Mitt Romney

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Do I know how to fight cancer? Now that's funny. I never said that Ann couldn't handle it........My comments were on the Whoopie and the Joy . Where is their fairness treatment of "first ladies".??.......there are 2 possibilities for 2012 Michelle & Ann. They should be treated the same. I don't remember grilling Michelle about her husband not serving in the military.. They didnt badger Michelle about her faith.
Those 2 in particular, Whoopie & Joy are monsters

As much as I agree with this, right now we live in this liberal media society and the only way to get your message out to the people is to appear on these programs. I used to enjoy watching the View, I stopped watching it about 2 years ago.

Now - MSNBC is entirely different. That market is small and so far to the left you do yourself a disservice to talk with anyone there. They will do nothing but bate you to get a sound bite.

I lose respect for candidates that don't want to go on certain networks or shows. I think Mitt and BO are making a mistake not to go on O'Reilly, especially BO. This audience has the demographics he needs.


Well-Known Member
Boy oh boy, gutter weasal can get you suckers to believe anything wont they? NewsmaxZogby Poll: Obama Edges Out Romney in Florida, 47%-44% New polls out today show OBAMA back in the lead in florida. Peace TOS
Liar, liar pants on fire....Let's be consistent and continue to use what--YOU----were using before, Real Clear Politics---NewsmaxZogby is just one poll while the other is based on a group of polls and clearly has Romney up by 2.5%....Wishful thinking on your part....nice try!! RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Florida: Romney vs. Obama


Well-Known Member
Influential pastor Billy Graham is signaling to evangelical Christians that they shouldn't hesitate to vote for Mitt Romney because of his Mormon religion, further cementing Romney's strong standing with the key Republican voting bloc. Read more: Billy Graham removes Mormonism from cult list | Times 247


Well-Known Member
Influential pastor Billy Graham is signaling to evangelical Christians that they shouldn't hesitate to vote for Mitt Romney because of his Mormon religion, further cementing Romney's strong standing with the key Republican voting bloc. Read more: Billy Graham removes Mormonism from cult list | Times 247

Did Graham say exactly what Mormonism did to change it's dogma or doctrine that warranted the removal from the cult list? For that matter, what was it that got Mormonism put on the list in the first place?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Did Graham say exactly what Mormonism did to change it's dogma or doctrine that warranted the removal from the cult list? For that matter, what was it that got Mormonism put on the list in the first place?
Most likely it was a donation that got Mormonism removed from the list.


golden ticket member
Most likely it was a donation that got Mormonism removed from the list.
He actually met Mitt and was softened in his heart about the Mormons and realized these are good God fearing people who serve rather than sponge off their communities.
Even saints like Billy Graham can have the gift of prophecy. If you are not a believer, you can't undestand this and you remain cynical about everyone's motives.