Oh my gosh, are you guys delusional. This is total pandering to Hillary's disaffected supporters. Give them a little credit; they didn't want A WOMAN--they wanted HILLARY. Hell, if you wanted a woman so bad, how about Kay Bailey Hutchison? If this were a man, there is no way the two year governor of ALASKA is on the national ticket. This is the first major decision McCain faced as possible president. Obama's line about being willing to debate McCain about temperament and judgment has proven prescient. I can only imagine the howling by you guys had Obama made a similar choice. Hypocritical much?
As for going after the disaffected Hillary voters I don't disagree at all. I heard about half of Palin's acceptance speech on the car radio going to work and when she credited the importance of Geraldine Ferraro and Hillary Clinton and by name none the less, that was not a shot across the bow but direct aim at mid-ship. The question would be, did it have an effect? At 11:32 am yesterday morning, about an hour before Palin uttered those words, this is what Geraldine Ferraro herself had to say on the blogs in Fox Forum.
August 29th, 2008 11:32 AM Eastern
This Might Do It for McCain
By Geraldine Ferraro
Former Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate/FOX News Political Contributor
It’s going to be a very interesting campaign. I must say that several months ago I said that it would be great if there was a woman on the ticket — that I felt that John McCain would have to pick someone, especially if Hillary was the nominee. But without Hillary being the nominee it’s really quite equally as important because people are looking for a smart campaign and I think this might do it.
There are a lot of women who are disaffected by how Hillary was treated by the media, by how she was treated by the Obama campaign, by how she was treated by the Democratic National Committee — [Democratic party chairman] Howard Dean not speaking up when sexism raised its ugly head in the media. They’ll be looking to see what happens now.
It's true she didn't mention Palin by name but the effect is still the same IMO. And now it seems Hillary herself has come out to compliment Palin on her achievement.
But wait, there's much more here than meets the eye. There is a conservative/libertarian faction of republicans who have drifted away and now set poised to vote Bob Barr. In some states, Barr has polled in double digits and I don't think it's much surprise most of that voting would come at the expense of the republican nominee. As tight as the race is, these states could see Obama pick up those electoral votes and who knows, that may make the difference into the WH. Palin places those votes back into play for McCain. 2 small examples.
1) Was Palin an unknown in "libertarian" circles? Not quiet!
From Sept. 2007:
It's just a blog mine you but the name was out there in those circles.
2) Not a ringing endorsement of Paul by any stretch but when you consider other aspects of her, it does catch your eye just a bit.
Let's also not forget the big Ron Paul Liberty rally in Minn. next week across town from the RNC Convention and Palin's choice may help take a bite out of that as well. I don't think that aspect figured into her selection however but it's just extra gravy on the biscuits after the fact.
I think McCain's choice had 3 goals in mind and in those areas I do think he hit a grand slam so to speak. The first was to get as much of the Hillary vote as he could. 2nd, the stop any bleeding that may run off to Barr of other 3rd party and finally, he sells himself a maverick so do as a maverick would. Palin will also sell well with the pro-gun, pro-hunter, pro-fisherman crowd but then she can portray the woman's touch too.
Acting as Governor, she has her newborn with her and this will sell with many a mother out there who has to balance job and motherhood at the same time.
Right now both campiagns IMO are
purely about image but where Palin could get really tested is in a debate against Biden. However, if she continues the kinda Green Acres appeal which lulls Biden into thinking it's a cakewalk, this could end up being a real rope-a-dope too. If he comes across to tough, it could score as anti-woman and this could prove a negative for Obama/Biden. If they attack Palin to much, I'm betting the farm they start making the Maggie Thatcher comparison and this only helps Palin plus they start having the covert republican operatives dragging out the dirty DNC/Howard Dean tricks that Ferraro spoke of.
As for full disclosure, Palin's pick has in no way changed my mind (so far I'm still voting N.O.T.A.) because if elected I think McCain will do to Palin what FDR did to Truman. And if elected, I hope he does because I'm not so sure she'll take that crap and she'll have millions and millions of women on her side too. Now that would be worth the price of admission if the party elites plays that game with Palin which backfires in their face. Hmmm, might be worth wasting a vote just to watch that alone!

BTW: Not sure what I hit to make the last 3 paragraphs act as a link to the UTube piece above but it was not intended.