Meaningless Fluff


Age quod agis
Sweetie, thank you for listening.
I really think your Steve Jobs comment was very insightful.
I would love to read more from the intellect in that cute avatar under the cap.

ajblakejr clearly doesn't find my humor funny and has asked me to pull it back a little bit. I totally respect that as I am not here to offend anyone so I will take it down a notch. Two adults just had an exchange like adults. Now to come in here and huff and puff about leaving because of the content again is in my opinion childish behavior. Is it his right to act/post like that? Of course it is but to say my humor is more offensive to him compared to 22 years in the service, come on man.

Actually, I like your humor but the topic is getting...well...
I like reading what is going on in your mind. I friended you because of those qualities in that brain not your butt.