Mitt Romney


Strength through joy
I find it funny that bhos' campaign is calling Romney the job killer.
I wonder how all those that used to be employed By Jeep and Chrysler dealerships that bhos shut down would react.


Für Meno :)
I find it funny that bhos' campaign is calling Romney the job killer.
I wonder how all those that used to be employed By Jeep and Chrysler dealerships that bhos shut down would react.

Now, how stupid are you, if it was Romney, no american auto dealership would be left, let alone all the manufacturing jobs.
We kept those jobs here in Canada with bailouts , too, and no one is complaining !

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I find it funny that bhos' campaign is calling Romney the job killer.
I wonder how all those that used to be employed By Jeep and Chrysler dealerships that bhos shut down would react.

BARACK shut them down? Maybe you missed the OP ED by Romney where he said "let detroit go bankrupt"..

Mitt would have preferred to put MILLIONS of people on the unemployment line as well as cut dealerships across the country.

Who are you kidding baba?




golden ticket member
A company going through bankruptcy doesn't mean everybody loses their continue operating, yes, things have to be lean and mean, so all redundancy is eliminated.

The company would have totally gone out of business otherwise.
Just like firms like Bain, the company they take over was going to fail, all jobs gone, etc BUT most of the time, jobs were saved and the company continued in a stronger shape. I think it's like an 80-20 (close) rescue and the lower # is the companies that can't be fixed.

It's not a sin to go the reorganization road and do it without taxpayer money.

I too, would've let Detroit go can't rescue all companies and deciding which ones is not the fair thing to do.


Für Meno :)
Yup, and with Canada's bail out, and the European bail out, (mostly Germany with Opel), all production would have went north to Canada or to Europe.
We would have loved those jobs.
Too bad Romney wasn't in charge, back then !


golden ticket member
Yup, and with Canada's bail out, and the European bail out, (mostly Germany with Opel), all production would have went north to Canada or to Europe.
We would have loved those jobs.
Too bad Romney wasn't in charge, back then !
Going through bankruptcy doesn't mean a firm moves away............Detroit car firms going through bankruptcy doesn't mean they'd leave Detroit.
Do you even know what bankruptcy is?


Für Meno :)
They went officially in bankruptcy, do you know that, too ?
Without bail out, they would have shut the doors - wake up !

You probably don't even recall that shares of GM were taken off the market, eh ?
Because......, nevermind - too complicated for you !


Strength through joy
tos, bhos decided which dealerships were to close, many of them were family owned and making profits. Today they are either gone ( along with all the jobs they provided ) or have scaled back their operations to selling used cars and repair services.
Romney had nothing to do with the auto bailouts.
I recall years past when Chrysler first went looking for a gov't bailout. The debate was on going for months. Not so under bhos, he did it in a matter of weeks. He changed the rules of law to screw the bondholders ( many who were not corporations ) so that they got nothing for their investment. And the UAW ( a union ) became the major shareholder in the new companies.
Part of the reason why these companies failed was the crazy union rules in place.
So now the foxes rule the chicken house.
How those Volts selling ? Its really getting close to becoming the new Edsel.


Für Meno :)
Holy crap that is news to me, because they had to close dealerships here, too. Didn't know Obama decided which ones had to go in Canada !
Thanks for the info !

I assume Obama does a lot more than just golfing, because he knows every inch of the world, too !


golden ticket member
Holy crap that is news to me, because they had to close dealerships here, too. Didn't know Obama decided which ones had to go in Canada !
Thanks for the info !

I assume Obama does a lot more than just golfing, because he knows every inch of the world, too !
He doesn't even know where he was born? Ask him when was the last time he went to Isreal?? President Obama has not been there during his first term.


Für Meno :)
He doesn't even know where he was born? Ask him when was the last time he went to Isreal?? President Obama has not been there during his first term.

So, and GW Bush was the first US President in history that broke the tradition of not visiting Canada first !
Thank God, Obama held up to that.

Then again, we don't want him, anyways, neither Romney (he can visit his relatives in Mexico first, for all I care) !

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
tos, bhos decided which dealerships were to close, many of them were family owned and making profits. Today they are either gone ( along with all the jobs they provided ) or have scaled back their operations to selling used cars and repair services.
Romney had nothing to do with the auto bailouts.
I recall years past when Chrysler first went looking for a gov't bailout. The debate was on going for months. Not so under bhos, he did it in a matter of weeks. He changed the rules of law to screw the bondholders ( many who were not corporations ) so that they got nothing for their investment. And the UAW ( a union ) became the major shareholder in the new companies.
Part of the reason why these companies failed was the crazy union rules in place.
So now the foxes rule the chicken house.
How those Volts selling ? Its really getting close to becoming the new Edsel.

So many things said, so many things wrong, where do I start? I think the ONLY thing you got RIGHT was that Romney had NOTHING to do with saving the auto industry despite his claims last week.

Secondly, you said "Part of the reason why these companies failed was the crazy union rules in place.""

This is not why detroit is failing. By president, starting with Reagan, once IMPORTS starting flooding our shores with cars, the domestic auto industry fails. Reagan imported millions of japanese cars and killed the domestic auto companies. Many folded during his term. BUSH 1 did the same and both ford and GM were close to closing the doors.

Clinton placed limits on the importation of foreign cars, 100,000 small trucks, 100,00 sedans and such and told the japanese and germans that if they wanted to sell more cars in the US they had to build them here.

At that point, the domestic auto industry grew. FORD, CHRYSLER and GM had the best 8 years in history. When your buddy BUSH took over, he lifted ALL the restrictions on imports that Clinton placed and the domestic auto industry was killed.

The big three cant compete with millions of cars sent to the US with cheap labor and prices well under the domestic price levels. BUSH brought more japanese models and included the korean cars and that combination spelled DISASTER for the american car companies.

BUSH even attempted to bring CHINESE cars to the US but the democrats in congress after 2007 blocked him from doing so.

Republicans since Reagan have done everything in their power to kill the american auto industry and they wont be happy until every single type of manufacturer is eliminated from the USA.

OBAMA has revived the big three and sales are on the rise. Cash for klunkers kicked off the resurge and all three companies are doing better. The issue of dealership closures was the decision of GM and Chrysler and had nothing to do with president OBAMA.

Dealers operate on credit, and with the collapse of the economy under BUSH, there was just not enough credit around to keep all the dealers floating.

All dealers buy cars on credit, not cash. Some dealers just didnt have the assets to stay open and had to be closed, family or not.

As far as the volt, I cannot see how ANY american can cheer against an american product and hopes that it will fail?? How american is that?

With the world producing more and more electric vehicles every year, its clear electric is a part of the future. YOU on the other hand, along with some help with some on this board, cheerlead for the failure of american technology.

What happened to american pride? What happened to encouraging the future of america?

Are you so brainwashed that you would enjoy the failure of an american car company to the point where there were only imports sold in the USA?

Do you even think about your support for america when you rally against american companies?

Get serious. The volt is the first of a new generation of cars. There will be problems, but with those problems will come solutions. Electric, natural gas and such will be part of our future and we need to support the ideas before the world eats our lunch and we are ALL stuck drving japanese cars.

Think about it. Why not support your country?




Für Meno :)
I tell you this in advance :

Romney won't be as China friendly,
but what is more important is that China won't be Romney friendly.

So, it'll be time to take messures like Greece, because what Germany is doing with Greece, is what China will do under Romney.
Might be a good thing though, and all of you finally pay the bills !

Just wondering how that will work with no tax increases !


Staff member
I tell you this in advance :

Romney won't be as China friendly,
but what is more important is that China won't be Romney friendly.

So, it'll be time to take messures like Greece, because what Germany is doing with Greece, is what China will do under Romney.
Might be a good thing though, and all of you finally pay the bills !

Just wondering how that will work with no tax increases !
Sure aint getting those bills paid with Obama.