Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Strength through joy
Why not show those ads where bhos' team bashes Bain, oh but those dirty deeds where done after Mitt left Bain and bhos' current bundler from Bain was in charge.
Talk about a lack luster campaign, they can't even get their own facts straight.


Strength through joy
So you are saying that their budget plan would actually get approval votes in Congress, unlike bhos who to date after three attempts has not received one yes vote in either house ?
How very noble of you.


golden ticket member
Your predictions are worthless as evidenced when you said Romney won't win the GOP nomination......

: Presidential Candidates other than Obama

Originally Posted by The Other Side
We all say Romney wont win, so do the current polls.

We are still in line with our predictions. The only difference is that "we" in the E4 know the GOP is just dumb enough to nominate Rick Santorum.

We are waiting for that to happen so we can laugh for months on end on this board! ( at your expense!)

Peace. "

Your little buddy said the same thing (monkey see, monkey do) see below.....

"Sani will become the man !

Romney, no matter what, can't get over the 25% support.
As others will drop out, they will vote for Sani !

Watch and see !" (Klein)*

*can be found under "CurrentEvents" under Iowa Caucus at post # 76



golden ticket member
Why would you call her a mother? If she were white would you still call her a mother?
mother is a non-racial comment, Nancy..

She's stupid and ignorant she's multi-talented.

That's like her attacking a southern white guy because 100 years ago his cousin owned a slave. Same difference. Keep current......and these are the kind of people we elect...God help us!!


Staff member
This is one dumb mother if she thinks all mormons practice polygamy.....maybe over 100 years ago!! You'd think these people like her would want to read up some before spouting their ignorance!!

... Assembly - N.C. Democrat: Romney's church supports polygamy | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
Yeah. That's as dumb as people saying Obama's a muslim and not a natural born citizen. There are alot of people who have some learnin' to do.


golden ticket member's all about paperwork.

There are laws written from way back making polygamy illegal when Utah became a state. How come this woman knows nothing about that?

You'd think before making an idiotic comment about someone's religion, she would find out if it's at least true. She probably also thinks you can spot mormons by the horns on their heads!!

Makes me wonder how some of these brainless folks get elected to represent the people in our government. Like the guy who said Guam was going to sink if we put too many people on it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Your predictions are worthless as evidenced when you said Romney won't win the GOP nomination......

: Presidential Candidates other than Obama

Originally Posted by The Other Side
We all say Romney wont win, so do the current polls.

We are still in line with our predictions. The only difference is that "we" in the E4 know the GOP is just dumb enough to nominate Rick Santorum.

We are waiting for that to happen so we can laugh for months on end on this board! ( at your expense!)

Peace. "

Your little buddy said the same thing (monkey see, monkey do) see below.....

"Sani will become the man !

Romney, no matter what, can't get over the 25% support.
As others will drop out, they will vote for Sani !

Watch and see !" (Klein)*

*can be found under "CurrentEvents" under Iowa Caucus at post # 76

NO, we are STILL correct..! Romney did NOT wing the nomination, he is taking it BY DEFAULT! Running the field out of money by outspending them isnt WINNING the nomination.

Remember, ROMNEY was only winning 29% of the total vote in each state while over 60% of the GOP voters were voting against him.

You may be stuck with Romney, but you aint winning thei WHITE HOUSE with a candidate who polls WEAKER THAN MCCAIN AND DOLE!




Strength through joy
Yeah. That's as dumb as people saying Obama's a muslim and not a natural born citizen. There are alot of people who have some learnin' to do.

BHO, sr was a muslim.
His adopted father was a muslim and enrolled him in a muslim school.
Rev Wright now claims he's a muslim.
bhos has stated that the evening call to prayers is the most wonderful sound he ever heard.
He had to be corrected on national TV by his interviewer when he stated that he was a muslim .
Ya, you're right he is dumb.
Poor over worked guy just can't seem to get any of his past life facts straight.
Time for him & the family to take another long vacation .