None are available because Preload was sent home. Who made that choice? If misloads are a daily issue because of the almighty number, then I guess you better keep a couple on the clock pushing a broom or answering a phone.
I agree that misloads are an issue due to poor managment, but not due to chasing some number.... They are due to a failure to audit, follow up, and hold all involved accountable.
Preload management needs to do what hub management did. Hub misloads are at an incredible low number. They report all misloads and since they are all system generated, numbers cannot be fudged.
In package, a large amount of misloads go unreported and therefore, follow up with employees doesn't happen. Time is spent fixing symptoms instead of eliminating the cause.
And the cause is not a focus on production.
Hubs improved without sacrificing production and with proper attention, the same can happen in the preload.
Misloads are due to a management failure, and management can fix this if they wanted.