Mitt Romney


Engorged Member
I like Morris........I don't care about his personal life. There are times he and I agree and I will post his talks. No one has to watch his lunch alerts if they don't want to. So watching the one for today where he says who won the debate is your choice to watch ornot......Dont say "consider the source" because I did menton it ahead of time. If you hate his guts, then you'd be considered stupid to watch it.

I thought Republicans had a lock on morality, or a lack thereof. The biggest problem with DICK Morris is that he is always wrong. He loves those feet, huh?


Well-Known Member


DICK MORRIS... the fox news hero and his qualifications and those who would believe what he says..!!

Sherry Rowlands....a $200.00 an hour prostitute whom Morris had a continuous affair snorting cocaine and paying for it with campaign funds... The Hooker, Line and Sinker

This is a guy you want to call your own??...

Look at his choice in prostitutes...

and yet you take his political advice and buy his books?? WHO IS THE SUCKER?



I dont buy books I buy prostitutes.


I guess wHen you wAllow in The guttEr, it is haRd to see past the roaches and you just can't help yourself.

How soon we forget about God's gift to the Democratic Party - Bill Clinton ! Some are so quick to throw stones! I guess with the comment above that you will publicly condemn Bill Clinton for demeaning the Office of the President for his immoral escapades? Right. One could go so far as to say that he compromised the security of the United States> What say you Mr. kool-aid? Here is another opportunity to see if you have any real stones. Stand up like a man and condemn Bill. My guess is that the crickets are chirping once again and we will see nothing but raisins.

They idolize Bill Clinton but shunned John Edwards.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Mitten's spawn:
Tagg Romney Wanted To “Rush Down To The Debate Stage And Take A Swing At” Obama


That’s what Mitt Romney’s son said he felt like doing when President Obama pointed out that what Romney was saying was not true. Tagg spoke to radio station WPTF in Raleigh, saying, ”Well, you want to jump out of your seat and rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at him.”

Maybe he should enlist and put that anger to use. That would continue the long line of Romney dedication to serving America in the military.

On the other hand, it would be embarrassing to have your rear kicked by some gay bathhouse, Kenyan born, Muslin wearing socialist/nazi/marxist/communist, if you had the guts to actually confront him.

Of corse, he does have the Romney chin and hair, and seems like such a nice boy. I think he use to mow my lawn. Can I vote for him? Too bad the genetics for looks and brains don't go hand in hand.

At least he can ask his dad for money to start his own business, like we all do.


golden ticket member
Via Des Moines Register:
A full-page Mitt Romney campaign ad in today’s Cedar Rapids Gazette takes the form of an open letter from 13 Iowans who say they voted for President Barack Obama in 2008 but regret their choice and won’t do so again in 2012.

The letter is phrased as an apology, and lays out a case for why Romney, the Republican nominee is a better choice this time around.

“Mitt Romney will deliver the real recovery that President Obama has failed to bring, he’ll get Americans working again, and he’ll turn our economy around,” the letter says.