Mitt Romney


Staff member
But as a foreign diplomat wannabe, Romney should know when to hold his tongue. Hell, some of you around can't even take some of the legitimate criticism that Klein dishes out and he's a nobody (sorry Klein). :)


golden ticket member
But as a foreign diplomat wannabe, Romney should know when to hold his tongue. Hell, some of you around can't even take some of the legitimate criticism that Klein dishes out and he's a nobody (sorry Klein). :)
They asked him for opinions having run an olympics before.
He gave them an honest opinion and they stroked out!! Blimey! Check out Piers Morgan's opinion of it.


Staff member
If he wants to be a former savior of the Olympics. POTUS is something completely different and he should act like it.


golden ticket member
If he wants to be a former savior of the Olympics. POTUS is something completely different and he should act like it.
They, the Brits, asked him a question.....................instead of ducking the question and changing the subject, he actually answered it directly........I know, so un-Obama!!


Staff member
It's like when the Japanese Foreign Minister said Americans were fat and lazy. It doesn't matter that there is some evidence of it, you just don't say it. It's a matter of taste and civility so, yeah, you might not get it.


golden ticket member
It's like when the Japanese Foreign Minister said Americans were fat and lazy. It doesn't matter that there is some evidence of it, you just don't say it. It's a matter of taste and civility so, yeah, you might not get it.
Oh, I get it....I just don't buy into that crap!!


Für Meno :)
Priceless !


Romney hammered over Olympics gaffe

The British press slams the Republican with unflattering names after his misplaced comments on the Games. 'Cardinal sin'

"Mitt the Twit," declared The Sun tabloid, condemning Romney as a "wannabe president."

The Independent headlined its take on Romney's trip "Romneyshambles"—accusing him of not only committing a diplomatic gaffe but later "the cardinal sin of U.S. politics, flip-flopping" on his criticism.

"Is this guy really prepared to be president?" one Sky News reporter asked in his Thursday night report about Romney's day in London. The reporter trashed the GOP candidate's comments as "just daft."


Well-Known Member
Why does he need to be a citizen to have an opinion????

Klein's opinion is the same as MILLIONS of americans in this country and abroad. MITT ROMNEY Is a weak FLIP FLOPPING Foot in mouth weather vane. Where ever the political wind is blowing, ROMNEY's opinion follows.

Despite his being on the record on everything from supporting abortion (like his mother), or banning GUNS and AMMO (like he did in Mass) or supporting the Bank Bailouts and the Obama Stimulus ( like he did when they happened), todays MITT ROMNEY is against all of these things.

He is WORSE than John Kerry who the right wing called a flip flopper.

In the ROMNEY interview, he said many things WRONG, and the worse brought about a slam from the UK Prime Minister. This ALONE shows what a doof he is. MITT is in NO POSITION to criticize the LONDON Olympics.'

Without the goverment help, ROMNEY would have failed running the Salt Lake City Games.

Klein simply states the obvious as do many millions of americans Dave, and his opinion shouldnt be disregarded just because he is in canada.

Romney is a horrible candidate, but the GOP knows this. He has to be sacrificed this year in order to prevent him from running in 2016.

I for one, congratulate MITT ROMNEY for opening his mouth where ever he goes. He is turning into Sarah Palin.



TOS, as you well know, there are opinions and then there are informed opinions. I am willing to bet that klein would be hard-pressed to find Massachusetts on a map, let alone be able to offer an informed opinion on issues affect the state. I lived there for 10 years but have been gone since 1981 so I can no longer offer an informed opinion on anything related to Massachusetts (except for the Sox---they suck).

Back to the thread---Romney did not say anything wrong when he spoke of Olympic security not being ready for the task at hand; however, as a guest in their country and a presidential hopeful, you don't speak badly of your hosts, no matter how right you are.


Für Meno :)
TOS, as you well know, there are opinions and then there are informed opinions. I am willing to bet that klein would be hard-pressed to find Massachusetts on a map, let alone be able to offer an informed opinion on issues affect the state. I lived there for 10 years but have been gone since 1981 so I can no longer offer an informed opinion on anything related to Massachusetts (except for the Sox---they suck).

Back to the thread---Romney did not say anything wrong when he spoke of Olympic security not being ready for the task at hand; however, as a guest in their country and a presidential hopeful, you don't speak badly of your hosts, no matter how right you are.

Not everyone is as dumb as you !


golden ticket member
So you Obama does!!

I'd rather hear the truth......

Piers Morgan said that Brits were griping for 2 weeks about not being ready........When Mitt said something, it just gave them all someone to blame.


Für Meno :)
So you Obama does!!

I'd rather hear the truth......

Piers Morgan said that Brits were griping for 2 weeks about not being ready........When Mitt said something, it just gave them all someone to blame.

I really don't care that much.
Bush Jr made a fool of himself world-wide and you still voted him in for a second term.
Why should it be any different now if Romney gets elected and is hated all over the planet ?

Hope he continues speaking in Israel and Poland, because everytime he does it's plain stupidity.