Mitt Romney


Für Meno :)
How can he, if Republicans don't allow the over $1 Million earners to be taxed more ? Or any other cost cutting messures or tax increases.

People like Moreluck don't even agree with getting rid of the penny that costs 2.4 cents each to make.


golden ticket member
If I wanted China-friendly I'd have Jon Huntsman for preezy!!

Did you ever think we have China by the balls ??? They don't want to piss us off 'cause we may not "pay our rent"!!

I don't want to make a friend with a country that hacks our elec. grid, steals our defense secrets and poses a military threat.


Für Meno :)
If I wanted China-friendly I'd have Jon Huntsman for preezy!!

Did you ever think we have China by the balls ??? They don't want to piss us off 'cause we may not "pay our rent"!!

Then don't pay the "rent" simple as that.
Let the US currency become the next peso, because once you can't pay the debt, it will no longer be the world currency and will become worthless.


golden ticket member
How can he, if Republicans don't allow the over $1 Million earners to be taxed more ? Or any other cost cutting messures or tax increases.

People like Moreluck don't even agree with getting rid of the penny that costs 2.4 cents each to make.
Don't even assume to know what I agree or disagree with. I don't give a flying hockey puck about a penny!! Money is money and I don't care if they make it pretty stones!!

You just don't get it........If people were taxed at 100%.....I said at 100% !! That would still not be enough!! It's a spending problem!!! That means that every dollar you make is turned over to the gov't and you are left with ZERO to live on.....that still wouldn't be enough to operate the gov't for even a month!!
Do you get it now????? You've been told 100 times before and you keep saying that taxing more is the answer....and it's not!!!


Für Meno :)
Your facts are wrong ! Unless you wanted to pay of the entire debt in a year !
It's somewhere around the 30% mark of each US dollar earned, (better said in circulation), is borrowed.


golden ticket member
You just don't get it....raise the rate, go'll just run into the same cement wall!!

Insanity is trying the same thing over & over and expecting a different result!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You just don't get it....raise the rate, go'll just run into the same cement wall!!

Insanity is trying the same thing over & over and expecting a different result!!

What I think is important is how you take the talking points from your beloved party and swallow them WHOLE. First of all, I think we can agree that spending put us into this mess. TWO WARS UNPAID, A Prescription drug bill unpaid, bailouts, stimulus checks to the public when we didnt have any money and the bailouts of the banks under BUSH DUG our financial grave going into 2009.

NOW, weve had to spend another 6 trillion just to get the country moving again. HUGE tax breaks for the top 1% under BUSH and NOTHING was created, no jobs, no new industries, just alot of profit taking and the unemploying of americans.

Today, you say if we take 100% of peoples money we cant pay the bills. Right now we spend 3.5 trillion a year up against 2.5 trillion in revenue. If the TOP 1% would actually pay the 35% tax rate, that gap would close.

But the FACT remains that NOBODY in the top 1% pays 35%.!!!!

Look at Romney, he's paying anywhere from zero % to 14%... NOT 35%

Here's a challenge. I would like ANYONE from the C9 on this board to demonstrate ONE COMPANY or PERSON in this country who is paying the 35% top tax rate.

Just one.

Show one corporation paying the top rate.

Ill save you the trouble. There isnt any. The top rate is only that... A RATE. With deductions and shelters created by congress, the top 1% will NEVER have to pay the top rate. Most pay anywhere between zero% and 15% while the rest of us are paying 29% of our incomes.

Thats sounds really fair.

Take more from me than Rush Limbaugh pays, then cut all the services I may use as a senior while Rush gets to keep his millions.

Ya, thats a good plan.

If you even knew how much revenue the country is losing with our current tax code you would choke.




golden ticket member
Your facts are wrong ! Unless you wanted to pay of the entire debt in a year !
It's somewhere around the 30% mark of each US dollar earned, (better said in circulation), is borrowed.

Gee,Democrat, Bill Clinton said this.....“This is just me now, I’m not speaking for the White House — I think you could tax me at a 100 percent and you wouldn’t balance the budget,” said Clinton, who has earned tens of millions of dollars since leaving office.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Gee, why didn't the Democrats fix all that when they had both houses and the Presidency?

The real culprit for our problems 9five is Ronald Reagan. He allowed corporations to beging to OFFSHORE corporate offices and avoid taxes alltogther. Along with BUSH 1 who extended the concept by signing nafta into law allowed companies to leave the USA and never again pay any taxes.

Now, had this not happened, our treasury would be stocked piled with money, social security would be solvent, medicare and medicare would be able to cover costs with the collected tax revenues over all these years.

Instead, a slow death was on order. Inch out corporations to other countries eliminating huge tax revenues, and then over time, using congress to provide shelters and tax loopholes and presto in 2012 we have deficits!

In short order, Reagan CUT taxes and left a 3.7 trillion dollar deficit for BUSH. In order to prevent that from being worse, he took almost a trillion out of the social security fund to pay for his defense spending.

Add BUSH 1 and that deficit goes to 5.5 trillion just before he had to raise taxes and bring it back to 3.5 trillion.

You see 9five, we cant send all of our manufacturing and industrial sectors overseas without paying the price for the loss of the revenue they pay in taxes.

BABA called it "Sound financial management" when you hide money overseas but he never mentions what happens to the country when that revenue disappears.

We would be in a great position as a country had the republicans over time not insisted on sending all of our two biggest sectors to foriegn lands.




golden ticket member
(Rasmussen Reports) — Mitt Romney has moved out to an eight-point lead over President Obama in North Carolina after the two men were virtually tied a month ago.

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the Tar Heel State shows the putative Republican nominee earning 51% of the vote to Obama’s 43%. Two percent (2%) like some other candidate, and four percent (4%) are undecided. . . .

That’s a big change from last month when Romney posted a narrow 46% to 44% lead over the president in Rasmussen Reports’ first survey of the race in North Carolina. Democrats have signaled North Carolina’s importance as a key swing state by deciding to hold their national convention in Charlotte this summer.
Romney has held a slight lead over the president nationally for over a week now in the daily Presidential Tracking Poll following the release of a disappointing jobs report for April.

Voters nationally regard the economy as far and away the most important issue in the upcoming election, and just 11% of North Carolina voters now describe the U.S. economy as good or excellent. Forty-seven percent (47%) rate it as poor. Thirty-one percent (31%) say the economy is getting better, but 41% think it is getting worse.