Misloads Who is delivering them????


Well-Known Member
If the package is on my car.... then it must be my work. I get 10 to 20 misroutes per week. I run them off even if each one takes me an extra 15 or 20 minutes.

I agree with delivering missloads and do so whenever it is feasible. I had a missload today that was in a town nearly 30 minutes away from my service area. In a case like this it makes sense for a supervisor to come get the ML then hand it to an air driver going in that direction...


New Member
We had an interesting trend going for a while. Drivers were being instructed to sheet misroutes as "future delivery" for the following day and give them to the clerk. Occasionally the instructions would be "don't sheet those packages, just bring them to the office when you get in". I sheet mine as missed if they don't come get them.

Jone I have been with this company for 30 years plus. Form day one when I started. This Company has been doing that since 1978. Back then the manager would take all of the pkgs to there home in put them in there garage. Now they we tell all of the drivers to bring them in and give the pkgs to are clerks and you tell the clerks do put in out for del for tomm.
If you have to a miss pkg and it not your fault for being over dispatch, then write it up as missed to protect your self. I hope you have a good Shop Sterward I have been one for 30yrs and only lost one member over does years. And have gotten 48 manager either tranfer to another center or got them on dishonesty. So my Brother always mark missed other wise they will call you in for dishonesty. So make sure you do the service cross and mark missed and give to your clerk. And make sure if you have a miss always call the office. If it like my center the are always at home. So CYOAss all of the time and read you Union Book.
The Manager are not that smart in fact they are really :censored2:. They nevr read the contract. So again do your 340 method if you know what that is. If not have your Sup teach it to you and i will tell they don't even know what it is. Good luck and I hope I help you a littel
Big Moe:happy2::surprised:


New Member
I agree with delivering missloads and do so whenever it is feasible. I had a missload today that was in a town nearly 30 minutes away from my service area. In a case like this it makes sense for a supervisor to come get the ML then hand it to an air driver going in that direction...
Brownrodster #1 if you have a missload of a air pkg and you call your sup and he or she comes out they are not going to give it to and air driver, they are going to tell you to put in your board and put MC customer and they will take it to the person. Rember one thing the longer you wait for that Sup that is more down time on your route let the SOB find you. They no your next stop. Then filed a Grevance for the work they done. The more Grevance you put in for the hourly work they did the more money you will get for work done by them. And if they misdel that pkg it going to fall back on you, because you were told to but the sup to do it. But they will lie when they ck your records and say look here on your report. He said he meet the customer it on his record. God they are very good and never tell the truth so good luck My Brother. I hope that help you???

Big Moe:biting:
lied and say I didn't tell him to do it


Well-Known Member
With UPS guaranteeing all residential deliveries on time, this issue will never go away. Even in December when all guarantees are null and void, you will still see this happen.
The issue I have is when I see management cracking the whip on preloaders, rushing them, telling them they're not fast enough, then kick them off the clock.

I wonder why there are misloads??
Why rush a guy making (maybe) 11.00/hr then have a driver making 45.00/hr run off misloads on the other side of town?

Management always does this at are center, they rush preloaders around and then tell the preloaders to clock out right away as soon as one of the drivers show up and then they have the driver finish loading there truck!
I am assuming that the driver is already on the clock but I just don’t understand why would the pay a driver $30hr when the have a part-timer that gets paid $10hr. Even if the driver works on his or her on truck for 30mins that’s still $15.
For example today we started at 4:30Am- worked till 7:30Am and was told to go home so the drivers could finish loading. I thought we was guarantee at least 3:30hrs? When we Clearly had work available for us to do.
I'm new to the BC forum, until now just an observer, but I can't help but notice the irony of the misload vs. missed pieces double standard. At our hub, when the midnight sort hot loads have to pull, the remaining pieces are shuttled to "retain" trailers and rerun on the noonday. Sometimes they just have to stop the midnight sort to set up for preload. So where is the justification for retaining trailer loads of packages that have missed service versus the comparatively small amount of misloads on package cars that result in disciplinary action? Just wondering, Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Brownrodster #1 if you have a missload of a air pkg and you call your sup and he or she comes out they are not going to give it to and air driver

I have not had that happen. I've had managers get packages from me and they don't askme to do anything. I've had managers on many occasions meet me at a delivery point so I can del a ML they shuttled to me.


Well-Known Member
My FT said any misloads he has to deliver in his own personal vehicle at the end of the day???????? :censored2::censored2::censored2:


Livin the cardboard dream
What occasionally happens over here is there is a junk route that goes out with maybe 25 businesses and 75 resis. Most drivers get these done before lunch cause of the resi heavy dispatch. The rest of the day they pick up and deliver or shuttle misloads. Occasionally they have a supervisor pick up the shags (extended stuff) and shuttle them to the right drivers. For around 2 years, when under 4 routes were allowed over here, I would do a Hershey route (25 ft. box truck) and then shuttle misloads all day long. Great friend'ing gig, but it was short lived when they stopped doing under 4 hour routes.


Well-Known Member
Funny how everyone is more worried about how the misloads get delivered, instead of why the misload problem itself is not getting fixed.

We would rather complain about a FT Sup picking up, or delivering a misload instead of concentrating on the PT "Skilled" Union Preloader who failed to do their job.

Unfortunately some fellow Management take the easy road and just go out and run the packages.

The way to fix the issue is to fix the one who is causing it. Start to use discipline with the people who continue to fail at doing their jobs over and over. Soon the problem either gets fixed, or the problem goes away if you get my drift.

Feel free to push the grievances for doing the shuttles, it will force those who are too lazy to go the way of discipline.


Well-Known Member
Funny how everyone is more worried about how the misloads get delivered, instead of why the misload problem itself is not getting fixed.

We would rather complain about a FT Sup picking up, or delivering a misload instead of concentrating on the PT "Skilled" Union Preloader who failed to do their job.

Unfortunately some fellow Management take the easy road and just go out and run the packages.

The way to fix the issue is to fix the one who is causing it. Start to use discipline with the people who continue to fail at doing their jobs over and over. Soon the problem either gets fixed, or the problem goes away if you get my drift.

Feel free to push the grievances for doing the shuttles, it will force those who are too lazy to go the way of discipline.

I disagree. If you fired every preloader today and hired an entirely new crew, you'd still have just as many if not more misloads tommorow.

The problem is in the PAS system.


Huge Member
I disagree. If you fired every preloader today and hired an entirely new crew, you'd still have just as many if not more misloads tommorow.

The problem is in the PAS system.

It's not just the PAS system, but also how it is implemented !!

You put a 78E and a 78F together you will have misloads more often.

You put a 82A and a 78F together you will have misloads less often but when you do, no chance to fix problem

I have noticed lately that preload will replace 78E with 78EX or 78EE but when preload is still rushed, I still have same issues.



Well-Known Member
... For example today we started at 4:30Am- worked till 7:30Am and was told to go home so the drivers could finish loading. I thought we was guarantee at least 3:30hrs? When we Clearly had work available for us to do.

Doesn't matter whether you had work. They can't lay you off in the middle of your shift. That's what "guarantee" means. As in, e.g., National Master, Article 22, Section 5, "(d) All part-time employees governed by this Article shall be provided a minimum daily three and onehalf (3-1/2) hour guarantee." You can waive your guarantee by leaving voluntarily, and they may claim you did that, but if they order you off the clock they should have to pay you at least your guarantee (maybe more, if your work is performed by ineligible employees).


Browncafe Steward
Funny how everyone is more worried about how the misloads get delivered, instead of why the misload problem itself is not getting fixed.

We would rather complain about a FT Sup picking up, or delivering a misload instead of concentrating on the PT "Skilled" Union Preloader who failed to do their job.

Unfortunately some fellow Management take the easy road and just go out and run the packages.

The way to fix the issue is to fix the one who is causing it. Start to use discipline with the people who continue to fail at doing their jobs over and over. Soon the problem either gets fixed, or the problem goes away if you get my drift.

Feel free to push the grievances for doing the shuttles, it will force those who are too lazy to go the way of discipline.

How can you discipline an hourly for human error?
Do you not keep on them for the slide being backed up?
Even though YOU scattered the start times and the flow has been running for 45 mins?
Do they not trip over packages on the floor because the flow is to heavy?

Each preloader now has to read two labels, the ups label and pas label all while still trying to maintain piece per carry number you have set! Cant have it both ways!


Well-Known Member
Red, Your not serious are you???
How can you discipline an hourly for human error?
Preloaders are paid to put the right package in the right car.....correct?
So if you put the packages in the wrong car costing the company money by having shuttle drivers p/u and meet up with the right driver or deliver them is OK in your book???.......Your saying no discipline??.....maybe we should reward them for giving UPS a bad reputation if we don't make service on the misloads???
Do you not keep on them for the slide being backed up?
The slide should not be backed up but what does that have to do with putting the right package in the right car??
Even though YOU scattered the start times and the flow has been running for 45 mins?
Once again what does flow have to do with a preloader loading a package car correctly??
Do they not trip over packages on the floor because the flow is to heavy?
I agree the flow should be monitored and staffing adjustments made accordingly but the flow is not in the car is it??.....many buildings have boxlines with cages.....most extended centers have straight line belts where the flow comes right at you. My experience is the misloads are less in an outlying center than in the big buildings and you would think it to be the opposite......there is more control in the big buildings especially with boxlines.....the packages go from slide to boxline cage to the car.....thus it is a more controlable enviornment.

Each preloader now has to read two labels, the ups label and pas label all while still trying to maintain piece per carry number you have set! Cant have it both ways!

Red you would thing that this is soo hard.....its not ! ! ........The misload problems occur due to an employees lack of focus on the job!!.....I have preloaders that never have misloads on 4 car 1200pc pulls and I have employees that do a terrible job and yes I discipline them progressively up to and including discharge!!....most problem employees leave the company prior to going to a panel and most B/A's don't want to take the cases to panel because of all the documentation we have on the employee's training....PCIS W/W and T/W.............The key to this job like any other is to stay focused and you will be successful!!.......Red you were kidding right???


Well-Known Member
Red, Your not serious are you???

Red you would thing that this is soo hard.....its not ! ! ........The misload problems occur due to an employees lack of focus on the job!!.....I have preloaders that never have misloads on 4 car 1200pc pulls and I have employees that do a terrible job and yes I discipline them progressively up to and including discharge!!....most problem employees leave the company prior to going to a panel and most B/A's don't want to take the cases to panel because of all the documentation we have on the employee's training....PCIS W/W and T/W.............The key to this job like any other is to stay focused and you will be successful!!.......Red you were kidding right???

When I read the bolded part, I pictured you typing this with a gleam in your eye and laughing an evil laugh. Must have been a leftover remnant of Halloween. :happy-very:

Just curious, after you have disciplined up to and including discharge, do the replacements have misloads?

Also, since you have gotten rid of all the chronic misloaders, are all your preloaders misload-free now?


Well-Known Member
It's not just the PAS system, but also how it is implemented !!

You put a 78E and a 78F together you will have misloads more often.

You put a 82A and a 78F together you will have misloads less often but when you do, no chance to fix problem

I have noticed lately that preload will replace 78E with 78EX or 78EE but when preload is still rushed, I still have same issues.


I agree, the flow speed is a big factor. Add to that a lack of proper training, no time for the preloader to learn good habits, and the constant pressure to keep your slide clean. Mistakes are going to happen.

From what I have seen, the company has not made any true effort to try to minimize misloads (other than disciplinary action). As WestsideWorma said in another thread on this subject, the company keeps doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. It hasn't worked for 5 years. Maybe someone up the food chain needs to start thinking outside of the box.


This is really getting old...

PAS would work if the previous standard of work was acceptable...its not. If a preloader who previously had no misloads (or rarely any) prior to PAS all of the sudden has them more frequently its THEIR fault for pushing something I'm sure none of them wanted?

I know exactly when all of the misloads (granted we don't really have many on my line) occur. At the near end of the day when the last load that directly affects my line starts. We throw extra (and by we I don't mean me) people in the unload to get it done, then extras on the slide and my line gets absolutely pounded so they must rush to get it done before the drivers get to the line. Am I an advocate of this practice? Absolutely not. Oh and by the way, this is a boxline we're talking about here. A boxline that is rigged to be on the fast speed all the time now (since PAS believe it or not). I had always suspected it as a loader but could never prove it, when I became a supe it was confirmed. Anyway, I have picks that do 900-1200+ on my line and when the unload is done in three hours or less (often the case) that means they're getting a flow rate of 300-400+pph, but they are only pulling at 200 an hour on average (217 avg in my area) which is to say not fast enough to keep up with the rate. A fellow supe and myself have crunched those numbers and they are indeed accurate and impossible odds. Then add to that the number of damages caused by jamming packges on the slide that are fed down to the loaders because theres "no time up there to tape them at this rate" (BS btw) that preloaders have to tape up with the time that they already don't have. I could go on, but I'm tired.

Have you done the job you're so eager to discipline bloodybrown? I'm just curious. I don't mean for a day for a week or for a couple months. Have you had this job beforehand? Because I have. 2.5 years before becoming a sup and I had it both ways and anyone who did will tell you they had less misloads under the Alpha-Charts. I had about 5 in a year before, I had 7 (4 out of syncs, 3 label flips) my first day on PAS....back then both of those counted as missed for preloaders.

However for a time under PAS I went 4 months without a misload, system flip, out of sync, I was on a decent pick (about 800-900pcs) for a time and avged about 200-210 pph (doesn't count me helping others or the fact my cages were nearly bone dry from 545 on.) However I started at 4am and had the time to check everything. Was I under utilized? Sure I did 1000+ in my sleep with no misloads on the alpha charts, did I care? nope I was happy. They soon bumped me to 1100+ pieces and a 400 start time...you can guess what happened. I had them every few days with a 244pph avg. So I slowed down and looked at them more closely. Then I got hammered for not wrapping. At that point I didn't care, I can't get fired for my pace (244pph is NOT slow by any means), misloads? possibly, so I just dealt with it. I know you're saying I previously did about this volume no problem so whats the deal? well I only had to check one label before and I KNEW where it went (memorized the charts, you had to) on the truck. I Then I was bumped to a 1200+ pull (because I got that one down) and thats when I basically stopped caring about wrapping my pull and just focused on no misloads. Did I wrap? sure but not before 8:30 like they wanted yet still above plan at around 235pph. I was constantly told to go faster, though one day I told my supe if he can do it better he's welcome to take it (considering it always took him and 2 others to do my pull when I was out).

It should not be the preloaders problem for out of syncs and label flips. The primary should be held accountable for out of sync PALs (which we do at our building now) and DCAP/PDS for system flips/bad corrections which they are. However previously it was all thrown at the preloaders. We're giving them less time to do all this as well because some wingnut in IE (maybe its just our IE guy I'm really not sure) says PAS makes things faster lol. This IE guy has gone on record in saying preloaders are not allowed time to check labels in calculating planned PPH...another blunder in my opinion. Our manager tells us it takes no extra time...he has also admittedly never done this job so to me his argument holds no water. The rate that seems to be the threshold is 200pph around here. Are there people who can do this faster, sure. Should they be what we base the number on? No, but they probably would be.


Browncafe Steward
Red, Your not serious are you???

Red you would thing that this is soo hard.....its not ! ! ........The misload problems occur due to an employees lack of focus on the job!!.....I have preloaders that never have misloads on 4 car 1200pc pulls and I have employees that do a terrible job and yes I discipline them progressively up to and including discharge!!....most problem employees leave the company prior to going to a panel and most B/A's don't want to take the cases to panel because of all the documentation we have on the employee's training....PCIS W/W and T/W.............The key to this job like any other is to stay focused and you will be successful!!.......Red you were kidding right???

I am 100% serious! Being a preloader is by far the hardest ptime job there is! You have to load 3 to 4 trucks for well over a thousand pieces. You belt is backed up and you are tripping over packages on the floor while still having to monitor the bottom belt for bulk.

Now throw in the pas system were you have 2 people unloading and 1 spa-er who cant keep up and the wrong labels are getting smacked on the wrong package and even over the original address.

No one here has been suspended for missorts and will not be terminated for missorts.

Probably by you your union rep is not from ups and is not aware of the ups operation and does not know any better or either ups owns them in your neck of the woods!