You just don't get it....raise the rate, go'll just run into the same cement wall!!
Insanity is trying the same thing over & over and expecting a different result!!
What I think is important is how you take the talking points from your beloved party and swallow them WHOLE. First of all, I think we can agree that spending put us into this mess. TWO WARS UNPAID, A Prescription drug bill unpaid, bailouts, stimulus checks to the public when we didnt have any money and the bailouts of the banks under BUSH DUG our financial grave going into 2009.
NOW, weve had to spend another 6 trillion just to get the country moving again. HUGE tax breaks for the top 1% under BUSH and NOTHING was created, no jobs, no new industries, just alot of profit taking and the unemploying of americans.
Today, you say if we take 100% of peoples money we cant pay the bills. Right now we spend 3.5 trillion a year up against 2.5 trillion in revenue. If the TOP 1% would actually pay the 35% tax rate, that gap would close.
But the FACT remains that NOBODY in the top 1% pays 35%.!!!!
Look at Romney, he's paying anywhere from zero % to 14%... NOT 35%
Here's a challenge. I would like ANYONE from the C9 on this board to demonstrate ONE COMPANY or PERSON in this country who is paying the 35% top tax rate.
Just one.
Show one corporation paying the top rate.
Ill save you the trouble. There isnt any. The top rate is only that... A RATE. With deductions and shelters created by congress, the top 1% will NEVER have to pay the top rate. Most pay anywhere between zero% and 15% while the rest of us are paying 29% of our incomes.
Thats sounds really fair.
Take more from me than Rush Limbaugh pays, then cut all the services I may use as a senior while Rush gets to keep his millions.
Ya, thats a good plan.
If you even knew how much revenue the country is losing with our current tax code you would choke.