Mitt Romney


Age quod agis
This may be interesting---Condoleeza Rice is supposedly on Romney's short list of vice-presidential candidates.

If this were to become reality I would most certainly vote for Rice/Romney.

I feel this pick would bring a new dynamic to the office of VP.
Dave, please discuss how you feel Dr. Rice would be a choice you support on the GOP ticket.

Wow, that would be an awesome pick. There's no-one else I'd rather see as his VP.

100% agreement with my favorite eyeball.


Well-Known Member
I feel this pick would bring a new dynamic to the office of VP.
Dave, please discuss how you feel Dr. Rice would be a choice you support on the GOP ticket.

100% agreement with my favorite eyeball.

If I may chime in. This would be the first VP in 20 years with Substance and no baggage.

I would be shocked if she accepts. So much flack would come her way.


Staff member
This may be interesting---Condoleeza Rice is supposedly on Romney's short list of vice-presidential candidates.

If this were to become reality I would most certainly vote for Rice/Romney.
It would be an interesting pick, but you don't have to think about it for too long to realize the potential problems.


Strength through joy
If I may chime in. This would be the first VP in 20 years with Substance and no baggage.

I would be shocked if she accepts. So much flack would come her way.
You may want to re-think that no baggage remark.
She was part of GWB's inner circle .
The dem's would be all over her and that.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You may want to re-think that no baggage remark.
She was part of GWB's inner circle .
The dem's would be all over her and that.

YOUR DAMN STRAIGHT they would be. Shes got more luggage to carry than you folks are possibly imagining. YOU C9ers think with your emotions and not objective data. Its all about hype to you all.

CONDI RICE is wanted overseas for war crimes along with BUSH and CHENEY.

Ya, that will make a GREAT pick for VP!

You all are stuck in fantasy land this year. You cant have two liberals on your ticket. Please...

Read this over and then learn to dismiss the political theatre that is the ROMNEY campaign.

The pros and cons of Condi -




Well-Known Member
Too good points above from TOS and Baba gounj.

I am not a conspiracy person (and not refering you two are).

But two items that are not fair in this country.

1. The main stream media chooses what is news and what is not in the vetting process.
Jeremiah Wright, true background of Hawai, his birth, college and who paid for it, passport records, Indonesian citizenship, etc
if he were a Republician front runner, would have been shown over and over and not had a pass.

2. An opinion. The missing WMD's were moved to Syria. Plain and simple to me.

Syria Moving Parts of Chemical Arsenal, U.S. Says
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UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
The last time I was in Fantasy Land - I saw a troll. In fact the troll was the Mayor of Fantasy Land and kool - aid is the national drink. The national bird flew by me and is the loon. According to the Mayor - "It is a cool place because you live happily ever after there"!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The leaking and LINKING COndi to ROMNEY is nothing more than political spin to help ROMNEY out after his disastrous appearance in front of the NAACP. They had to do something.

CONDI has no intention on running for office, she has ZERO experience running for office and she will be of no help to ROMNEY.

