golden ticket member
As the president he has not been there.Obama has been to Israel, when he was campaigning for President.
I'm not sure why you think he doesn't like Israel: under Obama aid to Israel has increased every year from levels under the Bush administration.
You think he hates Jews? Jews overwhelmingly voted for Obama vs. McCain in the 2008 election; Obama courted the heck out of the Jewish population.
Why on earth do you think he 'secretly' hates Jews?
What are you talking about, could you be more specific?
Apparently not one of his priorities.
He told the head guy.....hey, don't act and defend yourselves until after the elections. That's B.S. If Iran comes athem, they have a right to defend themselves no matter what Obama would prefer.
When Netanyahu was here.....Obama wasn't.....................Even I can take that hint! And I'm pretty sure he exited a back door with the trash bags way to treat a dignitary.
Netanyahu's brother-in-law: Obama is an anti-Semite - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
The 1967 borders as a conditional starting point for negotiations??