Pees in the brown Koolaid
I agree that misloads are an issue due to poor managment, but not due to chasing some number.... They are due to a failure to audit, follow up, and hold all involved accountable.
Misloads are entirely due to managements obsession with PPH and SPC. They arent just chasing a number, they are chasing it right off the edge of a cliff.
Eliminate routes.... force the volume into whatever adjacent cars it can be contained in.....and get the preloader off of the clock whether he has "wrapped up" or not. PPH and SPC. PPH and SPC. PPH and SPC. Those two numbers are the new and only definition of success or failure at UPS and everything else (service, safety, honesty) is just a bunch of buzz words that get regurgitated at the PCM. That is the reality that we face in the trenches.