Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
MITT STANDS BEHIND GW BUSH, but GW BUSH wont campaign for ROMNEY nor will he speak at the GOP CONVENTION.

Odd? The former President of the UNITED STATES will not address his party in 2012 or campaign for ROMNEY?

Could it be he is just as TOXIC as Sarah Palin???





Well-Known Member
Image Abroad.......they all think we're wimps & wusses. Yeah, thanks Brack!!


You do realize that you've posted a photo-shopped picture of the President bowing to "The Burger King", right?

Here's the original image:


You may think that the POTUS bowing before the Emperor of Japan is an embarrassment, and of course you are welcome to your own opinion.

In any case, I'll see you, and raise you one:


Non photo-shopped, of course.

(Before you say blah blah stop blaming Bush blah blah, I'll simply say that I'm not blaming Bush for anything except holding hands with Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah).


Strength through joy
More and More Republicans want Romney to release his tax records! How long will Romney take friendly fire before he will release his tax records?? Every other candidate has done so in the past, why does he think he is different from everyone else?

15 Prominent Republicans Who Want Romney To Release More Tax Returns Right Now [UPDATED] | ThinkProgress



Why should Romney release documents that Team O. have already looked at ?
Isn't the IRS part of bhos' administration and they have full access to all tax records ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It was not uncommon for families with means to help ensure their children did not have to serve in the military.

Ya, thats what spawned the WEATHER UNDERGROUND, and blacks and hispanic poor kids do all the fighting along with the dumb country boys.

Maybe ALL kids should serve in the military, like in other countries. PRINCE HARRY served his country, why not ROMNEYS kids ??




Well-Known Member
What Branch of Service did Obama serve in ? Was it during the time he was receiving foreign student financing to attend all those Ivy league schools after --his words his high school years he lived in a drug and alcohol daze.

Would lke to see the school admission records, test records and how the education was financed. Also at the same time turn over all the fast and furious documents so we can see what is being hidden. Remember ==Obama promised the most "Transparent" administration.

After finally vetting the "current" President --we can vet the "next " one.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
What Branch of Service did Obama serve in ? Was it during the time he was receiving foreign student financing to attend all those Ivy league schools after --his words his high school years he lived in a drug and alcohol daze.

Would lke to see the school admission records, test records and how the education was financed. Also at the same time turn over all the fast and furious documents so we can see what is being hidden. Remember ==Obama promised the most "Transparent" administration.

After finally vetting the "current" President --we can vet the "next " one.

OOOHH,,, somebody is watching HANNITY.

GO figure.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I heard him on Cavuto.....that's 1-2 PM today. He said she was a better fit to his ticket, campaign. Better fit was definite.....ticket, campaign or something similiar. I know what I heard!! Today this is what he said....what day is your printed material from.....oh yesterday!!

Don't call me a liar. I heard it right, I was having my coffee and paying back off Pearl!!

I heard the same interview live. If you heard everything in context, he explained very well why he chose Palin. He supports Romney 100%. Everything you said is COMPLETELY accurate within the context of the interview.

McCain has been asked thousands of times since 2008 why he chose Sara. You can take any of those interviews and pull different quotes out and say they were accurate.

I only trust what I see that is LIVE! Everything else is suspect. The Cavuto Interview was live.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I heard the same interview live. If you heard everything in context, he explained very well why he chose Palin. He supports Romney 100%. Everything you said is COMPLETELY accurate within the context of the interview.

McCain has been asked thousands of times since 2008 why he chose Sara. You can take any of those interviews and pull different quotes out and say they were accurate.

I only trust what I see that is LIVE! Everything else is suspect. The Cavuto Interview was live.

The CAVUTO interview was an attempt to TONE DOWN what was said the day before.

FOX SPEWS.... the mouthpiece of the GOP.




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I heard the same interview live. If you heard everything in context, he explained very well why he chose Palin. He supports Romney 100%. Everything you said is COMPLETELY accurate within the context of the interview.

McCain has been asked thousands of times since 2008 why he chose Sara. You can take any of those interviews and pull different quotes out and say they were accurate.

I only trust what I see that is LIVE! Everything else is suspect. The Cavuto Interview was live.

The Cavuto piece was him 'clarifying ' his earlier statement:
McCain: Palin was 'better candidate' than Romney -

McCain irked by blowback over Palin remark -

Speaking of Cavuto live, did you see his interview with the small businessman in Romney's commercial? He practically repeated President Obama's talking points one by one. I don't think Neil saw that one coming.


Staff member
What Branch of Service did Obama serve in ? Was it during the time he was receiving foreign student financing to attend all those Ivy league schools after --his words his high school years he lived in a drug and alcohol daze.

Would lke to see the school admission records, test records and how the education was financed. Also at the same time turn over all the fast and furious documents so we can see what is being hidden. Remember ==Obama promised the most "Transparent" administration.

After finally vetting the "current" President --we can vet the "next " one.

There is a difference between the two. Romney's deferments were from the draft. There was no draft when Obama would have had to register. But you knew that, didn't you?