Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
We dont know, and there is no way of verifying when these photos were taken. Nice try though.



Another pesky news wire on the empty seats.

Soldiers fill empty Olympic VIP seats as storm grows

London (CNN) -- British soldiers will be asked to act as temporary placeholders in premium
seating at Olympic events, as organizers attempt to avoid the spectacle of empty seats at venues.
The approach of filling venues with soldiers -- initially brought in to provide security at the
Olympics following issues with a contractor -- began after accredited seating allocated to
officials, athletes, sponsors and media went unused for stretches of the first weekend of competition.

If they want to sit there and watch, they can," said Sebastian Coe, chairman of the organizing
committee. "It's not mobilizing the army to solve this."

Organizers promised to take urgent action the issue in response
to embarrassing images of empty seats at swimming, gymnastics, tennis,
volleyball and dressage events.

Fans had expressed anger that the seats were going unused when members
of the public had missed out.

Soldiers fill empty Olympic VIP seats as storm grows -


Well-Known Member
Mitt Romney made an unscheduled stop at the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City Sunday
afternoon, and placed a prayer in one of the wall’s many cracks.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Really? You wouldn't want to hear those things rather than what he thinks about the Olympics in London? It's not like he hasn't been asked the questions, but those answers aren't nearly as forthcoming.

bbsam ??? - I explained why in the same post! Look what happened to Ryan's budget plan. He became the "gramma killer" !! Look the Repubs do it to. Anything you say is used against you. "You didn't build that!" - That is the new tagline for the GOP.

Campaigning is completely different even from 4 years ago.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Show TOS a blue sky and say. "Look a blue sky."

His/her response would be..."No it's not!"

Tos "We don't even know if that picture is real! Some DOUCHBAG Republican probably photoshopped it! It must have been an ignorant toothless southerner in the backwoods because he photoshopped WHITE puffy clouds. My daughter who is number one in her school in the art of forensic photos and has a degree in meteorology and up for chief meteorologist at Harvard University could not tell if the picture was real." As I was driving one of my three cars to my second home, I looked up at the sky through the sunroof that based on my astute knowledge of all things that it absolutely was a fake picture!...Peace!"



Staff member
bbsam ??? - I explained why in the same post! Look what happened to Ryan's budget plan. He became the "gramma killer" !! Look the Repubs do it to. Anything you say is used against you. "You didn't build that!" - That is the new tagline for the GOP.

Campaigning is completely different even from 4 years ago.
Yep. That's campaigning 2012. A certain party immersed itself in it a few years ago. Remember "death panels" and "socialized medicine" and "government motors" all in the name of making "Barak Hussein" a "one term president"? And now that party's soon to be nominee doesn't want to be subjected to hardball politics?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Yep. That's campaigning 2012. A certain party immersed itself in it a few years ago. Remember "death panels" and "socialized medicine" and "government motors" all in the name of making "Barak Hussein" a "one term president"? And now that party's soon to be nominee doesn't want to be subjected to hardball politics?

Oh come on! Please don't take the kool-aid approach that it started with the Republicans! That is a bunch of nonsense.

On a side note:
The former President (Bush) won't even get involved because he wouldn't THINK of disparaging the Office of President. Unlike the current occupant that disparages Bush any chance he gets. Bush not only has class and dignity he is a man of high character.


Staff member
Oh come on! Please don't take the kool-aid approach that it started with the Republicans! That is a bunch of nonsense.

On a side note:
The former President (Bush) won't even get involved because he wouldn't THINK of disparaging the Office of President. Unlike the current occupant that disparages Bush any chance he gets. Bush not only has class and dignity he is a man of high character.

You tell me. When did it start? Obama was naive in thinking he could work with republicans fo way too long.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Tos "We don't even know if that picture is real! Some DOUCHBAG Republican probably photoshopped it! It must have been an ignorant toothless southerner in the backwoods because he photoshopped WHITE puffy clouds. My daughter who is number one in her school in the art of forensic photos and has a degree in meteorology and up for chief meteorologist at Harvard University could not tell if the picture was real." As I was driving one of my three cars to my second home, I looked up at the sky through the sunroof that based on my astute knowledge of all things that it absolutely was a fake picture!...Peace!"


Hey genious, I didnt say the photo was FAKED... thats your and the others impression to create a false argument. What I said, was WE DONT KNOW WHEN (DURING) the olympics these photos were taken, practice, competition or setup...

Dont get sucked in with the others.

One of the biggest problems for the spectators is the WEATHER in the UK. They are having the wettest summer in history with severe rainstorms pounding the games. People dont like to travel out in rainstorms.

Look at the cycling today, crowds with umbrellas filled the streets in a downpour outside their homes, but traveling to venues in a downpour isnt very fun.


Get over the seats already, that doesnt help MITTS GAFFES.

MITT is a TWIT, just like the UK press called it.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You tell me. When did it start? Obama was naive in thinking he could work with republicans fo way too long.

That is kool-aid talk. Please don't forget that the Dems could have forced anything through Congress the first two years of his presidency. Do you forget how upset America was? No way should we have a Republican controlled House right now. But the Dems pissed off America!!! 2010 was a RECORD turnover in power! Yet your obstructionist "president" still will not work with the other side. Compromise is when a leader sits down and makes the two sides House and Senate come to bi-partisan agreement. He still is saying that it is "my way or the highway". How many times has your president met with Republican leaders privately without any Dems around.

Because of your "president" we have a stalemate in Congress until the elections are over. A real business leader knows that he/she has to sit down with both sides to get things done and move the company forward.

I was put in charge of mediating disputes at the local level between a particular manager and the union. The union did not trust the manager but they trusted me. BO is that untrusting manager. He puts the Republicans down any chance he gets, but how often does he sit with them and talk to them and put pressure on both side to get something done. He does not respect them but he expects them to cow down when he twists their arms.

Yeah! BO is exactly what we need in a leader!


Staff member
Might I remind you that whether you like it or not, Obama is OUR president.

Healthcare reform based on a REPUBLICAN plan from '93.
Healthcare reform based on ROMNEY's plan in Mass.
Foreign Afairs ripped right out of Bush/Cheney.
Bailouts and stimulous begun under Bush.
Bush era tax cuts continued under Obama.

Call it Kool Aid, but the facts are there.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
After the first year I stopped recognizing BO as the President of the United States of America. He only represent certain classes of people and only makes decisions based on politics and how it will affect him at the polls. Enjoy him, he is your president.

All your actions are a spins

- Healthcare a galant failed effort by Hilary
- Romney' plan - is MA. plan - a state plan - not my position to comment on some other state. I believe in state's rights.
- Another set of campaign lies that could not be fulfilled. Bush/Cheney policy is still keeping us safe today
- Contentious issue that has put us into massive debt crisis mode. His money was used to fund donor projects - many have failed and are continuing to fail.
- Could have increased taxes before the 2010 election but was afraid to insure losing a Democratic Controlled House - WAIT that happened anyway!


Well-Known Member
Might I remind you that whether you like it or not, Obama is OUR president.

Healthcare reform based on a REPUBLICAN plan from '93.
Healthcare reform based on ROMNEY's plan in Mass.
Foreign Afairs ripped right out of Bush/Cheney.
Bailouts and stimulous begun under Bush.
Bush era tax cuts continued under Obama.

Call it Kool Aid, but the facts are there.

After the first year I stopped recognizing BO as the President of the United States of America. He only represent certain classes of people and only makes decisions based on politics and how it will affect him at the polls. Enjoy him, he is your president.

All your actions are a spins

- Healthcare a galant failed effort by Hilary
- Romney' plan - is MA. plan - a state plan - not my position to comment on some other state. I believe in state's rights.
- Another set of campaign lies that could not be fulfilled. Bush/Cheney policy is still keeping us safe today
- Contentious issue that has put us into massive debt crisis mode. His money was used to fund donor projects - many have failed and are continuing to fail.
- Could have increased taxes before the 2010 election but was afraid to insure losing a Democratic Controlled House - WAIT that happened anyway!

James Taranto, who writes the Wall Street Journal’s excellent “Best of the Web” column, put forth a lengthy and informative discussion yesterday on the conservative origins of the individual mandate, whose inclusion in Obamacare is today its most controversial feature on the Right.
This came up at Tuesday’s Western Republican Leadership Conference Debate, where Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich tussled on the question:
ROMNEY: Actually, Newt, we got the idea of an individual mandate from you.
GINGRICH: That’s not true. You got it from the Heritage Foundation.
ROMNEY: Yes, we got it from you, and you got it from the Heritage Foundation and from you.
GINGRICH: Wait a second. What you just said is not true. You did not get that from me. You got it from the Heritage Foundation.
ROMNEY: And you never supported them?
GINGRICH: I agree with them, but I’m just saying, what you said to this audience just now plain wasn’t true.
ROMNEY: OK. Let me ask, have you supported in the past an individual mandate?
GINGRICH: I absolutely did with the Heritage Foundation against Hillarycare.
ROMNEY: You did support an individual mandate?
ROMNEY: Oh, OK. That’s what I’m saying. We got the idea from you and the Heritage Foundation.
GINGRICH: OK. A little broader.

Forbes Magazine: How the Heritage Foundation, A Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

The controversial individual mandate that was upheld Thursday by the U.S. Supreme Court stems back more than 20 years, believed to have originated with a prominent conservative think tank.
The mandate, requiring every American to purchase health insurance, appeared in a 1989 published proposal by Stuart M. Butler of the conservative Heritage Foundation called "Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans," which included a provision to "mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance."

The Heritage Foundation "substantially revised" its proposal four years later, according to a 1994 analysis by the Congressional Budget Office. But the idea of an individual health insurance mandate later appeared in two bills introduced by Republican lawmakers in 1993, according to the non-partisan research group Among the supporters of the bills were senators Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who today oppose the mandate under current law.
In 2006, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who was then governor of Massachusetts, signed off on a law requiring individuals of the state to purchase health insurance. American Bridge 21st Century, a Democratic opposition research group, on Wednesday released a 2006 video in which Romney says he is “very pleased” with the mandate.

Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans by Stuart M. Butler for Heritage Foundation



Strength through joy
As a Massachusetts resident , I would like to comment on this state's current health care.
You may call it Romney Care , but in reality it's a Democratic Party Plan.
They hold both houses on Beacon Hill and easily had enough votes to overturn his veto.
All the promises of low cost and plenty of options available , have turned into meaningless dreams. Prices are up , doctors are leaving the state, one a know is soon going to be klein's doctor.
Several people who make to much to qualify for the State run plan and still provide for their families and can not afford to get private insurance due to the high cost , have been deemed by the state as criminals subject to fines & jail .
By the way , the state run plan is already broke and beyond repair.


Engorged Member
Might I remind you that whether you like it or not, Obama is OUR president.

Healthcare reform based on a REPUBLICAN plan from '93.
Healthcare reform based on ROMNEY's plan in Mass.
Foreign Afairs ripped right out of Bush/Cheney.
Bailouts and stimulous begun under Bush.
Bush era tax cuts continued under Obama.

Call it Kool Aid, but the facts are there.

Maybe if Mitt just showed us his taxes everything would be OK with them. Or maybe not. Praise Kolob!!


Staff member
As a Massachusetts resident , I would like to comment on this state's current health care.
You may call it Romney Care , but in reality it's a Democratic Party Plan.
They hold both houses on Beacon Hill and easily had enough votes to overturn his veto.
All the promises of low cost and plenty of options available , have turned into meaningless dreams. Prices are up , doctors are leaving the state, one a know is soon going to be klein's doctor.
Several people who make to much to qualify for the State run plan and still provide for their families and can not afford to get private insurance due to the high cost , have been deemed by the state as criminals subject to fines & jail .
By the way , the state run plan is already broke and beyond repair.

What was it in '93 when the Heritage Foundation rolled it out? You can call it Obamacare, but it is really a republican plan.