Very true but I take it one step further. A people devoid of basic moral values as a culture as IMO historical fact has proven time and time again will empower a gov't among them that reflects the void of said morals. A moral people and culture will in a sense "self-regulate" which in itself never allows the conditions upon which gov't manipulates for it's own power and to accomplish those goals that lead to tyranny in the first place.
OK, back to the original subject of McCain and Palin. After Thursday night, what should have been the news story of the day on Friday and over the weekend with all the News Shows? I would think Obama's speech and the historic fact of a African American at the top of the ticket for a major party. Instead, all I've heard since Friday morning is about Sarah Palin. This morning I flipped on local PBS at 8:30 am and on Mclauglin Group it was mostly about Sarah. At 9 am on Fox, there's Chris Wallace and John McCain talking about Palin. I've not watched MTP on NBC, the CBS morning news show or CNN's Sunday deal but my guess is it won't be that much difference.
Was this part of the package Sarah Palin would bring as if you weren't careful, you'd think Obama and Biden had done a Richard Dreyfuss and run off with ET! I know they are still in the news but has Palin especially on Friday taken Obama/Biden out of the news cycle and IMO she did just that. If Thursday night was a coronation as some have called it and those type events are followed by a couple days of celebration and focus on the new bride, then the train jumped the tracks bigtime on Friday morning.
Some say McCain can't talk about lack of experience now and there may be a point or 2 with that but IMO the bigger part is "CHANGE" just flew out the window for Obama or at best someone shut the curtains and locked up the shutters!
At this point I'm just waiting to see what PT Barnum does next in this national lunacy we call presidential elections!