologize to the all women for those condescending comments."
You might find this ok but I find it kind of weird and creepy for such an unwarranted reaction on his part .
Over9.5.......Before you defend your Buddy, and as a supposedly impartial Moderater...
honestly you did hit hockey mom pretty hard. It does appear that many democrats have sold out their principles of promoting women and minorities once the republicans put a women up for the job. Its a shame McCain could not have found a black female so we could also throw up the racist titles as the democrats tried to destroy her.
As for only knowing her two weeks....
I guess I could say the same about you - "you have only known her for two weeks" also... But you came out and attacked her on a very personal level. I may have come on strong - but you have shown me something about yourself. I guess I just reached my fill of all the character assassination! It tends to bring out the negative in someone!
On a positive note!
The Demos attacked her and the votes are shifting to McCain and Palin in the process!
So, maybe you should just keep on attacking her all the way into the White House!!
My feeling is that Tooner and Moreuck and all the other women on this site have too much class to react to it.
I will leave it there....
A Teacher in Elmira , New York asked her 6th grade
class how many of them
were Obama supporters.
Not really knowing what an Obama supporter is,
but wanting to be liked by the
teacher, all the kids raised their hands except
for Little Johnny.
The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has
decided to be different...again.
Little Johnny said, 'Because I'm not
an Obama supporter.'
The teacher asked, 'Why aren't you an Obama supporter?'
Johnny said, 'Because I'm a Republican.'
The teacher asked him why he's a Republican.
Little Johnny answered, 'Well, my Mom's
a Republican and my Dad's a
Republican, so I'm a Republican.'
Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked,
'If your mom was a maroon and
your dad was an idiot, what would that make you?'
With a big smile, Little Johnny replied,
'That would make me an Obama supporter.'
Hillary's calves are a FACT !! And did she wear Pantsuits or not ? Seeing is believing.
I happen to think that the pantsuits were the only way to go for poor Hillary.
And, just one question about Mrs. come her college thesis is under lock & key and no one can access it?
Odd that you should say that, after all the the evil "Demonrats"(as wkmac would say) presidential race was between a women and a minority. That kind of blows that "sold out their prinicples" theory out the water. Now McCain has found an overnite "celebrity" VP that outshines him.
Odd that you should say that, after all the the evil "Demonrats"(as wkmac would say) presidential race was between a women and a minority. That kind of blows that "sold out their prinicples" theory out the water. Now McCain has found an overnite "celebrity" VP that outshines him.
Welcome to the NFL Sarah's a contact sport. Here's the new kid on the block introducing herself and at the same time mocking her openents. So for the next two weeks, the RNC keeps her under John Mccain's and the RNC wingspan. Eventually, she'll have to stand on her own two feet and answer for herself. Questions like, her bridge to nowhere story that has been debunked, her Gov's plane she proudly boasted been put on e-bay, sounds good in a speech, but eventually sold by a broker. She's been billing the taxpayer's for staying at her residense, questions on her religion, church and preacher.
BTW Where was your honor when Obama's wife was wrongly attacked, or when hillarys thigh's, calves and pants suit became an issue.
LOL @ Jones.
You naughty boy you!
BTW: Did you hear what Ron Paul did yesterday morning at the National Press Club? Unprecedented and impressive IMO. Phil Gramm called him to offer a pot of gold to back McCain and Barr offered to throw out his VP and insert Paul but he told them both to stick it. I love it when someone thumbs their nose at power to make a point on principle.
I think they call that Statesmanship!