I've never worked on preload as a loader so I don't really have any experience for a basis of comparison. However, I do understand that we are all human and are going to make mistakes. Especially in an environment where everyone is in a rush. Drivers may ask "how hard is it to load the right packages in the right trucks?" My response is that it's just as easy to load a package in the wrong truck as it is to load it in the right truck. It doesn't matter what the address says, or PAL label for you PAS people, because once a loader feels fatigued it is easy to grab a package, read it, know where it goes, but then turn around and walk into the wrong truck. I've been in my truck before loading my air while the loader was adding stops from a cut car and actually witnessed this happen. The sups were all yelling for him to hurry up and he slipped up and loaded 10 of the stops into the truck next to mine. Misloads are just part of the nature of the business. Yes, sometimes people are just being lazy but many times they are fatigued. My biggest issue with misloads is NDAs. Part of the reason they are loaded in the load is because of what I just mentioned. Another reason is the labeling. I think that all NDAs should require the red stickers. It seems like every NDA I've ever found in the load had a standard black and white label with no red NDA stickers. People should at least circle the "1" on the label.